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Posts posted by alekm

  1. I played a Guardian in stress weekend and totally would have agreed with you. I thought they were so gimped and couldn't do anything solo.


    I decided to give it another shot. I am truly enjoying it now that I've gotten into the upper 20s and have gotten several abilities. I think, as a guardian, you have several abilities that help the overall objectives of either world or WZ pvp.


    Force choke (stasis) is another CC, even though it is channeled.


    What level are you at on your jug?


    Edit: there are several other CC's, i just used choke/stasis to show there's more than 1

  2. The points here have been posted 30 other times in the past hour in this forum. The same response comes from multiple people. This is primarily a PvE game, with PvP aspects.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the OP. I'd love to see world PvP rewards. However, I _HAVE_ seen several sith and had probably 10 WPvP encounters on Tatooine.


    I just think the general blanket statements for your lack of encounters may not apply to everyone.

  3. You do realize the game just came out today right? Have you gone searching for datacrons on tatooine and alderaan? Have you taken the opportunity to experience the game or are you just raging on release day because you haven't been able to kill anyone yet?
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