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Posts posted by lordalif

  1. I agree and i love peoples buy a new comp response. I'm a student with a low pay job, of money werent an object I'd buy the biggest, most monterous machine I could find, sadly money is an issue and my rent is too high to be spending on such luxerys.
  2. This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


    This is the exact reason why they havnt put one in. Yes its convient but it takes away one of the main reasons people play mmo's.

  3. This is unbieveable T7 is useless and ive spent all my creds giving him half decent gear and I still cannot do it.


    They got people to test this before realse right? because I cannot believe noone told them this quest is too difficult :(

  4. If pvp servers followed those rules I would join them, The reason I dont is that on other mmo's I have been killed more times by people 20 levels higher than me than any thing else.


    I like the idea, if mmo will embrace is a different matter :/

  5. they are not better than me, they have more free times on there hand. Some people need to be welcomed to the real world of other jobs a reposibilities and when people get home from them, they dont want to be thrawted left right and centre. Sorry but the game NEEDs brackects
  6. yea i agree though i have a few times seen then top the list one of them was a lvl 50 however. I wouldn't delete the character however who knows they may get boosted stats later.
  7. No it's not. Most companies jump up and down for joy with 100K concurrent users. I remember playing EQ when they announced in-game that they reached 100K. That was a milestone for them and it was a long time after launch.


    exactly also i read its the FASTEST selling subscribed game in histroy, so its doing well and this early its incredable

  8. I thought his last words were superb, it also fuels my jedi's rage to kill all sith :p. I would like to believe its not the end of revan but i think it was an ok way to go, it shows u that the character u play as is strong enough to be a match for Revan himself.
  9. 100% agree and the funny thing is, revan their maschot was neither light nor dark, but still to get the most from the game its light OR dark.


    The wrost thing is if the put neutral gear in I still wont be satisfied, as im a 70% light 30 % darkside kind of player therefore i will be forever stuck in the light III region.


    the light/dark idea was good in kotor but for an mmo (for me) its not worked :(

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