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Posts posted by Tikreity

  1. I dont understand why there is such a huge imbalance with the Republic? Is it cooler to play Empire? Is it because they are mostly winning and thus everybody flocks to the Empire side?


    Disclaimer, this is by no means a negative post, I just want to know why on my republic character I almost never end up with enough players, but on my Empire character I usually end up Huttballing against other Empire players. :)


    because 90% of tose who go imps say ( bad guys are cooler) i dont even know what that means.

    they just troubled people who suffered some horrible incident in their childhood

  2. I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


    I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


    Sad day.


    not just go down but mainly from Rep players and their pvp ones too.


    so balance issues? well it will get worse


    Its in almost every MMO that has open world pvp with rewards.. In War, DAOC, and Aion people were severely punished for it in Aion there was a lot of QQ over people receiving perma Bans for it.. TOR should be no different.


    Punish them and make an example.


    why not like they using a hack or a bot.


    its perfect game mechanic

  4. your instanced Ilum is pointless, Why would I want to go to Ilum 3 when there are only republic in Ilum 1, I go to the pvp zone to pvp not collect a stupid box and go home


    cause next week you will go around illum EVERY DAY and you will never find a single rep anyway.


    in illum 1 illum 2 illum 3 and every single illum.


    you might be in a queue but once your in your up for some real world pvp experince which you will NEVER until game dies have.

  5. Subjective opinion - I disagree, played 2 republics and almost 1 empire to the end and know the outline of most of the stories. Republic stories are better. In my opionion ofcourse.


    No they don't.


    hahaha lol.


    Again subjective opinion, and here I disagree. Smuggler armor is the best looking in the game, followed by jedi knight. In my opionion ofcourse.



    Obiously this is something they want to avoid, or such an implementation would've been done long ago. If this was the case all imperials would cry about long ques instead. You can't please some people.


    In a game like this you should not be encouraged to play either side, you should be able to play whatever you want.


    I'm no expert but making it like this will probably take some time. Ilum is 50% pve zone aswell. Also such a system is not in the game currently, and they might would have to remake the way zones work. Simple things are not usually very simple in programming.


    Ilum is epic. I play republic and my guild runs geurilia tactics to spread out the imps and them take them out. This zone is really epic, but if youuu are trying to play it like a mindless zergfeast then you're doing it wrong. Pvp is, and will always be in mmo's, group play. The better organized you are, the better you'll do.


    another one. freakn amazingggggggggggggggggg

  6. Punishing someone for choosing a certain faction is dumb. Don't make my dailies take longer cause I have to wait on a queue to get them done. How bout you republic get good at pvp, stomp the imps in every voidstar and alderan, and convince them to change the good ol' fashion way? If your warzones queue faster you should be getting gear faster than me, and kicking my butt. Let your hate flow, let your anger grow, STRIKE ME DOWN WHERE I STAND! Yesssss, gooood. You feel that? That's the dark side creeping up in you, accept it, join the empire and bend to the emperor's will.


    Seriously though, do not change to the empire. Ilum is not very fun as it stands. I do not enjoy being in one of two to three ops groups chasing around 4 republics. But instead of penalizing me, just take the daily away and make some new warzones.


    I do applaud you trying to suggest solutions, this is the only way the community can get things done. I just don't agree with your ideas.


    Lead well enough others wish to follow you.


    (by the way the WZ queue as an imperial is short as well because we play huttball non-stop. stop trying to get people to come over using that because a seasoned imperial will not be swayed by your jedi mind tricks.)


    exactly my point another stupid imp.


    1) it will change nothing cause you will enter illum 2- illum 3. and go collect your chest


    2) there are no reps in illum now and less in future as they stand no chance of doing nothing there its an IMP only area


    3) you said at end (stop trying to get people to come over)


    I rest my case.



  7. Actually I lied, unlike everybody else who is QQ'ing about a patch for a game that has just reached a full month since release, I'm going to enjoy the game and continue **** slapping Republic players. Cheers.


    you will sooner or later, if not you will be forced to. this will be a free to play game in few months

  8. "Oh no we're outnumbered, this is bullsh*t things are so unfair i'm going to do stuff that isn't PvP related and make the gap between my rank and the sith players even higher"


    not a troll, carefull observation


    dude suggest anything to help reps and you will see every imp in game come to QQ here.


    this game is amazing, i never seen such pathetic people in my life

  9. If you have no proof don't make up statistics


    edit: also your blind fanaticism to punish the empire is what is turning a lot of the people who didn't make use of the exploit against you, a lot of people are up for a fair compromise but when the demand is "screw all the empire over" do you really think it's any surprise when we say sod off?


    am saying this is a step in the right way this MAY work it MAY affect and tackle the problem at hand who in god names know the future.


    and punish who and how?


    its a 1 side vs other game. if you help one you will punish other like it or not.


    they punished Reps for so long the game is catching its last breath, they need ot show some love towards reps not because they want to help them, no but to encourage people switch sides thats allllll there is too it.


    how is this BLINDLY PUNISHING imps?


    again i say it, imps killed this game.

  10. You proved no point, in fact several imperial players said love does need to be given to the republic, but you can't gain that love by stabbing the empire in the back. Just because that would make you happy doesn't mean it will save the game. Try to think of a solution from a neutral point of view


    loooool show me ONE OF THEM, 99% of the imps will accept absloutly no change.


    and the other 1% will say they will but any suggestion you put for them they will QQ the forum about it.


    this suggestion here change absloutly nothing, it just give chance to reps to have a fair fight to control illum and guess what...


    fair fight? you mean 40 vs 40? NOOOOOOOOOOO we want all 300 of us inside

  11. Provide me with the figures which guarentee that this is what will happen, otherwise you're just blowing smoke.


    As I said a fix is needed but you can't screw over one faction because they wanted to be the bad guy. because if you do people won't reroll, they'll just quit as republic players have been doing over this issue


    you want me to prove and guraentee that somehting in FUTURE will work?


    are you freakn serious?

  12. The problem with this solution is that it assumes that convenient Ilum queues are enough of a draw to make Imperial players swap to Republic. I'm not terribly convinced about that. I think you'll just have a truckload of angry Imperial players resorting to friends or alt accounts to bolster the Republic population so they can go in and do their dailies.


    it doesn’t but its a STEP FORWARD in the right direction...


    people asking to change game server and add buffs to make 1 rep strong enough to kill 4.


    dude you need a solution NOW not next year.

  13. See the problem now?


    I only posted this to prove one thing.


    What killed this game is you. imps players.


    Reps had to play it being underdog, can never find a group for flashpoints owned in illum spanked in WZ only 3 or 4 guilds in their side.


    then you come put a suggestion that says QUEUE FOR IMPS ON ILLUM... fact is as it is now you do **** in illum, cause there is 300 of you and no reps.

    and tomorrow it will be worse

    and next week it will be worse.


    so my suggestion pretty much just encourage reps to go back to illum but the second you see small love being shown to help reps the imps come down and NOOOOO I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS.


    well then i say it after i proved my point, f off here is the game enjoy your huttball.

  14. I totally understand where you're coming from the only issue is with those systems eventually it will just swing the other way and the republic will be the overpopulated faction and then we have to go through this whole situation again.


    Yes I'm empire and currently is sad that I go to ilum and I'm still not getting to fight republic to do my dailies, I'm sprinting in little circles picking up weapons, Changes definately need to happen but you can't punish one faction due to design flaw


    it will NEVER swing to reps side.


    this will make it 1:2 to imps still, but not 1:6 thats all there is to it

  15. I'd like it if it was like this: separate login queues for both sides. If empire players have to wait several hours to get online, whereas republic gets online immediately, that would make people to start republic alts and stuff. But then again, the whiners would ragequit so doesn't work I guess.


    Ilum PvP should be made like warzones are. That would cause massive rage on empire side though since they'd again have to wait on queues for several hours, since there are hardly 20 people from Republic side in Ilum on peak hours at my server


    They chose the much over populated side knowing their queue will be so long for their choices.




    only other option is remove reps completely from the freakn game and have a 1 side game.


    in another word kill this game EVEN BEFORE GW2 come out.

  16. population caps are not the solution. yes it forces even teams, but then ilum just becomes another warzone with a separate queue timer

    the queue will only apply to the over populated faction


    and regardless this faction will be able to join illum 2 - illum 3 but be there with their kind only until queue pop up

  17. Listen don't get me wrong I see your anger and frustration but seriously Thinking my way? Dude my pvp experience IS already all Huttball and there IS NO Republic on my server in Illum and if there is its only a rare few.


    So basically Im as disappointed as you are for pvp atm in this game.

    Would I like more republic to fight with? Hell yes.

    Would I like this game to be more balanced as far as PVP/classes? Yes I would, but I don't like your suggestions at all and you may not like that but that's how I feel and I'm sure a few others as well.


    I am open minded trust that but Ill ask you do you think honestly that we don't have imbalances against you guys where you are the one favored over us? Read the forums and you will see it from another point of view where there is plenty to go around. Just because the current state of the game looks like we are favored doesn't mean we are, it comes down to the Players to decide based on current population. What the devs do to fix bugs and imbalances with classes is up to them not the Empire side of things or vise versa.


    The suggestions to solve this so far is give buff to reps (low populated faction) which means one of us will own 4 of you easy


    Other makes third faction...


    This is only realistic one to revive game,


    carry on with huttball and no reps on illum what do you think will happen? game will die.


    as it is MANY of the core PVP reps quit game (like me) i know some keeping close eye for a serious good change they may come back.


    and PvE guilds and PvE players they all switching to Imps, more people to group with easier to find players busier AH etc......


    In other words it’s getting worse and worse, and this solution will fix things alot more than they are right now.

  18. You know when I read this all I see is a bunch of envy and crying, why should the original players on Emp be PUNISHED for playing what they want. Its not our fault your entire population switched to us for various reasons being friends or to the way our gear looks.


    Don't go blaming the Emp population just because your getting the short end of the stick, blame the Developers its not our job to manage your game experience.


    Also just to make a note on your requests for fixes: Dictating how many Empire that can be in Illum based on how many Republics is just a horrible idea, that give republic FULL control to completely stop Illum PVP for Empire, and if your gonna rebuttal by saying we have control now why not you? Then Id say again its not our fault the game is designed the way it is. Like really who would have thought more people wanted to play an evil A** Empire dude?!?!? Is it really a shocker?


    You will still be able to do your Dailies. (in your instance until your queue pop up)


    But keep thinking this way and soon this game is Imps only.


    Any person who PvP will find illum a ghost town nothing but 300 imps running around hopping to find a rep here or there


    keep thinking your way and your PvP experience of this game will be HUTT BALL and only HUTTBALL.


    be a bit more open minded to the suggestion and see how much it could help everyone to actually rebalance the factions, fix the stupid mistakes the dev done in favouring imps.

  19. Why do you care if you already gave up?


    cause am not playing any MMO until GW2 and nothing at all until D3 and i use to have faith in bioware, am still following up to see how bioware "people fav software company of recent times" is responding to all of this.


    Honestly biggest disappointment ever, didn’t imagine this in my worst nightmares

  20. whats irritating is that the resolve bar doesn't make you immune to CC, it makes you immune to that persons/classes CC. So as soon as you get out of a stun the next guy stuns you then the next then your dead. The resolve bar needs to make you immune to ALL CC once full.


    No sir your wrong

  21. Been suggested.


    Apparently BioWare's crack team of PvP experts don't believe this will work.


    Or something.


    I wouldn't be surprised if they just went to a bar and played darts all day.


    which is why I gave up on this game.


    D3 soon followed by GW2 poor swtor will be fastest MMO to die

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