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Posts posted by LunaticFringer

  1. It could be said they've had the opportunity to turn negative feedback into a boon several times already. And they have tried over the years, even if they didn't stick the landing a lot of times.


    I think the very real problem though is, OP, is your very first sentence. The team has changed and dwindled down over the years-- but they don't really listen to do not do this feedback. It's only critique this because we're going to add it in some form or another if ya want it or not. End of line.


    Of course, I don't have a huge problem with the xpac right now. I see a lot of bugs that need fixed. And the UI is terrible. But I came from SWG where we quite literally got sold on an xpac just to have the entire game uprooted upon launch of said xpac. This doesn't feel like the NGE by a long shot. Though I understand it feels like it to the playerbase right now. Was a chunk of this a bad idea? Yeap. Yeap it was. But they probably won't acknowledge that. They'll repackage what we liked, at best, and bring it back as a new feature would be my guess.


    It feels a lot less dire though if you just assume every mmorpg experience is a beta test anymore for some game they have yet planned to make in the future. :p

  2. I would generally agree with your bullets.


    A walk around for the spawn problems seems to be simply going to your SH and launching back into whatever portion of the quest you're on. But, we really shouldn't have to be doing that if things were working correctly.


    In general, I didn't have a huge problem with this update. It's mostly the UI I find horrid to look at compared to what it looked like just a couple days ago. They really should've kept the aesthetic look they had.


    My secondary gripe would be it seems a like back tracking to redo gearing to something, we essentially, had before from a design where they'd finally gotten it right. Do whatever content you want, get fragments, get gear.


    Pretty sure they already said themselves that the launch game and adding multiple tokens for gear was a bad idea; but here we are... again. Do they not play the game we play, I wonder? :rolleyes:


    That said, I liked some of the vanity items for character creator and don't dislike some of the ideas with class changes. Though I do kind of miss having all my resource of skills for my toolbar instead of digging for what I want to use in a pop up. In short, feels like needless changing some things for the sake of doing it. But at the same time I can see it being a more integrated group dynamic to have to decide who is going to do CC and have defensive buff skills. In that sense, reminds me of SWG a little tiny bit. Which is usually a good thing in my book.


    I dunno, I understand why people are upset with it... but it's also not the NGE by a long shot. I can still do mostly what I did before. I just have a dumb gear system back that we'd already established sucked before. The UI feels like the worst part of it tbh though.

  3. Haven't been chiming in much on the forums because it seems like we just get what they give us; or we get things we didn't even ask them to do a lot of the time... as if we wanted the changes?


    I think the Inventory in particular was something that didn't need changing. It looked fine the way it was. Needless change. Aesthetically, this is much, much, much worse looking. Makes the game interface feel like it's in Beta or a Mobile game rather than an AAA studio supported mmorpg.


    There are def things I don't like... but this in particular (among general UI changes) def' is something they should simply change back the way it was.

  4. This is actually an old issue from 2015, or so, but really should apply outside of Strongholds as well. Right now if you have a lot of toons... it's extremely hard to select a specific toon to have ownership of a Stronghold because the menu does not scroll through all the available toons and will stop at the bottom of your screen.


    While this is specific to Strongholds; it really ought to apply to any menus in game. Scrolling feature pass shouldn't be too hard I wouldn't think?

  5. Think I'm running into a completely different bug than most. Haven't read the entire thread either though.


    I get to the Solo-Story mode part Reinforce Jekiah Ordo... and it kicks me back to the last Boss Kill with no way forward. So, I exit the instance. Re-enter. And I'm stuck in Conversation forever basically till I manage to get out of instance again. Usually have to log out and wait a bit and log back in.


    Kind of disappointing when you see that people have been completing it.

  6. I lost my Mother this year and a few long-time in game friends. The latter had more to do with personal issues. But regardless of that-- I have maintained some friends out of game game that I made in game. Even looking back to earlier mmorpgs like SWG; that seems like one of the coolest things we can walk away from with these mmorpgs with. Memories, most certainly (good and bad). But the friends we make sometimes can last a life time.


    On a more personal note, I'm just happy to still be getting on with Life after spending nearly a decade taking care of Mom. We all handle this stuff in very different ways-- and I'm very aware time since this past August for me could have gone very differently without my support net with me in game and out.


    Wishing all of you Players a very Happy Life Day and whatever Holiday you celebrate. In a not so hot year, try and hold on to those good thoughts all the more.

  7. Commented in another thread about this. Essentially seems like we're all having mostly the same problem.


    Just wanted to update in this thread too though. For me, If I'm starting with a fresh log-on with my computer and launch the game; it works fine. I can switch toons, etc. However, once I close client then try to relaunch the game it gives the loading starter planets thing. Then, no matter how many times I close and relaunch the game it sticks on it. If I reboot my computer, then launch the game, it works. Again, until I close the client... then it gets stuck in that starter planets loading crap till I reboot my computer again.


    Not sure if that'll help them fix it or not. But it might be easier for some than deleting files?

  8. Mine seems to still have a different problem.


    I can initially log in fine, freely switch characters. But if I close the client then come back to it-- I get the can't play until worlds load thing. And no matter how many times I close and restart the client it does it. The only way it seems to correct itself is if I completely restart my computer *then* log in again. In which case, the cycle starts over if I close client. Having to restart my computer. It's clunky as hell... but for now it works.

  9. While it is kind of nice to get a little more accurate reading of people logging on and off; the new UI overlay really needs to be able to be placed and set in place via the UI Editor rather than deciding it's going to go wherever it wants to. I thus far have not found a setting for it.
  10. Different issue here tonight. Logged in fine, initially. Had to close out client to take care of some RL stuff. Went to log back in and now my entire list of characters says I can't play until the planet they are on is done downloading.


    ...I already fully patched.

  11. Still not fixed for Guild SHs as of 3/24/2020


    The only slightly functional walk around, if you want to call it that, is filtering Guild SHs and then waiting almost exactly one minute till the refresh circle pops up at the top right, click it, then it'll display the first page. Good luck for additional pages though.


    Seriously think this ought to be a quick fix if a Dev would just look at it.

  12. Hopefully this is in before tomorrow's patch... as I don't see anyone mentioning it here at least.


    Guild SHs have been unable to be listed since the Alderaan release. People have been needing to invite manually to get people in for parties and such. Hopefully this is something in that patch for tomorrow... but shouldn't be a hard fix on short notice if you are unaware of it.

  13. Too little, too late for me Esh. Sub should be up sometime tonight or in the morning. So, probably my last post here.


    You do seem like a more positive poster on the forums though. Do this community a favor and keep the team here honest with their updates. Call'em out if they do the community wrong. Hold'em to their word. And keep on keepin' on.


    May The Force Be With Ya! Utinni! Oya! And till I see some of the community again... :cool:

  14. Eh, I've been with the game since Beta and stayed subbed the entire time up till this past Summer when my computer went kaput till I could get it back up and running (so I cancelled during the down time to get it fixed)... and I've again come to my last subbing stretch. I won't be resubbing again after plenty of thought on it.


    I can say this, whatever previous exclusives they're offering as incentives played no part in my cancellation. I've known since I started playing mmorpgs back in SWG that "exclusives" can be offered up again, at any time, after initial release due to player demand. That should just be common sense to people and part of the ToS.


    I've always been of a mind that these games would be better if a Day 1 player, or a Day 867 starting player, should always be able to get the same exact stuff-- if they put the time in and/or pay for whatever it is we tend to complain about. So, no lost feelings there from this player.


    I'm just fed up with the handling of the game. Should've, would've, could've reaches a breaking point... but these mmorpgs have a natural life-cycle too. I think we've just seen the end of this one and it is, commonly, a nice time for the studio to cash in for as much as they can get out of it if the future is uncertain.


    I wish the players that remain, the people working on the game, and hopefully the players that will play again together in new mmorpgs... peace and long life. ;) And, of course, that The Force be with You All... Always... :)

  15. It'd mark the first time they've ever done a rollback here I believe. So, I don't see it happening. For those of you remaining with the circus though... just keep pushing for tweaks for whatever they've messed up this time and hopefully you can get back to enjoying it. :)
  16. Just a personal opinion, OP.


    Go look at Anthem by Bioware. They're getting most of the funds that SWTOR should be getting. So, that is probably the game you ought to check out. Then I'd consider maybe not giving any more money to EA/Bioware because that ought to tick a lot of people off really. While I think the people working on the game may simply be doing the best with what resources they've got-- they're parent company and studio just aren't invested in this game like they say they are anymore. Also, it's been past the shelf life of a regular mmorpg for some time now.


    Letting go can feel quite liberating too. :)


    May The Force Be With You... till our next Star Wars mmorpg!

  17. It'd be a TL;DR post for me if I expressed my views again.


    Suffice it to say, I'm letting go and moving on at the end of Sub time. It'd be more of a mercy to let the game shutter and hopefully push Disney along into pursuing an online contract with another game company (or the one they've acquired via the 20th Century Fox deal) and simply make a new Star Wars mmorpg.


    Instead, I'd offer Bioware advice on any new mmorpg they may make in the future. 1) Do not build a game to sell micro-transactions. Build the game to build the company like you were good at once upon a time. Don't sell out. 2) Realize that players from the very first mmorpgs can give you very much needed advice on what they want out of a mmorpg. Had we been listened to during Alpha and Beta... SWTOR may well have been healthy today. 3) Don't give up on the 4th Pillar; but realize the themepark needs some sandbox for players to create their own adventures in while you're preparing more content.


    S'all I got. I will miss the SWTOR much the same that I have missed SWG... but I know it isn't the end.


    It was; fun! :cool:

  18. Is subscription out dated?

    Are you receiving enough to warrant your fee?

    What paid service would be a better replacement?




    Do you enjoy the current setup?


    I honestly don't think Subscription is out dated, OP. It never really went away. What they "added" to the industry was F2P (glorified trials with microtransactions). Now, from the perspective of a player that wasn't playing these when they first came out but was around for the start-ish 2nd gen mmorpgs (SWG/WoW) from a matter of perspective. I think we got better content as consumers when our $15 a month plus fees for core game/expansions paid for the game. As a business though, the individual businesses didn't make as much.


    So, it depends on who you are. I prefer the sub only approach as I remember getting better quality (though we still had complaints) than I've seen with micro-transactions and trying to squeeze extra money out of players beyond that sub fee or expansion fees. But as a business... this F2P/B2P model is better for the business because, just as a rough example, 5 people buying micro-transactions but still given near full access to the game will probably make more money for them than 1 subscriber. And that really is how much the business has changed for the worse... but just in my opinion.


    It won't be reverting back till Businesses give up on cash shopping mmorpgs though and mmorpg developers return to the notion of building the game to build the company instead of building a game to make more micro-transactions.


    Best answer I've got, OP.:)

  19. The only answer that applies to me, really.

    Enough that I don't regret what I did spend. I had fun with what I've spent on it up till now. That is all a mmorpg really is if we're looking for the wasted money angle. Be it $1 (Euro, Yen, equivalent) or times a thousands. The only time it becomes a bit stupid is if you are no longer enjoying the game. You don't "earn" any legitimacy to opinion just because you've spent more on the game than others. You're not necessarily an addict just because you invested to build a game & community for yourself to spend time on during your free time. You just bought time to be entertained.


    That is about as solid an answer as you really should've been looking for, OP.


    As for me, again, it has been enough. I'm out in roughly 18 days and do not expect to return as a subscribing player as I can kind of read where EA's desires are with Bioware now. Just enough that I don't want to spend anymore on it for what I'm getting out of it. And that is when anyone should stop on a mmorpg really.


    To those that stay, one can only hope you continue to have fun and possibly see enough added to it that it becomes worth paying for again for friends that are leaving or have already left.





  20. I think I have 32 days left on my time here, Esh. Sadly, I think this time I'm out till we do get a new Star Wars mmorpg.


    For those remaining though, she isn't wrong. The people that subscribe and support the game are the reason any of us get to share our love/hate relationships with the game. In light of that never let someone else tell you how you should play or what you should enjoy. However, don't be too quick to brush off people that see a problem either.


    While not a goodbye post as such... I can only say that SWTOR did help fill the Star Wars game void for me even though I would've been just as happy had SWG stayed a live game to this day. Enjoy it while it lasts and when it comes time to let go-- just don't let that include your fun memories here. :cool:


    I have a feeling The Force will be with everyone here; always...

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