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Posts posted by Azzlum

  1. Fine fix something that EVERYONE has easy access to. I'm a healer and I can tell you that I certainly wasn't upset at people who weren't healing getting a few extra valor from medals (trade killing in Ilum's cool tho everyone). Real problem assassins using it in stealth.. fix that!


    Nerf everyone's surge because a few classes/and abilities weren't scaling the way they intended. Real problem the classes and their abilities.


    I don't want easy fixes that hinder my class because others are borked.


    Ilum is a bust the changes they made only enhanced the current problems with it. Why pubs aren't on these forums ranting about it constantly is beyond me... oh yeah if they try some a-hole will just tell them to re roll.


    To tie half of a persons daily/weekly PvP rewards to such a broken element of the game is assnine.


    I certainly hope they look at the real problems in the future, this last patch has left a bad taste in my mouth.


    Real problems? What ever could you mean?


    - Some taxis that failed to re-summon companions upon reaching their destination now properly re-summon them.

    - Companions no longer indicate they wish to speak with you when you are not yet eligible for their next conversation.


    I thought these were GAME BREAKING? Oh... wait.

  2. The very least they could do is implement a safety net that watches for more than 8 players on a team or boots out all players that aren't in the operation group.


    Oh no!! That might amount to... about 10 lines of code!!! No way they can do something that complex in a 2 month period.

  3. My guild has tested this bug and we have reported how it is done to the proper channels. The response is that BW knows of this issue, they are working on a fix and they are recording anyone who does it for bans.


    I am not going to go into how to do this but suffice it to say it is reproducable very easily.


    My hope is this is fixed relatively soon.


    Post translation: My guild has exploited the f**k out warzones on our server and it works REALLY well. We then decided to report it to Bioware so we can look like "testers" and avoid the ban hammer.


    Oh and "they are recording anyone who does it for bans.".... this line is completely made up. READ: LIES.

  4. This exploit IS getting out of hand. I did around 25 wz's yesterday on Krayt Dragon and by my estimation at least 15 of those had exploited teams.


    Edit: You know what, I forgot to include my lowbie warzones... I did another 10-15 warzones with my "lowbie" and AT LEAST half of those were exploited as well.


    Basically... the problem is RAMPANT. I bet in the past 2 months I've played over 200 exploited warzones.


    I'm sure Biofail will take their sweet f**king time fixing it too. It's only been a WIDELY KNOWN issue for 3-4 patches now.

  5. Right now its 16:40 and I've just logged out after about 30mins ingame, I have a 50 Guardian and a 50 Scoundrel I feel no urge to play a 24 Commando I could level up but don't feel like it right now and a 15 Sage that I'm probably going to delete because I hate them.


    Is it boredom, perhaps burnout that has led me to just halt playing so suddenly? No it's class balance!


    Every WZ consists of the same thing, multiple sages/sorcs and mutliple bh/commandos with the occassional train of surge stacked marauders (now some of the imps have realised that running them in a zerg train cannot be defended against they are rolling them by the dozens).


    Is this a rant that I can't win WZ's? Nope I still win my fair share of WZ's since I play for my team, but I'm sick and tired of having to work for every single yard when there are so many players using faceroll team setups and classes because Bioware listened to some guy from a game that was well known for it's balance issues.


    I never cheated my way to BM like some of them either, I'm almost rank 50 with my Guardian and rank 40 with my Scoundrel, I worked for them the hard way.


    Now I have reached a crossroads and have 5 choices.


    1. I can either continue playing and become bitter towards Bioware becoming disenfranchised and probably never playing another Bioware product as long as I live (I've already sworn of Activision products until that idiot Bobby Koddick is no longer there CEO and wrecking every single flagship title they have and I wont play SoE products because they have no clue how to balance anything)


    2. Or I can take time out, play something else and wait out the fixes checking back each week/month to see how the progression goes..But with this I run the risk of becoming disinterested with the game and probably moving on elsewhere.


    3. I could possibly stick with it and just PvE until PvP balance is fixed, but as a PvP junkie this will only hurt me and I cannot swear off queueing for WZ's when I know it's easy to do.


    4. I could also become part of the problem, but you know something...Empire does not appeal to me at all, I don't want to run around chucking lightning bolts in every which direction and shouting l2p at anyone I may happen to stunlock to death with one of the other population of probably over a few hundred thousand sorcs there are.


    5. Or I could just leave all together, write off SWTOR as a bad experience with a less than adult community (for what I seem to gather from a lot of the posts) and look forward to GW2 or TSW, and oddly enough, right now at this moment in time....this choice appeals to me most.




    I have been through all the balancing nightmares and hiccups of many games before SWTOR, I have seen the for and against arguments more times than I care to remember and I'm now getting to a point after looking over the patch notes and thoughts of belief...



    "Bioware doesn't know where to start balancing do they?"


    I have been a Bioware fan for some time, I absolutely love Mass Effect, KOTOR and DA 1 & even 2 but I really feel Bioware are so far out of there comfort zone they are struggling to stay with there heads above the water on this one and are now doing the age old stubborn solution of...


    "Maybe if you ignore it long enough it'll go away"


    Here is the thing, to any Bioware rep, dev or whatever that might stumble across this post and think "just another QQ thread in the pvp forum", the problem isn't going to go away, but your playerbase will!


    Not now, maybe not in a few months, but slowly and surely more players will get to the stage that I have, sick and tired of the lack of balance between classes and feeling like if they are not part of the problem they cannot compete as well that they will simply quit and not come back.


    You are making all the same mistakes that Funcom made with AoC


    You are making all the same mistakes that Mythic did with WAR


    You are making all the same initial mistakes that Trion did with Rift


    Those 3 games are not bad games now, but they are forever blemeshed because:


    - They didn't listen


    - They didn't react


    - They took too long to address serious balancing issues


    - They made the same mistakes again (WAR with the release of the Choppa AoC with the expansion)


    Getting industry awards is all well and good, but what good are they when you are trying to nurse an ailing database of which can only get worse because you didn't stop the rot in time...




    This is not a feel sorry for me post, nor is it a doom post, should I choose to leave SWTOR will do just fine without me and will continue on (this is not to say I'm going to, just that the choice to do so is very appealing right now).


    But wake up and smell the coffee fanboi's and trolls alike...SWTOR cannot continue to run like this, the PvP balance and issues have to be addressed or the game will be doomed to "niche" status which isn't good for any triple A rated title to ever be especially when Lucas already had to cope with one failure title under the Star Wars brand.


    And Bioware, you really really need to start communicating better than you are...an entire weekend with not so much as a peep from any of you? If you truly loved the product as you claim you do, you would be keeping a constant communication line open during the weekend.


    We respect that you have families, but remember this is your livelihood and you should be doing everything you possibly can to ensure it's success!


    Thanks for reading those that did and nope no TL DR because litteracy needs a buff! =p


    I couldn't read your whole post. Your generalization of all imperial players being immature killed the whole thread.


    I think you should just quit. Bye bye now.


    Edit: just caught the last line of the post... "litteracy needs a buff!"... HILARIOUS! Hhahahahah

  6. You sure about this?


    According to the patch notes ...


    "Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations."


    There is no mention of battlemaster commendations or even item tokens percentages.


    Where as the patch notes for champion bags go much more in detail ...


    "Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced."


    Yeah there was a dev post saying BM comm drop rates remain unchanged, at 25%. The patch notes should say the bags have 15 champ comms IN ADDITION to the 25% chance for a BM comm.

  7. I dont know about you guys, but by the time I reached Battlemaster rank 2 weeks ago, I had 3 sets of champion gear.


    This sums up your whole problem... You assume everyone was as lucky as you.


    As I posted earlier.. I know 5 BM with a combined total of 13 centurion pieces and no "extra sets". This includes myself and no, none of these people valor farmed. We all did it the hard(and right) way.


    We DO need champ comms while we wait for BM comms.

  8. I dont PVE and pve is not tempting at all, but why is this the only way to get crystal alloy?


    Shouldnt there be an option for PVPers to get that item to?


    It should be, cause a major part of this game dont do Pve and they have crew skill that required that item.


    I just lvl up biochem to 400, and just found out i cant use rakata crafting thing cause i dont PvE??


    This is just plain stupid, hope you bioware can make a option to get that without PvE!



  9. And this is just fine, because the grand prize isn't battlemaster gear. It's the repeated pwning of those that HAVE battlemaster gear that is the ultimate goal, is it not? Isn't this what truly measures the size of your e-peen?


    I don't know and don't care much one way or the other. I have fun killing people with my one piece of BM gear(besides the 3 200/200 pieces), and as long as I can continue to slowly progress, that's good enough for me.

  10. You know what they say about making assmuptions....


    I have 2 pieces of cent gear still, am almost rank 62, and never farmed any valor, at all, period. I go out of my way to disrupt the kill trading valor farmers on my server. I have been trying to get my second BM token, to buy a single piece of BM gear and replace a cent piece for almost 2 weeks now (28 BM bags opened, 1 BM token between them all). After 30 some odd bags, I do feel I am entitled to a single *********** piece of gear, Especially when I see people the same rank as me with 5 pieces of BM gear on (and greens in the other slots. Thanks BW for the kill trading fix...oh wait...).....


    YOU I legitimately feel bad for. I too have had awful luck with BM bags(but not THAT bad, I'm currently 3/18) and it is a crappy feeling putting in the work every day just to get champ comms... Even when you still need champ gear.

  11. Eh?




    Hey, quit with the entitled attitude. Just because you spacebar'd through everything on the way to 50 and have done nothing but grind valor since then doesn't mean that you should automatically be equipped in battlemaster gear. You have to grind for gear just like the rest of us.


    Never said I should be. In fact I never even mentioned my awful luck so far with BM bags because I'm being patient and willingly working for it.

  12. The problem is your entitled attitude. You were extremely lucky to get full champ by rank 60 and now your pissed cause you can't get full BM just as easy.



    Guess what... Not everyone is as lucky as you. I know 5 battlemasters still wearing a combined 13 pieces of centurion. This includes myself at rank 62 with 3 pieces of cent. Oh and I got BM the hard way: no ilum valor farming EVER and I barely ever bothered queueing from ilum just to have the valor buff. I may have done 20 wz total with that buff.

  13. Hmm maybe learn to read...I said as a healer -- i.e., as a class dedicated to countering the dps output of the opposing team -- there is no way to counter this. Virtually every other aoe in the game is on par with aoe healing abilities, force sweep is way, way out of wack.


    Oh right, cause as a healer you should be able to single handedly out heal any dps combination in the game, no matter how much build up it requires and how easy it is FOR YOUR TEAM to avoid.


    "My team is too stupid to avoid the rage Juggs smash and I can't out heal it by myself! NEERRRRRRRFFFF!!!!!"

  14. As a healer, force spec bombers annoy the crap out of me. Ops could hit ST this hard but -- if I used relics and adrenals I could counter with 7k healing in 1 gcd. Mind you, that takes 5 key binds to react within 3-5 secs before the op kills people, no small feat. There is NO way to counter an aoe bomb for 7k. This most definitely calls for a nurf -- should be ST with the setup, NOT aoe.


    No way to counter?


    Smash/force sweep has a VERY small radius, takes a minimum of 7 seconds to build up(YUP!), has a 9sec cool down AND it often goes off(without hitting the target!!!!) even if we get knocked back right before we hit the button.


    That leaves you with MANY options to avoid it. Cc, knock back, stun, force speed, or simply snare us and get further than 10 yards away before we use obliterate.


    TLDR: learn to play.

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