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Posts posted by Xumagai

  1. No offense BW but you were really effing me up with changing this around in recent patches :/


    Ok, so we get really cool options on that and that's fantastic! :D Now I can go back to the way it was when i first started playing! Lol


    Now, I truly hope that these options are purely cosmetic (which common sense tells me they are) because if this just makes more delay in abilities.....I don't even want to think about it - you fixed 95% of my issues there. Let's keep it that way.

  2. Also it shouldn't surprise you that you kill more sith than jedi at all, Lord Scourge for one has killed tons more sith than jedi according to his page to give a game reference. The whole point of sith hierarchy is to kill everyone above you so that you are top dog. Darth Bane finally makes it the rule of two, in which most sith still kill their masters right when they get the chance


    Also, killing malgus makes room for a new posterchild of the sith for any upcoming content. Maybe theyll have a CE version with a smallish statue haha

  3. /sigh Oh sweet Hell...another one.

    I don't know maybe, instead of lame PR stunts, they just not invite people out to mini-parties, and instead, look at these very forums and just fix the issues.


    We PAY THEM. It's bad enough that we even have to give them suggestions, now they expect people to provide their own airfare, lodging costs, vacation time, just they don't have to think of ways to fix their game? That's called being an employee.


    What's next? We get to pay them to answer our own GM tickets?


    There is suggestions on the forums, and then there is "pay out of your pocket to come do our jobs".


    Stop asking me if I prefer them doing the same dumb idea, only worse.

    God you even missed the point of my response calling Reid out for doubletalk.


    "When we started planning the Guild Summit, we decided we would invite a select number of guild leaders to Austin at our expense, just like the Fan Site Summit"


    and how did you miss this?

  4. This is amazingly crazy.


    This sounds like "We know the game has major issues and a lot of you don't plan on paying us $15 a month much longer for what we're giving you at the moment, but please spend a couple of thousand dollars of your own money to come give us ideas on how to fix it".


    This gives a whole new meaning to volunteer work...lol


    P.S. You'd think in 2012 this could be done online or via conference call, where the invitees could participate for free and not have to spend hundreds to thousands of their own money on traveling to tell the paid employees how to fix the game.


    First of all as they stated it is at their expense. Secondly, many of us have no major issues. Everyone in my guild bought a new computer for this game and we are mostly just confused as to what the trolls are talking about... I do see minor issues such as quests not updating but compared to other releases that's cake.

  5. Anyway, I'll let my GL fill out the application when he gets off of work (which is hell of late, he's on pac time unlike the rest of us), hopefully that doesn't ruin our chances of getting to send someone but we won't be banking on it as it really should be a select group of people.


    Best of luck to all officers who get to go, and hopefully one of our officers will see you in Austin! :)

  6. Do you even read the PR you copy/paste?


    How are you not excluding people, if only a tiny sliver of your player base can even apply, and then you have to be selected? You're excluding most of your players before applications even begin!


    What would you have them do? simply invite random people from the game overall?? I agree with BW, guild leaders are a good choice.

  7. BC they are trying to avoid the trolls/kids to hear the invited adults talk about what they would like to see in game. We should be relishing this opportunity people, a live q&a on youtube wouldn't get anything done, the most ambitious trolls would still be heard.


    Plus how do you have a party over the internet? I'd rather go to the Austin DoubleTree and meet and greet peole, have a few drinks at the bar afterward and play some MTG or something with other guilds. Meet some of the devs so I could ask qs in person, stuff like that.


    I personally would have picked a different city but BW is in Austin, so to Austin we go!

  8. Well it's a combination of them for the most part, ignoring the forums, then doing this. It's hard not to think that this meeting isn't some preferential treatment, to me. Or Bioware's opinion of it's fanbase.


    I find the need to segregate the player base into a small group, who is important enough to be talked to face to face (or at all), a slap in all those faces who of people who provided them with carefully written posts and get nothing.


    It's the baffling decision, to do it the way they have, that is my problem. alienating your player base for whatever reason is always a bad idea. It's bad enough that these games are designed to give guilds every advantage, but to elevate guilds to the level of personal invites to developer meetings, is just horrible.


    I'm in a guild, if they want my opinion, I'll just give it to them here. My words aren't so special that they need to spoken in person.


    I don't think they ignored it (I'm aware of how lousy beta communication was done and I can't answer for them there) I think they have a completely different team now than when development started (internet hearsay) and I don't think they are going to fix a bunch of stuff that most of us aren't experiencing. I could be wrong but I've stated it on several occasion - I have zero performance issues and this is the smoothest launching mmo I have been a part of, I have no idea what most of you are experiencing and I've been hearing about it for months! There are some quirks like kira carsen didn't work and my master strike was wonky for a while, but that was fixed and I haven't seen a bit of it since. Since my comp runs it perfectly I imagine the ones at EA/BW do too.


    I'm not tracking on how this alienates anyone in the player base, it's simply an event to add to the overall process of development. I don't think they are going to hear out the guilds and then start coding everything they say into the game right there on the spot.

  9. So instead of summoning forth a crap shoot, based on guild status, why not look directly for the smart posts on these boards?

    The ones that already give the information sought.


    That way you can go entirely off the ideas, right off the bat, rather than fishing for quality discourse, and merely hoping you get it, from a tiny cross section of a cross section of a cross section.

    Assuming guild leaders are going to be a good call, is better than nothing, I agree. But the fact is,

    the alternative isn't nothing. The alternative is easier, and cheaper.


    It's like they're fishing with a hook, when they already have a net full of fish.


    I ask again, how does this summit tarnish any post on these forums? I agree, there are passionate people who write great posts. Why do you say alternative when the forums are the main way? You act like the forums are being fired or something this is like a one day event

  10. Then I ask you what are these forums for? What is the Facebook page for? I think it's great that Bioware wants to be more personal with us. That's awesome. But they've avoided the most basic level of interaction. Can't say I blame them, this forum can be very hostile. I'm very hostile. That's something they have to deal with as professionals.


    when I make a suggestion I don't expect the developers to come running thanking me for turning their game around, with whatever dollar store, armchair wisdom I decided to crap out that day, as opposed to my usual schedule of equal parts eating, sleeping, and crying, but I certainly don't expect them to call a special summit after so many people did the same as though we hadn't said anything at all.


    I don't think that this is the way to do it. If they want to have a nice get together with fans, then do it. o it at a convention, have regular meet and greets once a month but don't alienate the community with invitation only events under the premise that this about feedback.


    Especially when the forum is full of amazingly written posts, by very intelligent people who want this game to succeed. If they can't see past the pointless doomsaying and trolling, then I don't know what to say.


    This is exactly why arenanet won't have official forums, I believe BW looks past all the doomsaying and trolling but why not have this guild summit? How does the summit tarnish the ability to post your message on forums?

  11. I would applaud you if this wasn't cherry picking to the maxium degree. Allow me to correct this a bit.


    "we hate bioware, they never communicate!"


    While generally posted by people who have no base to their claims, BioWare is not exactly a shining star in regards to their communication right now. They're struggling a little bit and everyone can see it.


    "we are holding a guild summit in order to open communication"


    This would be great if it was not only for "guild leaders and officers". They're limiting "communication" to a small and very specific group of people, which by the way, is completely unequivilant when you consider that not everyone is in a guild to begin with.


    "we hate bioware all they do is communicate when they should be fixing the game!"


    Most people who complain about this are referring to the fact that the communication being provided is limited to a small amount of people. Noone even knows if this information is going to be open to everyone else immediately or not, or to what degree the Q&A session will go to. BioWare might be providing information, but this is a ****** way of doing it.


    A very small specific group of people who will likely stick with the game. Yeah it's cherry picking, but if you aren't in a guild you aren't doing it right. You are allowed to choose your representative within your guild and make them an officer (really, nobody will care) and this is similar to how delegates are chosen in any democracy - let your guild vote. It's really not BWs problem who you choose to go. When the person gets back talk to them, then you get the info!


    If you are trying to play this game without being social with your guild leader/officers then you are doing it wrong IMHO.

  12. Anyone who thinks this is nonsense doesn't have their head on straight, if you want some input on the game this is a chance to do that. I originally started our guild but gave leader to my best friend bc he's better with people than I am. We are going to get him to apply later tonight bc most of our guild is from KS/MO and driving to Austin in March might just be something we could do :)


    Great idea BW. Infi-kudos.

  13. I really don't see how they can commit to a full featured space sim within SW:TOR without it breaking a lot of what makes Space combat fit into the game right now.


    I'd rather see someone pick up the X-Wing / Tie Fighter ball and run with that - that was one of the best space sim games ever and I'd gladly buy it. I just don't see why the SW:TOR team should divide their effort into a marginal aspect of the game.


    I already know people for whom the Space side of things is a confusing distraction that feels like feet on a fish. Making it more complex is unlikely to turn it into something that will appease the gear heads whilst increasing the number of users it alienates.


    Perhaps but it's really not compelling at all and a lot of us were really looking forward to some kind of space combat and to me this mini game has always been so lackluster. Theres also a huge difference between a full featured space sim and what most of us are asking for, I can only speak for myself and all I know is that I really dislike it. Its like being a space poser or something. Theres like four buttons in an action bar... does that even constitute an action bar? And in the current state of the space system why are they even doing it if it feels so awkward? Is the hotshot title really worth playing a mini game that's too hard/weird for them to get used to?


    I just don't want this, I want the art/models/whatever from this (they seem quite fine) in a game where I actually feel like I'm doing something.


    I think a bar of 12 abilities is perfectly acceptable for one thing (and why not make it complicated? it's flippin one player! nobody is even going to know if you suck, sack up and get in the game for crying out loud! or don't do space! simple!), and two - frack the spikin rails to hell man.

  14. I like combat as sentinel, one problem though, the animation for blade rush is absolutely horrible, and it breaks the flow of combat.


    Even more so when you realise how awesome massacre is in comparison.


    Not to mention the blade rush ability has ability delay/lag even after "fix"


    But yes combat does have plenty of potential, it does how ever require more hands on gameplay style, not to mention considerable gear.


    I hate the animation for blade rush too, it feels so slow but the range is nice

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