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Posts posted by Qrazyy

  1. I read that a lot of people have been able to complete the flashpoint. I'm curious as to how. I've played for over a week, probably have died about 100 times playing story solo. My character I'm using is Level 75 Renown 59. Even with my companion on heal mode, It is impossible to pass regardless of using heroic moment as well. For the level I'm at, there should be no way in story mode that I'm dying as much as I am. Also, I can't get passed taking the bridge after the 2nd tether. Even though I kill off everyone except for the boss, they all reappear when I get killed as if I didn't do anything. All this is doing is making playing this game extremely frustrating and I've been playing since 2012. This is ridiculous. Story mode should not be this difficult.:mad:


    Completed it in story mode on several characters at this point. All level 75

    Sniper and Gunslinger. 306 ilvl. Full set

    Operative/Scoundrel 306 ilvl. Full set. Both in DPS specs. Stealth is only semi useful since some mobs see through it, something random kept breaking it also. Think it was the patrolling dogs around the start/mid area.


    Deception Assassin. Mixed gear around 290ilvl.

    Rage Jugg. Again, mixed gear around 290ilvl.

    Pyrotech. 276 ilvl. Probably the hardest for me since I have less time playing this particular character. And obviously the lower ilvl=lower damage.


    Not many tips to give. It's story mode. Kill the medics in the trash packs first. Lore-something mobs in the later part of the instance heal as well. For bosses I just moved from anything spawned on the ground. Kill adds if the boss had any until it was dead.


    The dungeon overall is more tedious than anything.

  2. I lvl'd as healing until 36ish then changed to Concealment with some brief time in the lower 40s as Lethality and finally back to Concealment at 49 currently.


    I prefer concealment over the other two. I've never been that big on playing a healer very long so moving to the dps trees was a no brainer for lvling. Healing puts me to sleep.


    Lethality wasn't that bad but that lack of crit meant I was energy starved most of the time and target swapping is painful unless you managed to get all the mobs bunched up at the start for Corrosive grenade to hit them all.


    As concealment I pretty much play the tank on the mob I open on and Lokin gets healing aggro so I can go right into backstab on the next mob. All in all its the easiest way I've found to level as an OP. So far tanking any and all the elites for class quests or just random 2+ isn't that bad. Champs would just take forever though since I could really only backstab on stuns/flashbangs.

  3. I've done this quest on my sniper and most recently my operative. The only bug I've encountered is where you can't "see" him standing there in the open.


    Pet on passive, shiv, los behind the terminals, kill like any normal elite. I agree you shouldn't have to do all that, especially as a sniper, but it's still easily beatable.

  4. What spec are you? Eng and Lethality builds have a good number of abilities that don't require cover. Even as a MM you can use Followthrough out of cover, plus you can use flashbang and leg shot to set up ambush or SoS, combined with an explosive probe if needed. Since you seems to be knockbacked by melee classes use your knife based disable (forgot the name).


    You can't use any cc on that fight. No stuns/snares/etc work on them.


    Just kill the assassin and have someone else kill the Jugg.


    How do you afford all of that gear every few levels? Do you farm or something? Seems like I've been dumping most of my credits into training since the late 30s.


    Unless the quest reward is a solid upgrade for myself (mod piece) or my companion, I take the commendations to buy mods for my wep/gear.


    I just dinged 50 yesterday and ran solo the entire way. Not one single heroic quest or flashpoint so all of my gear is from comm vendors or orange quest rewards.


    As previously mentioned, Diversion is the bread and butter of soloing elites. I typically run a dps companion when questing in the world and a tank/healer depending on the type of elite in the green door zones. Ranged elites I'll run Lokin and just LoS the casts and interrupt as needed. Most melee elites I run a tank pet and control them with Diversion/knockbacks/stuns.


    The trick is to know what the mob does, what needs interrupted, and basically try to chain CC and use CDs as needed.

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