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Posts posted by lord-angelus

  1. It is incredibly obvious that SWTOR is "the story MMO." That primarily means the class stories, planet stories, and the overall macro story that has been added to over time.


    Story is what this MMO is known for.


    Story is what people talk about.


    Story is what keeps people playing, re-playing, making alts to re-play story, etc.


    Whoever at Bioware thinks this is a gear grinding, raiding game has utterly failed to pay attention to the player base and what they love about this game.


    If you want to raid or grind gear, there are numerous MMOs that are vastly superior at that.


    The devs need to dump about 80% of the stupid upgrade currencies, unify the gear/upgrade paths, and simplify the gear system.


    Then they need to fix the scaling when level syncing on planets, the companion scaling/influence/presence, and give us back our cosmetic weapon skins.


    That's the stuff people love about this game. That is what has kept it alive for 10 years.

    If you want stories there are tons of mmo's offers not 30 min stories but 6 -30 hours per expansion go play them


    What you people don't understand is this : SWTOR had tried only story route twice and it failed miserably. People wanted end game content ( whatever ita ops pvp dailies evets) and they left at the beginning of the game because there was nothing to do. Nobody wanted run the same story again nobody wanted play a different class nobody watched cutscenes or dialogs and just skipped it to the end game.


    4.0 was the same thing it failed miserably. People subbed once then left the game,again.


    Stories are hardest and most expensive content on any game can develop. Especially for this game, you need 16 voice actors, different animations for the comp scenes etc etc. That's why they canceled class stories at 1.3 because there wasn't ENOUGH SUBBED PLAYER to justify or run the class stories.


    This is the fact and I still don't understand how you don't see it. Do you know why ffxiv has x20 times more story per expansion than in this game?because they have x30 has more end game content to do than this game. Story is icing on the cake, cherry on the cake even. It's nice to have, great complimentary to the cake, not the cake itself. You play story the once, then it's over. End game is cheaper to develop it is replayablate many years,times to come.


    Would I want more engaging, long story?suree definitely.i enyoj a good story. But the reason we don't have there wasn't enough end game content. Simple as that.

  2. For pvp hatred/serenity is still the worst class you can play on.


    For pvp shadow tanks is the worst class you can play on. For pve it is the ONLY CLASS you can play on, otherwise you are hurting your team during progression.

    Solution : REMOVE THE STEALTH FROM SIN TANK SPEC ONLY TO AVOID CHEESING MECHANICS. Buff sin tanks for pvp whatever they need.

    This way 3 tank class should be balanced for pve. This is really and only solution for balancing 3 tank spec.


    OK now deception/hatred PVE. Let me start telling you this:

    1 - Sin dps now have 0 raid utility/buff since you remove stealth ress ( it wasn't a big utility to begin with).

    2 - Deception has a position requirement (not a big thing but still there is)

    3 - Hatred has tight energy management.

    4 - Hatred has no armour debuff so it make more sense to bring jug than hatred on adds heavy fights since its way better on adds than hatred with 6.0 slam tactical.


    Solution : UNLESS YOU CAN BRING REALLY CREATIVE SET BONUS ( I thinks it's little late for that) YOU NEED TO BOTH OF RAW DPS NUMBERS TO THE NUMBER 1. Other wise they lost all competitive advantage to other classes.


    Mara :

    1 - Number 1 parsing dps ,great op dps

    2 - Best raid buff, best raid utilities

    3 - Can leech dps and heal the party members

    4- Best defensives

    4 - No position requirements, energy management does exist but its a meh

    PT :


    2 - great raid utilities

    3 - 10 metre range with no position requirements

    4 - energy management does exist but mehh x 2 at best (not high risk high reward anymore with firefall heat reduction)

    Honestly only downside for pt you can't stack 4 of them for self cleansing fights. ( actually you can do that with 2 sin tanks and 2 op)


    You need buff sin dps numbers , take away the controlling abilities if you worry about pvp since we are reducing abilities.


    P.S : PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REMOVE THE SEVERING SLASH ABILITY. It serve no purpose for all of the specs and most of the playerbase didn't even put it on the quickbar.

  3. FF14 is currently one of the biggest and most successful mmorpgs out there and it's main focus has always been the story above all else, swtor, which has been running on a tiny budget yet still hold a solid playerbase. WoW has been a huge disaster in terms of playerbase retention because their focus is high end activities in their latest xpac after gutting all forms of casual content power rewards.


    So my question is, why would the devs decide to go back to an outdated OPs centric design instead of focusing on what has made the game this popular, the story. Mmorpgs have tried to follow a more raid centric design and often failed, hi wildstar, meanwhile swtor decided to be a more story focused mmorpg which was rare back in the day and is still running to this day with many people who enjoy it, the reason it was a success was because of the story so why the sudden change in gearing? Who does it target exactly? What is the goal?


    Even if the devs genuinely wanted to make a better ops experience they dont have the budget to compete with either big mmorpgs who have frequent and pretty big content patches twice or more per year.



    And a disclaimer I have no issue with people who enjoy the raidlogging playstyle but when they demand special treatment and the best rewards then there is a problem, there is nothing that makes their playstyle superior to others, everyone is here to have fun and progress their character's power, and if you decide to go that way then you would need to argue why ranked pvp should have the best rewards since it is harder than any pve content.


    What I simply dont understand is why would Swtor decide to make such big changes when they are already on a limited budget and the current system had been going well.

    How did you manage to get everything wrong in a post is beyond me, so I assume this is a troll post.


    1 - Swtor was lunched as story above as all. 8 different leveling story, voice acting world quest etc. Best leveling experience in any Mmo.


    1 - One story, no choice, no mc voice acting.


    What happened tough? Swtor failed miserably cause THERE WAS NO END GAME CONTENT.


    2 - Ffxiv forces you to group up for STORY. You must to queue for dungeons and ops for FINISHING THE MAIN STORY LINE QUEST.


    2 - Swtor doesn't force you to group up, learn your class, learn the mechanics, all dungeons are soloable and easy.


    As you stated Ffxiv is more successful MMO.


    3 - Ffxiv literally dwarfs swtor amount of raid and dungeons boses by almost tenfold. There are 24 man alliance raids, ultimate raids, etc etc. They usually release 2-3 raid per expansion.

    As you stated Ffxiv is more successful MMO than swtor.


    4 - Ffxiv provides more end game content beside raiding than swtor x5. This has nothing to do with story.


    As you stated ffxiv is more successful MMO


    5 - direct quote by the final fantasy 14 website :

    'Raids are the core of the endgame, posing the greatest challenges and offering the strongest loot.'


    In final fantasy 14, raiders all get the BiS gear first, as the tear expands other players catch up ALWAYS


    As you stated final fantasy 14 is better MMO, so It makes sense swtor copies it.


    6 - last but not least,


    Final Fantasy has more story than swtor. More endgame, more subs, more money = more story. Not the other way around. Swtor tried at lunch, then at 4.0 it failed miserably so they are copying a successful similar system AS EVERY SUCCESSFUL MMO HAVE.


    Either you think people here doesn't play ffxiv and you try to trick the devs or something or you are just clueless in whatever game you play.

  4. No rule. It's just that some of us would like to experience the entire story without having to herd cats or deal with rude people.


    Like why is no one crying in ffxiv where you have to do multiple dungeons and ops complete the not skippable story and in this MMO people will moan about everything. Bioware catered these solo players so much now they demanding everything for nothing. Like seriously how do you think they change the mechanics of the 8M operations for single man?


    Do you want them throw a free wings there as well? Either play the op or watch it on YouTube if you don't think you can't move out from single red aoe and play your class at beginner level.

  5. I just came back after leaving in 2016, started a new character to follow the complete storyline (solo), and was directed to the Oricon storyline, which ends with the Dread Masters op. And there I found that they STILL haven't added a solo version of the ending to this story.


    Why direct solo players to this storyline when they can't finish it? Yes, I know, forced grouping is all the rage for 7.0, but it is very hard to get a group together to do this instance, even if one wanted to do so.


    It will literally take 10 min tops at the prime hour. Just type LF7M for DM SM. will take even less if it's on group finder.


    Don't get intimidated by story operations, it's easy and fast and almost everyone knows what to do. And it's fun to do.

  6. Players don't have data by design. Only the devs have data. That doesn't make player feedback worthless and the fact that you and Riku think so, and that opinion seems to be shared by the devs that interact with the Discord, really frustrates me.

    Btw don't want to shatter your world but it's actually (again a data shared by devs) forums are not a great way to get

    feedback because the same people repeat the same things.

  7. The irony to linking that site is you need to look no further than the comments below it, which have mixed reactions to the expansion.


    Considering people will need a subscription to play the expansion, of course people will sub or stay subbed, that's common sense, it's what happens once that content is finished and people are left with, once again, another gear grind, and not a very popular one.


    If you can be BiS in maximum of 6 hours, 6.0 is done in a day since there are 2 hours of story.

    At least by grinding gear you give people something to play. Let's say 7.0 is the same hour of story content so by giving a gear grind you give people something to play with. So you should be happy with the changes, because no matter what the gear is coming from, original content will be same amount. This gives replayability to the content we have, the incentive for endgame-group content since GEAR IS NUMBER ONE FACTOR to do anything IN ANY GAME.

  8. You can give me crap for caring enough about the game to actually cancel my reoccurring sub over dumb changes and give my feed back directly to management.

    But at least I don’t just unsub a few months after the expansion lands and only come back to troll the forums when there’s another expansion. That's the difference between us, I actually care about the game and it’s longevity.


    I care more than you do. And %99 of your ideas are just biased, not data-driven, wrong and just plain bad.


    Just because you and 10 other loud people think is dumb, doesn't mean is dumb. After so many years the game is going to a good direction and most of the folk are happy with the changes/direction the game is headed. Even in your own Reddit pool which contains mostly casuals participating at least not unhappy with the changes.

  9. If you want to use such a small sample size, so be it. But there is a percentage that will unsubscribe and either not play or go preferred over the changes made. If you add them together it’s around 22%. So BioWare has to at least gain 22% of new players and for them to stay past February for it even out.


    Come on be honest, if the results were your way, you would have published in every forum in every post. That was the point of this.


    And the thing is %22 of saying they would unsub, which they won't. Now they are angry, later they will adapt to the changes. For example, this is your 12398712381728301th^2 unsubbing post over the years, and yet here you are.


    Devs have the actual data, they make assumptions according to that data. Can be wrong, can be right the time will tell but as you look at the other MMO's which they follow similar gearing patterns, it is safe to safe this won't have major negative impact on subs, can they are betting it will have positive one which I and many players agree upon.

  10. Or we can vote with our wallets before then. You can cancel a reoccurring sub and leave detailed feed back why you unsubbed. That data will also be collected and appear on some report.

    Granted, it may be too late to affect change before the launch. But it may speed up changes early next year to reverse some of the damage.

    Alternatively, there is an unofficial reddit survey going for another day and a half linked in my signature. You could express your satisfaction or dissatisfaction there.



    Once again, it has been proven that forums a verry loud minority and not a good source of feedback. Goodjob trix 😂👍

  11. SWTOR, with all due respect to the "NiM raiding community" is not a 'hard core' raiding game. Not even close. Don't get me wrong, you raid NiM OPs, but in terms of difficulty / mechanics?


    I'd rate HM ops (Depending on the OP) slightly above GroupFinder in WoW.


    With these proposed changes, I sure hope the NiM community has deep pockets.

    Yea please link descuraction incarnate or true apex predator on level. Let's see how easy are those. Even if they are that easy it's no problem for everyone to gear up.


    Like every other mmo this game was following this gearing model until 4.0 trying to soft reset the game to only story game. It failed miserably, we had the worst gearing system in any game at 5.10. 6.0 was a good idea but turned out hammer Station, red reaper or tc spam so it didn't work.


    Now you can play any mod you like, get the best gear for that mode. And if you want absolute BiS you need to play the mod it requires. Higher risk, higher rewards LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME OUT THERE (INCLUDING THE SINGLE PLAYER ONES). I'm not going to even write the MMO's. How much gear do you think you will be able to get in wow or ffxiv without doing endgame content? Believe me this game gives more than fair share.


    What a shock, you need to do something actually to get something 🤯🤯🤯

  12. Well, not my problem they didn't write it clearly in NEWS POST. Of course it caused much confusion when they provide information partially and secluded.


    And i really hope you are right about what you say. I have no trust in current bolster - it's not working, players with BiS augments and Bis 306 gear parts are still hitting 2x better than other players with worse gear/augments which shows how bad current bolster are.


    The only right decision is FULL lock of ilvl/stats for pvp which can't go further than 326. SO even 327 part will give ZERO additional stats. If they will do something else than this, they can say good bye to pvp players


    It's like that, zero advantage by design. If it really works,we can't see yet, but even if doesn't now it will with time.


    Acc items you saw in pts not final, there will be more ittaration/choice etc, so if you don't want to use acc you won't use acc. And since all the meaningful stats are capped doesn't matter if you can mod or not.


    Like seriously giving critism feedback and even rant is OK but maybe read /test before you the posts, so conversation can go somewhere meaningful/productive.

  13. That doesn't surprise me. The examples I saw of Ops gear started at blue quality, but I imagine would become purple/artifact once fully upgraded. Just furthering the gap between the gear sets.


    I'm glad some of this Discord information is making it to the forums somehow though, at least. If only there was a development/test forum to discuss in progress changes that the devs could post in to provide insights on these new systems. Somewhere the public could test the changes, provide feedback, and then the devs could meaningfully engage with the public like they do for these discord servers. It's a shame such a thing doesn't exist, I bet that'd be helpful for both the devs and the players. Ah well.


    Forums by their nature cannot provide that. If you want, join the discord.

  14. when they say your stats are going to be capped, does that mean in each specific section, as in, say pvp is 326, will all the stats be capped, so that if you have ops gear at 342*, does it cap it at 326, so it doesn't matter if you have the higher gear. And will it cap ALL the stats, not just a couple?



    *no idea what the new stats are, just used two different numbers to illustrate the question

    Exactly this ^

  15. PvP


    The PvP gearing structure is similar to the Flashpoint gearing flow discussed above. Weekly Missions will award guaranteed gear upgrades, and crates for match completion will award upgrade materials and sidegrades that can be disassembled into upgrade materials.


    PvP Warzones and Arenas will feature both a statistical floor and ceiling. This allows a wide range of participants to join, gives a clear gearing and upgrade path exclusively through PvP activities if desired, and will stat cap anyone joining with higher rated gear than allowed. At 7.0’s launch, PvP activities will award base gear starting at item rating 316, and allow for upgrades up to item rating 326. The floor and ceiling of gear earned via PvP Warzones and Arenas will all rise over time. We will share these details at a later time.



    Meanwhile, operations will provide more than 326 item rating gear which will force ranked pvp players to play hated pve in order to get best possible gear for ranked.....i thought we learned that lesson long ago that both pve and pvp must have equal possibilities in getting BiS gear didn't we? That after 300-700 players quitting the game every time we had unbalanced gearing progression in favor of one type of content was a painful, acerbic BUT important lesson for content creators....well it seems it wasn't and we will face more players quitting the game because of this "want best gear? go play content A and forget about content B" policy


    Cool your horses people before testing or even reading.


    PvP has a ilvl lock, so PvE players won't have and advantage over PvP players in PvP


    Chris has stated (more info will come in dev post) this ilvl lock system is different from the bolster we had so far, they removed it and designed this system from 0. Big accomplisment from dev them and congrats.


    You can be BiS doing pvp and only PvP, sounds like what players have wanted all along. So this should be a thank you post not rant.

  16. so operations is the only way to get the highest level of gear. so in PVP players that don't want to do operations will be at a disadvantage?


    that seems to contradict the philosophy statement



    since we are returning to a "vertical" gearing system; does that mean we get expertise back on PVP gear to balance out those in operations gear?


    I don't really have the time or interest to raid regularly any more; but now I get put at a disadvantage in the game content I want to play (pvp) for not having the time to dedicate to raiding.


    If you read the statement pvp has ilvl lock ( different from bolster, according the Chris it's coded from 0) even if you don't pve, you still be BiS for pvp doing only pvp. Pve players won't have any advantage over PvP players in PvP

  17. I'd mainly like to talk about the changes to "Vanish" in ops. My main problem stems from the fact that this now eliminates shadows ONE and only useful raid utility. For years, shadows have been frown upon in high level ops (e.g. Hard Mode and Nightmare mode ops) due to their lack of real utility. Their AOE is STILL weak, even after the new ability you introduced in 6.0, they have no raid buff, and their single-target DPS tends to be so-so.


    Why are you trying to strip away anything and everything that make classes feel unique and interesting? Even as it is, with all the constant AOE damage going out in raids, it is DAMN hard to pull off a stealth rez in the middle of a raid. You typically have to time it JUST right to coincide with boss mechanics/attacks in order to get it off. It's not just some nilly-willy "bring everyone back to life" mechanic... that would be the silly guild ship ability you introduced. Pulling of stealth rez in a NIM raid is a high-skill play, and now you're taking that away.


    Tell me something, why should I bring a shadow along in my NIM raid group? Why should I not just pile on more Vanguards, because we all know you favor them by giving them the highest DPS in the game? From now on, I'll only allow Vanguards in my group because I only want the highest parsing DPS in my groups. Since you're removing all raid utilties anyways (goodbye raid buffs, which have been present since day one of this game), why play anything other than the FOTM class. You say you're going "balance the classes" but you've never ONCE, in this games 10 year history, managed to pull that off. You might be able to fool the newbies around here who haven't been around long enough to know your history, but I do, and I don't buy it for even a second. People complained about how OP Vanguards were for the entirety of 6.x, and you did absolutely nothing about it. Why should I expect that to suddenly change?


    I can't wait for the mass exodus of players when this **** expansion hits. It's like you looked at all of Blizzards failures in the last few years and said, "You know, that's pretty bad, but I'm confident we can do much worse." And then set about doing it. And by God, I believe you, I really do.


    That's where you are wrong. Sin has been frowned upon cause of lack of damage. Justification was (wrongly imo) taunt, and stealth ress, shroud makes up the number loss. Now removing the raid utility they need to buff the dps numbers ahead of pt and even mara, cause literally it has nothing. So overall it's a good change.

  18. So I saw part of an interview where the team was alluding to some big things coming to SWTOR this year. Possible rendering updates, possible expanding... Personally i would love to see a return to class stories... I know 6.3 and GS just released, but... is there any more info on what's yet to come? It's now June and I feel like the window of opportunity to get the hype train rolling is going to close soon. I really love this game, and the amount of love the dev team has for it too really shows. I just feel a little too left in the dark on this one.


    Not going to happen. They will say its covid bla bla bla

  19. First of all, you don't need to do it, at all. You can only do dailies and hit 150 level without any problem.


    Second of all, idea is to make people more rewards for grouping up / giving rewards to games modes you don't normally play and get you to hook up adventually.


    Doing SM Ops is easy, doable, fast, don't require anyone raid leader to communicate, even he doesn't need to do that. You don't even get out of red these days. You just press 1 - 2 - 3 and they are dead.


    If you don't want to do that sure, do solo objectives and be done with it, but asking for removal because you don't like it is just me asking for the removal of solo objectives, or make the ops NiM give the rewards because I like it that way.

  20. My point exactly. If they're gonna start removing stuff that makes the fight either 1% easier or 99% easier, go for all and make it fair. If you stealth out during a fight, you stay in combat, so no stealth res anymore (how many bosses were killed thanks to this? So would be fair to remove all cheevos from everyone at this point if that's how they're gonna look to things when players don't follow the tactics they've made). And the list just goes on, to me, finding a new way to do a fight, even if it means you don't have to deal with a lot of its mechanics, it's just part of the game, it's not an exploit like it happened on snv nim where you could remove the level lock or like the battery thing they are removing now.


    You didn't find a new way to do it. This is not some design ability executed by class. What you did is strictly exploit. Stealth revive is the intended mechanic by some classes bringing to the raid team just like raid buffs. On the other hand what you did is exploit. If you can't comprehend the difference between of two, well.....

  21. Is kiting Bestia in council ok to avoid a tank swap? Is it ok to cheese doom in dread guards? Is it ok to stealth out to avoid adds on writhing horror? Is it ok to take a 35m range to LOS green team in city boss? Is it ok to stealth our incinerate armor to avoid a tank swap?


    There are tons of strategies that players utilize that the devs didn't intend. That's how games work.


    It's not that they're patching this strategy that's annoying, it's that they're doing it 10 months post release after teams have spent lots of time perfecting it.


    Yeah if this was a decent game, they would have removed the chevos too. Straight exploit.

  22. I know some wow-styled mmo players don't believe it's important, and raids are everything - dw, we know raids are vital for the MMO format.


    But a game like this can't be wow, you can't be a nameless adventurer if you are going to play a Jedi or a Sith, not with how this universe works. You need a powerful story that frames your role.


    A Sith assassin is no ordinary gun/blade for hire, he sits on thrones manipulates governments, and murders indiscriminately in cold blood and in intrigue - you need powerful stories like the sith Warrior and Inquisitor that frame these things.


    It would never have worked if you were some lowly wanna be archer or rogue or warrior or DnD type run of the mill mage that had to kill 20 boars and ran tasks for the people charge like a good soldier boy.


    it doesn't work like that because that's not how this universe portrays it's Jedi or its Sith, and you need a story to frame that well seeing most MMOs, especially the fantasy based ones are exactly like wow,.. i.e. nameless adventurer doing menial tasks and occasionally gets involved with a big ordeal affair.


    Yea eternal Emporer of the galaxy, working in the kitchen. Good story brah

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