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Posts posted by Jotan

  1. I completed this quest at 49...


    Go spec combat, so your saber throw (crippling throw) snares the target.


    I nuked him for the first phase of mobs, then when T7 dies, because he is absolutely useless I kited him.


    I would crippling throw, and then run down the winding corridor, crippling throw again, rinse, repeat.


    Took about 15 mintues and felt gimpy and non epic to do it that way, but there is no other option.


    Reminds me of wow, kite to vaels room ;)

  2. Its not a L2P issue. However, the class itself isn't complete garbage. It can only be considered garbage when you compare it to all of the other classes. As of this moment sentinels/marauder are the worst class in the game.


    I am a level 50 sentinel with 4/5 pieces of the T2 PVP armor. Even though I have pretty good gear I am still getting out dpsed by tanks and healers. At the end of a warzone I will have about 100-125k damage while the other can have upwards of 250k damage.


    I must admit though that Sentinels are prob the best 1v1 class. I rarely lose 1v1 and I always beat healers 1v1. Sometimes I am even able to handle 2v1. Now some of you guys might think that "WOW 2v1, HOW IS THAT CLASS GARBAGE!?" well ill tell you. The only way I can win 2v1 is if i pop all of my cooldowns. I need to use 4 Cooldowns that are 45 seconds or longer in order to be able to become good. Which entails the problem with the class. You also have to consider in these 2v1 situations im most likely not facing 2 level 50 opponents.


    SENTINELS NEED THEIR COOLDOWNSs in order to be efficient while other classes can blast you away without using theirs. At the moment without those cooldowns sentinels are just too damn squishy.


    Now, I wouldn't have a problem with being too squishy if not for the fact that I am constantly being out damaged by hybrid classes.


    Another problem I noticed is that every other classes 360 aoe damage has some sort of CC with it. The sentinels force sweep does in fact stun mobs, however it does not stun players which makes it absolute trash. Other classes AOE knocks players back. OH! but wait not only does it knock you back but it also slows you and for others roots you in place. While sentinels does nothing but deal damage....


    Either way the Sentinel/Marauder class needs some sort of buff.



    Hear hear

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