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Posts posted by Mourph

  1. I would like to see this too, however its something that swtor itself will have to do (talk to the logitech Gaming software API).. no "3rd party" applet would do this. unless maybe it was a hack looking at swtor.exe memory and (bioware wouldn't like that imho, too much like botting and such).


    moral of the story? Hey Bioware, Build us up the G510 G15/G19 logitech gaming software applet integration! please! pretty please!



  2. Everytime you get the Upper Hand buff, your char starts to laugh.

    For me it's very annoying, please BW, switch it of or think of something else.


    Medpac Mastery also causes it. Sawbones hear it constantly.


    And as a pure sawbones healing smuggler, by constantly you mean continually every 2-3 seconds during combat. annoyance levels are high.


    I have even started getting complaints from guildmates and flashpoint group members about my characters "giggle"! :\


    it shouldnt' be a social or area effect sound, it should be something only we as the smuggler player hears to start with. However the actual noise of a human female giggling, is actually turning out to be quite annoying and obnoxious, i'm not sure what it might soudn like from other species.


    I'm going to dig around more for other threads and start a petition if i must. its just that bad. and there's no option to turn IT off, without losing many other sounds that we may want to hear....



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