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Posts posted by Terrahero

  1. Its not broken, but its not exactly a shining star either. MM is suffering from the bugged Cover system and suffers greatly against armored targets. And has to go through every single defense check.

    Lethality is screwed to high hell by anyone with a defensive dispell.


    -MM should get a passive 30% Armor Penetration from talents for all abilities.

    -The ranged attacks should be changed to Tech attacks, undodgeable and undeflectable.

    -Cover should not be restricted by terrain or the presence of a Root-debuff. If i can stand there, i should be able to crouch there.

    -Lethality needs a function to make their DoTs protected.

  2. It is a sweeping nerf across the board. But naturally some classes or specs rely more on boosted crits then others. Sadly a MM Sniper is one such spec.


    Ive lost ~13% crit damage in pve gear, and ~11% in pvp gear. It is a noticeable diffirence, especially for such a burst triggered spec thats lagging behind in pvp and pve.


    In pve its become alot harder getting the 5k hit medal and actually taking people down. And to add insult to injury there are no crit+power item mods to use. So i cannot drop that Surge, either i drop crit to get surge+power. Or i drop both crit and surge for acc+power, and since im drowning in accuracy (everyone is i think) thats even more useless then Surge.

  3. Maybe stealth isnt neccesary, but a good start would be to get rid of that damn LOOK AT ME, I AM HERE, LOOK AT MY BRIGHT RED SHIELD. That doesnt even do anything anyway, except draw alot of attention to yourself.


    And of all colors, Red!? With blinking lights!?

  4. Evasion is one of those abilities that looked amazing at first glance, but actually is rather pitifull.

    As an Operative you can atleast use it to clear DoTs. As a Sniper its only true use is against other Snipers/Gunslingers.


    Anything else uses quite alot of Force or Tech abilities, and these cannot be dodged. Against Marauder its okay-ish, just dont wait to long to pop it.

    But it absolutely shines against Snipers specced MM. Pop it just before that Ambush goes off and he'll likely put out a Followthrough or insta-snipe (or both) into your shield. Wasting all his hard hitters. Its also the only class that can be anticipated enough to use that small 3sec window effectively.


    It feels like the only thing a Sniper can counter properly is another Sniper.

  5. >Wait in queu

    >Finally get in

    >*sign* Huttball... again

    >Fresh 50s on my side, and what looks like a double BM premade on the other side.

    >Enemy team scores 4x in under 1.5min

    >They stand outside our spawn, simply... farming us



    Yeah, im totally gona stay to see that happen. And i should get a massive penalty for not wanting to serve as a valor piñata? Maybe you "pvp pro's" need to realize your prenade-and-lets-just-farm-the-other-team actions have consequences.


    And aslong as the daily, if you can even call it a daily as it can take hours upon hours, forces me to Win. Im leaving when its clear after 1min that we're just going to get roflstomped.


    But yeah, lets force them to stay with absurd penalties. Im sure these people will try their best and not just afk in a cornor...

    Or instead we change the daily to "complete 3 warzones". And just look at all those people who are sticking around despite knowing they are doomed.

  6. The issues as i see them. For start we all know that as a MM Sniper has to go through every single mitigation check there is ingame. Quite absurd for a pure dps class to have his damage suffer far more then a hybrid specced dps.


    Lets look at our ranged competition. The Mercenary BH and the Sith Sorc (and their respective Rep counterpart obviously).


    -A Merc BH is sporting a passive 35% armor penetration on all his abilities. His Tracer Missle stacks even more armor penetration, bringing to total to 55% armor penetration. That puts the MMs passive 20% exclusively on Ambush and 20% debuff to shame.

    In addition a BH also uses mostly Tech attacks. These cannot be dodged or deflected. Unlike the MM Sniper who is stuck with Ranged everything. Which can all be dodged and deflected with the exception of a few situational or long cooldown abilities that do not even scratch the surface of your main abilities.


    -A Sith Sorc is even more fun. He has only ONE ability that is mitigated by Armor (Crushing Darkness). Everything else deals internal or elemental damage, thus ignoring armor completely.

    And since all his abilities are Force-attacks, they are not dodgeable and cannot be deflected in anyway.


    This advantage a BH and Sorc has becomes dreadfully clear as we look at the scaling. Accuracy doesnt scale in pvp gear, but the defense stats do. Even random Siths sometimes deflect your abilities at random. And tanks are much harder to bring down for a Sniper then for a Sorc or BH.


    MM should sport a passive 30% armor penetration on all shots. And instead of counting as ranged, the shots should be moved to Tech. So they cannot be dodged or deflected anymore.


    And this would take care of just 1 problem. But i didnt want to make an overly extensive post, in fear of TL;DR. :)

  7. Make it 3 completions, win or lose. People will stop leaving when a warzone is doomed, and it still takes quite some time to do for a daily.


    3 wins can be rediculously hard. Today alone i spend 4h to do it, 1 win didnt count. I can do the weekly Flashpoint faster, i can do both Weekly Ops faster, then a freaking DAILY. And this isnt even the worst ive had. Daily pvp is more like a weekly.

  8. Screwed on medals as a DPS? hahahahah... try playing a healer, my friend, then get back to us...


    Getting a 2.5k hit, a killing blow, a solo kill and 75k damage is PISS EASY. Even for a pure healer.

    The only medals a pure dps can aim for that most cannot is 5k single hit and 300k damage done. Which are both pretty hard.


    Im using the Shockfrozen Water just to pump my medals upto par with other classes. Ofcourse the tank hybrids are mostly benefiting from it. Sporting 10 medals per warzone.

  9. Get the Shockfrozen Water. Its an reuseable heal item that can be used out of combat and heals around 6-8k. It procs the 2.5k and 5k heal medal.


    A german GM has confirmed it is NOT an exploit and the item is working as intented.

  10. The amount of RNG is absurd.


    Here's what it takes to craft something that can somewhat compete with basic raid level gear.


    -Gather materials need to craft rank 1 (green), if you use missions you need to get lucky on material procs.

    -Craft and RE rank 1 untill you proc rank 2 (blue).

    -Send companions on moar missions, luck determines if you get a nice amount of materials or if it fails.

    -RE rank 2 untill you proc a rank 3 (purple). But whats that!? You got a Redoubt Blasterthingy, its useless for anyone. And you want Critical!

    -RE moar rank 2 untill you finally get the right stats on the rank 3 craft. note: You can still proc the type you already know. Enjoy seeing "you already know this recipe".

    -So you finally got the rank 3 you want. Okay, now your companions need to be send on more missions. Need to get lucky and proc epic materials!

    -Now you need to craft the rank 3 recipe and hope to god you proc an Critical-effect and it has an Augment slot. Else, not worth it.


    Congratulations, you got your purple [Mastercraft] Critical Blasterthingy with an Augment slot!

    Now, you need an Epic augment. Well if you have Slicing yourself, this means getting Slicing missions for 340skill. As there are no baseline Rich-yield Slicing missions for lv50 Augments. And then you need to hope you get lucky and get an Epic augment, and even with the stats you need!


    Congratulations. You have now crafted something that is usefull. To bad you replaced it after your first KP HM run... Which was piss easy to do btw.


    And thats crafting in a nutshell.

  11. Every HM EV and HM KP we get a bunch of Synthweaving schematics, some Biochem schematics (implants and exotech stims), some armortech schematics. Even some Earpiece schematics for Cybertech.


    But i have never, ever, seen a schematic drop for an Item Modification. (mod, armoring, barrel, hilt, enhancement) None. I have seen completed mods drop (Skill Armoring 25 for example) but not the recipe to make them.


    So either these drop from world bosses, from Nightmare mode or they have an extremely low drop chance. Or, they are simply not ingame at all. Compounding the uselessness of some professions.

    A possible explaination to the few you do see on the GTN would be the result of exploits. There was a point where it was possible to take mods out of pieces of gear that should not be removeable. Its possible some mods are removed and for some reason stay BoE.

  12. Id like to add the sheer awefull stats on our gear. Rakata is in alot of cases a downgrade from Columi because it replaces valueable Crit and Surge for worthless Accuracy (overcapped) and much less appealing Power.


    I have 3 Rakata pieces sitting in my Vault, unused because they are a downgrade from my Columi pieces. With the crappy set bonusses i wonder what intern they hired to designed the Sniper's Gear.

  13. There are issues that need looking at, i dont care about any little stories people come up with. These are there and they are a fact.


    -Defense stats are scaling up, yet your accuracy remains the same. You will see more and more deflects and dodge as the game progresses.


    -We are dreadfull at taking out a heavily armored target. Much worst then other classes, which is just downright rediculous. WE are the pure damage class, all we do is damage. We should be the best at taking out heavy targets. Not the guy who also heals, CCs and makes for a great ballcarrier and is less squishy. That is ****** class balance.


    -Cover was intented as a tradeoff. But the tradeoff isnt worth it, the defense bonus applies only to ranged attacks. And that means... eurh... well.. other marksman snipers! Everyone else uses (mostly) force, tech or melee. Not to mention alot of abilities and attacks bypass the natural-cover aswell.


    -Cover is so easily broken. Any CC or knockback and its gone. And with that your entire "advantage". Even Entrench bugs out and doesnt protect against knockbacks all the time.


    -Cover being a requierement creates a much longer reaction time. Ever tried cover pulsing when you got stuck in a tight spot?


    I feel we need to have our ranged attacks moved to Tech attacks. Undodgeable and undeflectable. This would simply bring us on par with other ranged classes.

    We need more armor penetration, especially as MM. 20% on Ambush and 20% debuff sounds cute. But considering our two main ranged competitors are sporting 55% armor penetration or full armor penetration, its peanuts. Especially noticeable against heavily armored targets.

    Using an ability that requieres cover should also put you into cover. So you can press Cover Pulse and it goes off immediatly, and at the same time puts you into Cover. To enhance the speed at which a Sniper can react to changing situations.

    Taking Crouch-cover should be possible while Rooted. Right not thats just another Stun for this class. And one that is generously exploited by anyone with half a brain.

    And finally, spot CCs, the ones that do not move you, should not break you from Cover.

  14. hint... if u r in cover u cant be jumped


    another hint ... if u r talking about "roots" as a ranged class we can still hit some buttons like stuns, autoattack or put up a dot. as a melee u r 100%screwed if u r rooted its just like a stun.


    that said they should reduce the amount of cc overall...


    Im walking around, a Jedi jumps me. He roots me i root him, so there we are. Both stuck next to eachother.


    But he is beating my skull in with his glowstick while i can not do anything relevant besides "autoattack".


    Yeah you are right, its totally the same thing. Your abilities are still useable, ours are not. We are for all intent and purpose virtually stunned. And best of all, Roots dont count towards resolve. And most classes have them. Nothing is more fun then being rooted for 5sec, unable to act, and THEN chain CCd. Even in my 500 expertise im easily brought down to 20% health before i can do ANYTHING.


    Didnt Ops get nerfed hard because they could bring people down to low health before they could react?

  15. Personally if I was to improve the sniper's directly dps, I'd make their abilities not white damage, activate quicker, heck if a normal man aimed a snipe shot for that long he could probably do the same damage and we're meant to be elite, so we should fire faster.


    Also cover should either be buffed so we don't take as much damage or make it standard that we can't be cced while in it, because we literally cc ourselves while doing it anyway or something else because it's not very useful, maybe going into cover speeds up your shots automatically rather than spending points atm which still do very little overall.


    Moving alot of abilities to Tech would make them undodgeable and undeflectable. That would be a great start.

    Secondly, more armor penetration. We only have a measely 20% passive for Ambush as MM. And a 20% debuff. A Sorc ignores armor with all his abilities (except one) and a Merc has 35% penetration on ALL abilities passive. And can stack 20% on the target for 55%.


    Thirdly, fix issues like being unable to take cover when rooted. And poor itemization/talents.


    Alos, buff Cover. It was suppose to compensate for our squishy nature. But 20% ranged defense only applies to.... other snipers! Tada! Since Sorcs and BH barely use anything that can be dodged and all the othr classes use Melee. Cover's defense is next to useless against 7 out of 8 classes.

  16. enjoy getting chased by a lightning ball..... Y cause every other class can maintain high dmg while moving to it, especially melees.


    Then dont bring up various boss encounters where burst might be usefull. Not even considering other classes can burst just fine aswell.


    till now there is no need for sustained aoe dmg. in kp there are 2 encounters with spawning adds (karraga + foreman crusher)


    MM is by no means the best aoe damage, not even burst. And you are gimping your single target dps by holding back on OS.


    and some bosses may require burst, for now thats soa + fabricator.


    And again, other classes can burst just fine. And most bosses still require substained damage over burst.



    dunno if u have played wow, but i assume u didnt. in wow there were many encounters with aoe dmg on ALL raidmembers, that said cds with -dmg taken on every raidmember were borderline op.


    just think of the use of this ability... we prevented people from dying from the single target nukes of the anihilation droid before it got fixed. its amazing if u get encounters that tend to have spike dmg that may kill the tank (e.g. foreman crusher). its amazing if u have to reduce aoe dmg from your whole ops group (anihilation droid).

    the second bioware learns that its not fair that only melees take aoe dmg (this will happen) they will extend this dmg to the whole raid, than u will learn to love this spell.


    still, the sniper single target dps is very nice.


    I have, and what happens in WoW doesnt have to happen here, pointless to compare on this level. You are talking about encounters such as Majordomo where stacking up is part of the fight mechanic, and an aoe damage reduction is godlike. We dont have such mechanics here yet. And even in WoW it is a situationally powerfull tool.


    We're not awefull single target, stuff dies. But we are by no means amazing. Add to this the rather mediocre/poor pvp performance and this class feels shafted.

  17. still... r u kidding me?


    the aoe dmg outshines every other classes aoe (hi @ #1 priority even on single targets)... the burst of this class is amazing (which is also important... soa is a good example for this) and the dps is very nice... now keep in mind that u r a dps class with a -20%dmg taken cd on everyone in range


    Are you really pulling Soa and boss specific mechanics in on this? Because if we are id got another few things to say about Soa, enjoy getting chased by a lightning ball? See how much you can cast while constantly on the move.


    Our aoe dmg is an aoe burst damage. Other classes can over extented periods of time beat Orbital Strike + Supr. Fire. But this isnt about aoe, i have yet to see a fight where aoe is even important. I havent dont KP, but in EV only 1 boss spawns adds and those can be pissed down even by healers.


    Our burst is good indeed, but its not about burst. Its about how fast that boss goes down over an extented period of time.


    As for Ballistic Shield, its nice but not amazing. It enforces stacking up, and thats usually a bad idea. Not to mention it requires you to remain stationary in cover, and from the top of my head i cant think of alot of fights where you can stack up and dont have to move/get knocked out cover.


    And in the end you are a DAMAGE DEALER. That should be the foremost thing you excell at.

  18. Not wanting to call anyone a liar, but for those who says their damage is better than a BH/Marauder/etc, can they go over to Ilum, fight the 155k champion, and put down their time? The monster is located at the are of the bugged 'Defend the shipment' dailies, and he spawns right next to a security chest (most likely being botted by some lvl 10 rep toon).


    You can start by legshotting him, then pull him to a place with natural cover. Lokkin should be able to heal you throughout. If you use target acquired at the beginning, doing better damage than BH means you should kill it before the CD is finished. If you can't, then maybe we're not the wonderful DPS we think we are..



    people have been testing it on that boss, aswell as the council in EV. And the general consensus is that MM is not so amazing at dps. Lethality seems to be a bit better, but any Sniper spec seems to be an average dps at best.

    People are perpetuating the idea Sniper, especially MM, is amazing dps because we can make 3 big numbers pop up once every 30sec.

  19. kidding me?


    No, i am very serious. Everyone seems to perpetuate a baseless idea that MM is an amazing dps in pve and even in pvp. But those who actually put it to the test notice a Marks Sniper is not pulling as much dps as other classes in PvE.

    And in PvP other classes and specs can far outperform MM in raw damage.

  20. problem is lets say you have a sniper in the same gear as a BH the damage is basically the same or even lower for a sniper because of the mitigation factor....ALSO the LOS problem(line of sight) which basically nullifies 90% of our skills. No other class has a LOS problem but snipers. No one has as much mitigation problem as us as well. That is why their are so many snipers at lvl 50 complaining about pvp. We are the least mobile so we should have the most damage out put but we dont.....


    Other classes suffer from LOS aswell. But its other issues that compound the problems for a Sniper.

  21. "Little" utility... You do realize that it worked on everything? Even raid AoE stuff?


    And out of all ranged DPS, we have the best raid utility to begin with, with AoE damage reduction bubble. I mean, take Mercs, these dudes can't even do something as basic as interrupt.


    Considering the damage a MM sniper does is not on par with other classes, and the utility is quite weak. Not to mention problematic scaling due to suffering from Ranged/Kinetic attacks, which has to go through every single mitigation effect in game. (armor, shields, avoidance, miss)


    They have effectively created a class that is purely and entirely focussed on dealing damage, yet pulls subpar numbers and inferior offensive utility. And with the closest standerd WoW, such issues can persist for a very long time or even indefinitely.


    I feel very little for investing time and effort in a class where i need to pull extra effort to even wash away the disadvantage that comes purely from taking this class. And all i have to hope for is that maybe Bioware will fix it. But then again, maybe they wont.

  22. I am not calling for the gear to be equal. I am only trying to make a comparison. That new PVE players have a gap in effectiveness between them and people with PVE gear who have put time and effort in order to have that increase in effectiveness.


    I am only trying to understand what this shouldn't be the same in a PVP environment.


    Because PvE and PvP are very different. You PvE to progress through content and face new bosses and challenges that can only be unlocked by earlier progress.


    In PvP you fight other players for the sport of seeing who is better. Gear actually only gets in the way and changes it to "whoever has moar expertise". Id rather see them normalize all stats in pvp, no gear advantage only skill. It would also make it much easier to identify when a class is overpowered or underpowered.

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