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Posts posted by Wolfdreamer

  1. Logged onto the 50 Merc, checked guild, sent out crew members, checked dead AH, logged out.


    Logged onto 50 Assassin, picked up PvP dailies, sent out crew members, checked dead AH, went to Ilum... sat in a Imp raid group for 2 hours waiting outside the Repub base for any sort of life (during this time went web surfing and fixed lunch). Finally the ONE active Repub guild shows up and I get my Ilum daily done. Port back to my ship... OH crap! Just realized I never turned in my Ilum daily because I got bored of thinking up stuff to do in game and just looked up D3 character builds instead... brb!


    Ok, to finish up after a while I got back onto my 50 merc because my guild had planned an 8 man Raid tonight. 3 people didn't show, one being a healer, and there was no way I was gonna sit around for an hour trying to find a competent healer to do HM operations. Postponed raid till tomorrow, then logged while daydreaming about D3 beta keys...

  2. During one of the beta weekends (the one that ran from the 11th to the 14th I believe) the tab targeting issue came up and some people found that going into options and making sure it didn't ignore NPC's fixed it (can't remember the exact option, sorry). But when the turkey day beta weekend came along that option was no longer around and it left people with no way whatsoever to "fix" their tab targeting to work.


    The situation I experienced personally was that not only did tab target not work, but the other options like "target nearest enemy when using an attack" didn't even work. Others had similar problems and all we got in the test forums were "it'll be fixed on launch".


    Thats some of the additional details.

  3. I'm personally getting the vibe that SWTOR is for the most part going to be 60% Empire 40% Republic on average. Once some of the statistical sites get more sophisticated you'll be able to pick out which server you want based on the population difference and what environment you're looking for. In the meantime I wouldn't put any sort of bias toward either side since its just starting so go with what you want and what your friends are playing.


    As far as maturity goes its gonna be a toss up for a while and will be highly dependent on who you ask. The WoW example you brought up is a good way to show this. I know that general info and research seems to point to the Horde (rebellious side) having a higher maturity and dedication base than the Alliance (lawful side), but I can tell you from personal experience that both sides have an equal share of good/bad/dumb/smart/dedicated/flakey/immature/wise/trolling/griefer/helpful people amongst them. Played both sides for about 3 years each and would personally say that I never found myself saying "this side has a lot more mature people on it" or "there's so many more awsome PvP/PvE people in this faction".


    The only difference was the population, and with that you end up with the real choice. Do you want to be on the higher population side, where theres more people doing a wider variety of activities and experiencing a slightly more active GTN (auction house)? Or do you want to be on the lower population side, where you get to know those on your server a bit better and you're always trying to prove the point of "hey, just because there's more of you doesn't mean you're better"? As a side note, if PvP is your big thing then queue times are usually better on the low pop side too since there's fewer people trying to fill the BG's compared to the high pop side. If you want another way to look at it try thinking of the situation in terms of a big city versus a little city. I found that the comparison is pretty spot on.


    Bottom line after all that wall of text is that as long as you're playing with friends you'll find a way to be happy in the game no matter what those around you are doing.

  4. First off sorry if this was already answered before but without a search option for the forums I could only look over the first few pages for a possible answer and google only shows results from all the beta bickering about it.


    I am honestly curious though if the tab targeting problem that a lot of people experienced in Beta has been fixed in this pre-release build. I was one of the unlucky ones where no matter what keybind or option combination you tried targetting was always fubar'd.


    So yeah, is targeting fine, or am I stuck with mouse clicking everything I want to target again? I'm assuming it is since I didn't see any complaint posts about it but I wanted to make sure. Thx for your time!

  5. I agree that if you're planning to power level at all then crafting gear will eventually fall behind. However, if you do level "normally" then crafting gear will remain viable as long as you keep with it. I'd say on average during Beta I was able to make gear that would be 2-3 levels better than what I was currently getting in questing with artifice/arch/treasure. My one big negative on doing this thought is that you will have money issues from time to time if you're trying to keep ahead with rares instead of greens. Basically doing Treasure Hunting (or any Mission Skill) to get the rare materials needed to craft blues is a HUGE money sink.


    Short Answer: For normal leveling you will continually craft gear and enhancements that are better than the quest gear you're getting, but it will hit you in the wallet from time to time.


    As far as end game is concerned, every Crafting Skill gives you BoP end game gear that are comparable to End Game PvP/Objective gear, especially since the enhancements you get from said pvp/objectives can go into those BoP pieces you make. My personal guess is that it will end up like WoW kinda where crafted gear is on par or better with the normal versions of pvp/pve gear, but the heroic/nightmare versions will be superior.


    One last thing I wanted to add cause you mentioned the concern of making mods with Artifice. Artifice lets you made a lot of items that can go in more than just lightsabers. The color crystals go into every weapon, Hilts can be used for most melee weapons, the offhands you make can be used by anybody, and you can also make Enhancements that are used for weapons AND armor.

  6. I can totally understand going 2 Shadowy Veil / 1 Infiltration tactics for a PvP build since you would want survivability over a chance proc that you may not get the chance to use.

    On the other hand, doing this for a PvE build just doesn't seem right because if you ever find yourself in a situation where you may die or need to tank then you're gonna switch to Combat Technique anyways which is 150% armor.

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