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Posts posted by mydsmbr

  1. One way you can have the game music looped right now is to D/L the Mp3's from the site here and create yourself a playlist in your media player of choice and loop all SwTOR tracks .




    Not a perfect solution but I think one for now that can at least fill the void nicely for some :)

    I want music that is fitting the setting and that's why your solution isn't working for me. I'm wondering why there isn't a singel reply from Bioware regarding this issue?
  2. Mein Vorschlag an dich! Eröffne nen Thread und droh dein ABO zu kündigen. Bin mir sicher das hilft für´s erste!
    Mein Vorschlag an dich: Such dir neue Eltern, deine haben anscheinend bei der Erziehung versagt :rolleyes: Muss man eigentlich so einen Schwachsinn ins Netz stellen? Kann man solch ein Getrolle nicht für sich behalten? Ich habe nur meine Beobachtung aufgeschrieben mit der unterschwelligen Vermutung, dass noch nicht alles rund läuft.
  3. The devs have all the info needed, this thread is very thorough. Don't worry about that part, they know what's wrong if they followed this.


    Read my reply to you regarding the CC, trinkets, knockback within under half a second. Again, there is no way of writing up all example abilities, it isn't a bug report. Georg I believe understands the finer points from reading through the thread. How to fix it, that is difficult and ultimately we cant help much and its In their hands.

    I bet they don't.
  4. Ich zitiere mal einen Post aus dem englischen Forum:

    Slicing was OP in the sense that ALL crew skills are, you should NOT be able to send your minions out on missions that are a higher level than you are, period. Slicing did not and does not scale well, for your current level it was decent credits, not spectacular, just decent.


    The issue was level 20s being able to get to 400 skill and run the level 50 missions... with level 50 scaled rewards.


    Those could crit for 5-6K credits in a 30 - 45 minute mission if you got lucky (rare), normal was 2-3K.


    However, this is average cash at level 50, people complaining had no clue what the issue was. It costs me at level 40 12K+ for a single repair bill, medpacks cost 20K, speederbike riding skill 2 costs 210K.... Trash mobs drop 200-300 credits each, whenever I send my companion to sell he gets between 7 and 9K just selling the grays... so if they made it across ALL professions where you can't level above your characters level it would have fixed slicing as well as any others they have not yet noticed have the exact same issue.


    The nerf was not just missions either, it was all lockboxes everywhere. Right now, why would I even consider going out of my way to find a lockbox when I get more return just killing trash mobs? The nerf was too harsh and needs to be mostly rolled back and they really should consider not letting people level skills above their level to avoid these issues.



    Das Problem ist, dass man mit dem Nerv jetzt negativen Profit erwirtschaften kann und dies funktioniert auf dieser Weise nur mit Hacken. Bei jedem anderen Beruf bekommt man einen positiven Gegenwert bei erfolgreicher Mission.

  5. Hello,

    I still don't really get one aspect. So if I'm right there are items which require a certain level of points. Like: "This weapon needs light side level 3".


    Are there items which will not be usable if we exceed a level on the opposing side?



    Requires level 5 dark side and a maximum of level 1 light side.

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