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Posts posted by Malstrom

  1. I am glad someone is trying to get this resolved once again. It has been reported many times but the problem still exists. I experience this error most on my commando (gunnery) with full auto and grav round not firing and also on my marauder with a range of skills not activating as intended.
  2. A lot of people are not seeing the upside here.... Bioware must be pretty close to adding neutral gear, if it's in the game, even if it is unintended right now....


    You may now return to your raging.:rolleyes:


    This does seem to be a positive move however the glaringly obvious lack of testing that is done for each patch before it is launched is painfully obvious.

  3. You have got to be *********** KIDDING ME!? What the **** is wrong with you Bioware?! This is the wrong solution on SO many levels at LEASE give us *********** TRANSFERS FROM ON APAC SERVER TO ANOTHER?!



    I hope you realise our timezones almost completely *********** opposite pm/am wise. Good job you stupid monkeys.


    ^^THIIS - so many times this!!!

  4. Are you freaking serious?! I can't believe they came to that conclusion, probably another way to save money by eliminating the costs of running the APAC servers.


    Well I hope they let the players with the greater /played time on their various toons keep their names (I can't see this happening but would be a nice consideration). It would be very disheartening to lose your toons identity with this server merge which will result in many people eventually losing interest and unsubbing.

  5. It's a shame Ilum has gone by the wayside as it had such huge potential as a PVP area.


    I think some changes in the concept of Ilum would garner a lot more interest and player activity. I was always a fan of the task bask objectives the PVP area in LOTRO had, whilst the actual pvp was lack luster.


    To implement this wouldn't be huge but would incorporate a couple of minor quests and one major quest which would either be on a daily or weekly basis.


    My thoughts on the major quest would be for a faction to hold all 5 nodes for 5min. Once this has been achieved the faction holding those nodes can then infiltrate the base of the opposing faction. The bases would have suitable defences in 3 - 5 rooms to challenge a raid (ops group) of players. In the final room would be a faction boss that would be challenging (world boss type maybe). Whilst this is happening, global announcements on Ilum and the respective fleets would be displayed once the enemy faction had broken into the base. This would give a small chance for the defending faction to mobilise and defend their base (hence inspiring interaction). The boss once defeated would drop random PVP gear and the reward for this (be it daily or weekly) would be PVP currency.


    The minor quests could be kill X amount of opposing faction NPC's or Sub Bosses located around the map, but again rewarded with PVP currency.


    I believe a simple idea such as this would inspire people to actually want to go to Ilum and actively PVP there.


    At the moment however Ilum is really a waste a time and does not interest me in the slightest.

  6. I strongly disagree that Operatives and Marauders need nerfing.


    Operatives are really annoying to kill and I have spent a couple of huttball matches chasing a damned operative all over the map trying to kill him. I would get him down to 20% then he would throw a couple of stuns and heal himself back up. I would then chase him again in frustration and the cycle would continue. An operative that stands and fights will seldom win but an operative that catches you by surprise, you may as well get ready to click the retreat button. This does not mean they need nerfing but rather learn how to distance yourself or CC a target that catches you off guard.


    Marauders are surprisingly squishy and can be torn apart at range without too much effort. As a gross generalisation most Marauder players are somewhat erratic and you can kite them at close range so they can't force leap and the majority will become frustrated and either leap onto another target or pig-headedly die being kited. I do admit that if they get the jump on you they hit like a truck but they are far from needing a nerf.


    You need to adapt your playstyle to a strategy to combat these classes as every single one have a weakness which you can exploit. I still haven't figured out how to easily kill operatives but figure that is my problem not that of the class and would never call for a nerf. The only class I really cannot beat consistently is an Assassin (other than the back to a wall technique).


    I don't play either of these classes, maybe if I did I would learn what kills you more easily...

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