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Posts posted by trumpsofdoom

  1. the problem i am seeing is the rate that the republic and empire gain valor is very unbalanced on my server we are facing groups for 5-8 battle masters and on the republic side we have 1 or 2 we have 7 war heroes on the empire side already i know that does not make a difference in gear but it does show that the empire is gaining valor at a much higher rate then the republic and it is hard to get the ilum daily's done in a decent amount of time so the republic skips them most of the time and almost never finish the weekly's
  2. The WZ pop is capped. And even if you are getting absolutely zerged on Illum, you'll still get your weeklies/dailies done -- unless you simply aren't trying. You may die more, you may need to camp a turret, you may need to go get the stragglers at central....but you WILL get it done too. So where is the IMBALANCE coming from slick? Doesn't make a lick of difference if your server is 4:1, it's still capped in WZ's. If anything, Empire has a harder time with a bigger pool of crappy players.


    If you are losing, look in the mirror first -- because your excuses and complaints make zero logical sense.




    BW can't make you gear out your greens. And if those are your records, like the last poster, maybe you should look inward.


    I've destroyed BM's in Champ. I destroyed Champs before I got champ. But then, I am a decent player and I took the time to still gear the best I could (which includes crafting, auction and dailies). I have my hotkeys bound on my mouse. I am situationally aware. I LoS threats. I will stall objectives if I can't win. I will focus on my team's targets. Etc. I bet despite what you say, the two of you do none of that. And that's the only difference that matters.


    well first off the turrets dont work 90% of the time and when it takes a 1/3 of the time to get to battlemaster on the empire side you will end up with more gear if you get to Battlemaster 4 weeks before me that is 64 extra BM bags you can recive before me and when people on the republic side cant finish dailys then that is even more

  3. the problem with them is that you get about 1/2 the group that you are facing are sorcers and 1 of them might be a healer you focus the healer and the other 4 sages heal if they spec in the dps tree they should get their healing spells taken away
  4. What i don't get is that when you enter the form area of the website we have 3 posts of what is up coming so it is easy to see but we have a post about down time on the 24th and the 31st and patch notes for 1.1 but nothing about the down time on the 28th if they want this problem with communication to go away the need to start putting the information where it is easy for people to find
  5. maybe that bioware is letting a ton of people get away with a major exploit and the new patch has broke the game more then it was before is why people are complaing my companion quests on my warrior was fixed in 1.1 but guess what i still cant talk to her iIlum exploit let the empire have a huge advantage over the republic and no roll back for the empire i cant get my Ilum dailys done do to the republic has 5-10 people their and the empire has 60-70 and cant find any armaments do to so many empire people so people have a right to be mad at this game if the content is not finished dont release the content
  6. Ah, so you're blaming a minor gear discrepancy for your failure at being better at PVP. Gotcha. ;)


    its not a minor gear discrepancy when all the republic has to go through the process of getting champions gear and the grind to lvl 60 valor and the empire do to a exploit got to skip the 2 week grind and are able to choose battle master gear instead of champions

  7. The bug still hasn't been fixed for me. I saw the message that Kira wants to speak to me on my ship, but when I go back to the ship she still doesn't start the conversation. Is the problem fixed for everyone else?


    nope i still have the problem of her wanting to talk but get to ship and nothing

  8. So it would be so great for BW to shutdown servers for 3 days in a row at 6-9 pm cst just so all the people making fun of the op for asking for his game time not to be inturpted multiple times a weeks for minor fixes to the game can rage on the forums about down time
  9. Exactly what everyone's problem is... high expectations, average results. It hasn't even been a month yet. Calm down people.


    And don't sit there and say "Quit saying 'it just came out' talk". MMO's take time to mature and polish.


    Very typical in today's culture.... Instant Gratification and gets pissed when given something otherwise!



    FOR THE EMPIRE :sy_empire:


    my problem is that their are so many ability bugs and loot bug in the game and they are already telling us that their is a new flash point and operation coming out next month if they cant get the first ones that they have made to work like they should do you think the next ones will i have read the next patch notes and does not seem like they are putting alot of effort in to the major issues with it


    I am going to use the famous WoW as an example, leveling 1-60 now is something that can be done in 2 days, with no group quests whatsoever and limited to non-existent contact with other players unless you LFD, hardly anyone are in the zones anymore!


    How can you say "WoW is a great mmo! Great multiplayer!" and then turn around and say swtor is single player, yet has more group quests than BC + LK combined, and you see other players in the zone with you, does that make sense?!


    Lets start using some logic please, its like some of you are putting 2 + 2 together and coming up with 5, its not making sense!



    You can get to 50 in swtor with out doing 1 group quest in the game and as wow has found out group quest are not good for the lvling process a few weeks after the content has come out on my republic char it can take me 3 hours to get a group for heroic quests at lvl 20 do to most player being past that planet

  11. Proffession nodes need to be fixed 4 out of 5 i come across in game are glitched wich is bad for lvling proffesions


    Compaions quests need to be fixed runing to your ship or cantina to not be able to talk to your compaion is frustrating


    Allow us to hide low lvl quest so we dont go around watching 3 min of cut sceens to find out a quest is lvl 15 at lvl 50


    Having to pick up flashpoint quests before being able to enter it. I have watch the hammerstation quest sceen about 15 times in the last 2 days i am getting to the point that

    i dont want to help guild members with it if i have to contine to watch that cut sceen


    Pvp needs brackets and to have all warzones be able fight empire vs empire do to shortage of republic players MVP needs looking at people that group with each other just vote for each other

    and medals in pvp need to award more medals for doing the objectives in the games like scoring a point in hutball should give you a medal or takeing a node in Alderaan and defending it for 1 min you do not win a objective based pvp game by doing the most dmg or getting the most kills or most healing i have seen alot of games in hutball won by people that only have 15 kills but all the mvp vots go to the guy that hade 65 kills


    Being able to invite guild members from the guild interface i dont know why this got by to the live version haveing to have guild members type something in guild so i can invte to a group is just moronic


    Mounting in space ports it has no efect on the game to be able to ride my mount all the way to my ship hanger i can ride my mount all around the imperal fleet but not the hangers

  12. anyone know what bio wares stance is on char names that are not being lvled on a regular time frame say that people on day one of early access made bane on 5 servers but was only lvling 1 at the time would you be able to contact CS and get that name if he was below lvl 10
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