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Posts posted by TaurAmandilo

  1. As a 400/400, I can tell you that Armormech is useless at the end.


    Really ??? Have u ever bother to discover lvl 49 artifact (purple) recipes ??? >>> Better not speak at all, when the information you give to the public is completely false.


    I am 100% sure u just dinged 400 and then didn't bother do anything more, classic for lazy kids like u.


    Armormech isn't broken and is one of the BEST profession for tanks mostly, although any1 who is wearing heavy or medium tech armor can benefit from it.


    Armormech like Synthweiving needs time to discover superior recipes BUT once u discover them, the items that u can craft are far better than BoP items in Hard Mode.


    I have a full crafted lvl 49 artifact (purple) tanking gear and is equal to Columni Armor (T2). Maybe Columni has a bit more Endurance, but my crafted gear has much more Shield / Absorb / Defence rating that my Powertech needs.


    My LvL 49 artifact (purple) piece of armor has 6 stats on them plus the augement slot. So you can boost one of the 6 stats more or you can have 7 stats on 1 piece of armor. No mods or drop items from Instances can give you this.


    Also, reversing engineer from a lvl 50 puprle crafted item can give you Legendary recipe. Ofc needs time and money but its nothing impossible.


    Right now i am having more than 1 milion in cash - 400/400 Armormech / Scavaging / Underword Trading - All lvl 49 Artifact (purple) Recipes in All Combinations (Bonus to Crit, Bonus to Power, Bonus to Defence etc) And also have 2 Legendary Recipes from LvL 50 crafted items.


    LvL 49 Artifact Gear with Augement Slot is far better than the Columni Armor (T2).


    YES, it needs time to discover the right item for your needs, but its possible, you just need to have patience about it. But once you discover it. You will be geared faster than trying to farm tokens or item tokens from HM instances.

  2. <<<OUT OF TOPIC>>>


    I picked this thread coz is new.


    I cant create a new topic !!!! I know the game is buggy but now.. the forums are buggy as well...


    My point..................


    Why on earth daily and weekly warzones quests DONT count every victory u have ??????


    Why i have to win 100 matches to actually complete my daily PvP warzone quest which only needs 3 ??????


    How long time will take you to realize the MAJOR buggs in this game ????



    Note: I write in huge letters, so they devs and mods wont have any excuse that missed that :p

  3. The queues eventually will drop, but yeah.. eventually. When exactly is unknown.


    It is right most players are so upset, and i am talking for players who got EGA in the 1st 3 days. Bioware didn't open a single server before the end of 3rd day waves and this cost them bad reputation and money.


    It may come down to one man's decision not to open new servers until the existed ones hit the full status. Really bad strategy, and i can't think any other possible scenario for this case. Right now we can see that Bioware had the strength of servers ready to launch BUT their decision to open new servers only at the 4th day of EGA was a big failure.


    This reason caused all theses problems with queues and basically made it a common MMO launch with long queues. Although the idea of EGA was good, simply they managed their servers wrong and end up in this situation. There is no turning back now.


    Everyone is right to say - " I don't want to reroll " and i understand them completely.


    I ll give u my own example :


    I was invited in the 1st wave of the 3rd day and my strategy was to go to the most deserted server. They also had an announced at the end of the 2nd day of invites that next day - 3rd day - they would open new servers. So i got invited and no new servers were launched. I play in international EU English server so i didn't had any choice than to go to a server which was launched from day 1.


    I hoped they would open the new servers as they said, maybe on the 2nd or 3rd wave. I was checking constantly and i was ready to drop my 2-3hrs that already plaid for a new start. At the end of the 3rd day of EGA no new servers were launched.


    Although my queue time is about 20-40mins it annoys. Consider to move? no chance - 35+ lvl + proffesions all 200+ epic recipes + can't repeat the whole thing for 4th time in so sort period.


    Overall, IF their managers at this sector of the game had some experience, they wouldn't follow the strategy they did. You can't expect people who chose a server with the least pop status at that time to reroll because the strategy you follow is a fail.


    They could add 3-6 servers every day or 2 servers in every new wave so people who just get invited start on new servers. (save guild members)


    Its not people fault when they put huge guilds all of them on the same server and expect that server would not reach full limits.


    Bad management is bad management.

  4. Currently i am lvl 27, and right now i have about 35k cash + my speeder (48k) + my crew skills (Armormech / Scavanging / Underword Trading ) around 200. Also got some epics recipes for Armormech from Reverse Engineer.


    True crafting cost some money, but not really that much. Missions are a bit xpensive but if u don't over do it - go for missions only if u want to make items for ur gear not rush to 400, you should be fine.


    Good way to farm credits :


    1. Dailies heroics and dailies fly missions. Especially fly missions are very easy and give very good xp + credits.


    2. Sell all gear u don't need


    3. Also farming elite mobs drop good portion of cash


    4. Don't increase ur inventory too early in the game.

  5. The server loads are LIGHT...highest server capacity is "Medium"....What is this? There is no way in hell that there's only going to be "4 waves" today... KEEP HOPE ALIVE, FRIENDS.





    Seriously, my hat's off to Kodokai for this.


    This isn't an accurate status server, simply because people are still @ work or @ the gym or whatever they doing in their routine. Its not weekend, its Tuesday !!! Even at supposedly peak times (18:00 - 23:00 for games), servers won't be heavy loaded until Friday.


    Will be a huge mistake to release many waves today, based on the servers' traffic right now. If they release 5-10 waves everyday @ weekend would have many crashes and huge queues.


    Only about 25% of the invites of every wave would actually play the game right now.


    So the status of servers isn't accurate.

  6. The evaluation time of the waves based on servers' traffic won't work @ mid-week days.



    Lets assume that every wave has 25000 entries. The servers went alive @ 07:00 AM EST-US (13:00 CET-EU). At this time only the non-lifers and those who took day-offs would actually login and play for at least 2 hrs. The rest - Americans prepare for work or they still on their 3rd dream and most of EUs are in their launch time. That means that roughly only the 20% of 25000 entries - maybe less - would actually play the game constantly right now.


    The evaluation of servers' traffic won't be accurate even of today peak times for games (16:00 - 22:00). Its Tuesday, many people are busy with real life stuff even after work and won't have much time to play today


    The REAL evaluation of servers' traffic will come down to weekend, like it or not.


    At the moment is 18:20 PM CET (peak time for EU) and 12:20 PM EST (no peak time for US), so don't expect too many waves per day. Basically they will wait to track servers' traffic @ peak times based on regions (EU - US) to have better accurate values as possible. Even though the best evaluation is during weekend.


    If you aren't being able to play the game, chill out, get over the server-first hit to 50 and try to give some colour to your non-life until you get to the game.

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