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Posts posted by darkonnis

  1. Go guardian.

    I levelled a marauder (sentinel) because I already had a tank (assassin/shadow) and didn't want to find myself in a position where I *might* have to be a tank again, deliberately limiting my options you could call it.


    Sentinels/Marauders are in a rubbish place now to say the least. They have the least time on target of all DPS, least knock back/stun cc counters and really struggle to stop themselves being kited. You tend to find you leap in, get knocked back and then spend the rest of the fight kited. Melee DPS is the same for every game in that you get punished hardest in most PVE events, ranged DPS by contrast especially here has it easy.


    Where I'm going with this is this, Jugg/Guardian has more time on target, better resistances to crowd control and better immunities to keep their DPS up. They can also tank, which even if you don't want to tank, is useful if you find yourself unable to get groups later on in the game and are willing to compromise (content for spec)

  2. Whilst i agree that carnage needs changing to make it different from being yet another single target DPS tree, i disagree with the core idea. Carnage is very viable. Annihilation requires a ramp up time. Whereby DPS increases the longer a fight goes on (due to the fact it takes nearly 30s for Annihilate to be operating at its lowest CD), changing targets/getting cc'd all reduce effective DPS for annihilation and the minor gaps make huge differences. Carnage on the other hand does on demand DPS with short CD's. Having used both in ops, i feel more at home with annihilation but carnage is no slouch either.


    Your ideas are good though, but instead i think a better work around would be to make gore last longer, giving a higher effective increase. Force scream, not a bad idea but perhaps by giving it an armour pen buff insted, which lowers the targets chance to block/dodge/parry or something it would work better.


    Personally, i think the trees should look like:

    Annihilation - Excellent single target sustained damage, good burst, low support

    Carnage - Good single target sustained damage, great burst, support buffs, like armour reduction, chance to miss, silence, increase accuracy/alacrity/crit chance

    Rage - Medium single target DPS, excellent AOE sustained and burst damage, low support


    Its a no win really because everyone likes to play differently, but i feel that if the 3 trees where all very different in how they did things, we'd probably be better off than now where we have 2 viable ops trees and no real AOE.

  3. This might be beating the dead horse but i really miss the times when having "epic gear" ment something. I know the termonology have just changed abit but i still miss those days and long for them to come back.


    When gearing up didnt take 2 weeks(missing 2 rakata on my alt after 2 weeks...), when we actually had to work to achieve things ingame. I know the "grind" era is long gone, and us oldtime gamers are a dying breed. But i can still dream and long for those glorious days to return.


    Who else remembers that having good gear in an mmo actually required you to make an effort?


    You must have been lucky, i ran D7 20+ times to get the legs and never got em, ended up using my tokens. Been running HM ops for about a month and a bit and im only 4 piece rakata (both weapons/head/belt)

    I do agree, i miss the shiny-longsword-of-doom/death/destruction with a liberal coating of ownage as much as the next guy, but it seems hard mode isnt what it used to be, and the long trials to get super dupa epic gear are all gone.

  4. Well, i just wonder why there isnt a droid at the entrance, for example:

    EV: in the snow, by the speeder, available after you kill the first boss

    KP: On the surface, by the speeder.


    I have a good system but spending hours running back to the boss (speeder hardly ever works) and a good deal of time in loading screens i can honestly say, it kills the feel of it. Just feels like we slack between runs, which is more time wasted that could be spent learning a new boss.

  5. Problem no other class faces? Go play an operative(dps) or assassin that isn't atleast 21 points into the tank tree and see how you feel about knock backs.


    both those classes have stealth, both have ranged to varying degrees, both can run away. Next?


    Also, the OP has offered a solution and tbh, force charge SHOULD come with knockback immunity anyway, so i don't see what the crying is about. All it would mean is that whatever class we face needs to think a bit before hitting their panic button. Which is all a knockback is. Whilst i agree we cant be allowed free roam, because that would make us OP and we'd dominate everything. This whole pingpong ball crap has gone on too long. The trouble with knockback is that it gives absolutely rubbish players the ability to win without much thought. Im all up for balancing but i want each class to need to think to win, not just pop knockback at the earliest opportunity without thinking. I have to time everything well to get a clear victory (without cutting it close) why shouldn't anyone else? The fact there are face roll classes in this game annoys me, if you dont want to learn how to play your class properly ****.

  6. Anyone else get it where you charge a target and they knock you back before you arrive, so your camera TP's to the person while your toon disappears, only to reappear 10m away from them?

    I too have noticed the charge not rooting people, at all, in the slightest, what so ever.


    Wouldnt be so bad except just about every class with a knockback, also comes with a high speed escape. Charge, knockback.. walk or get kited until CD then Charge, they sprint + snare. Or in the merc case, knockback.. knockback again. Then snare and tracer you into the floor.

    Its so bad i don't even play pvp anymore, being a pingpong ball aint my idea of fun

  7. Its a gear check, good gear automatically gives you a set amount of HP. You are hardly ever required to decide between your primary stat and HP, usually they come hand in hand. Low HP usually means low Main stat. Just how it is i'm afraid. You may be very good at what you do, and be able to manage with low stats, but in my experience of pugging, i'd rather take a meh player with good gear over someone claiming to be brilliant with bad gear.
  8. If any of you have been around launches of other MMOs (which I doubt many people here have), you come to realize that they aren't going to be perfect at launch. An MMO is a living, breathing game that evolves over time. Every single feature you want or have seen in other games will often be added in at a later date once they fix the most pressing post-launch issues. Let's look at the launch of WOW.


    World of Warcraft

    WOW has had SEVEN years to add content. SWTOR has had two months. Can you imagine how much better this game will be even a year from now? But I digress.

    Does anyone remember the awful lag issues WOW had at launch? I sure as hell do. Many servers were crashing for a long period of time over and over. Lag, loot lag, falling through the world, etc. Queue times were often an hour or more. The game was often unplayable at times until WOW had time to fix hardware issues. SWTOR has actually done better than WOW in this regard. WOW actually had to give some people free days because the lag was so bad and the servers were so unstable.

    I think WOW had one or two raids? There weren't any battlesgrounds. There weren't a lot of things.


    (blah blah blah WOW was released in 2004 SWTOR should have all the features it does blah blah blah ) No, it shouldn't SWTOR is a unique game that will add it's own content.


    I personally love this game. I sincerely enjoy playing it. Those who don't are more likely to be vocal about it on the forums. I never see any of this "I hate SWTOR" chat in game.

    Launch is a difficult time for ANY MMO, and SWTOR has actually done better than just about any MMO I've seen before.


    This game isn't WOW and it never will be. Don't expect it to have all the features you love from WOW 2 MONTHS after launch. Give this game time to work out the few bugs there are and add a bit of content over the upcoming months and this will be the best MMO there is. Bottom line, MMOs take time to develop and add content and this is one of the smoothest MMO launches I've been around.


    SWTOR has been in the making for 5 years. WoW revolutionised the MMO genre and brought it mainstream, you could argue that it launched with problem and ill agree yes it did. However, blizzard realised very quickly that the same everquest theme wasn't going to cut it, and that if they didn't make things happen quickly it was dead. So no, wow didnt launch with battlegrounds, it invented them as we now know them, most of the features we see where developed by blizzard, or taken from other games and made better. Hell i don't even like wow.

    Also, you don't see any "I HATE SWTOR" chat in game because hardly anyone is in game, fleet has 180 people in, and each planet ranges from 10 - 60. Out of the 2 million pre sales, this is not a huge number (this is prime time, luka sena) obviously this amount is spread over all servers and not everyone is on at the same time. But out of 2 million people, it still seems we're missing an awful lot.

    As far raids, upper black rock spire and onyxia if im not mistaken, not to mention all the level 60 instances, which were new, not rip off hardmodes where the only added thign is an enrage timer.


    I like swtor, i do, however biowares ignoring its community on such a huge scale it isn't even funny. There are so many issues that have existed from beta (I was a closed beta tester, and played 4 builds) and plenty of features removed (alot of custom armour, there was certainly more then than there is now). Point is, being new gives you a pardon for bugs, it does not give you a pardon for lack of end game content, and considering i have nothing to do, nothing to explore, and nothing to gain outside of raid hours, this is not forgiveable. For a game 5 years in the making, I would have expected:

    3 same faction warzones (huttball, arena, CTF/TDM type)

    2 or 3 cross faction (voidstar, alderaan, a battle for corelia)

    EVERY fp in HM, + 5 new ones.

    3 operations, world bosses worth killing, that actually take a bit of prep not just turning up and *shrugging* through them laughing when someone pulls aggro because is makes no odds.

    A full pvp system, with ranks, and more than 3 sets of gear (1 of which is worse than what you hit 50 in, or atleast as was the case with both my 50s)


    So yes, the game is 2 months old, and we're nowhere near what it should have come with, like it or not, this game has to compete against WoW and rift. Tera and GW2 are coming out this year aswell, project titan we can assume will arrive next year, if the game isnt in a suitable state for tera/GW2 you can kiss it good bye and welcome free2play. It needs to be completely epic for Titans release because lets face it, when bllizzard decide they want the market to themselves, they take it. Which is why they have shrugged off every attempt at competition between wow and anything else. It is also the reason why after countless years you compare this game, to wow, and not a newer modern MMO, because all the new ones have made the same mistakes as this one has, and not as badly. If this wasn't star wars, we'd be looking at another all point bulletin failure by now.

  9. You got to level 50 on Jan 1st? You must have played almost nonstop from the first day of early access.


    Lol i did it by boxing day, now that was hammering it, though i am inclined to agree, i have 2 50's and the second one took only a few days longer than the first to do and i wasnt actually powering through it until i got to 48 and decided id slacked enough and i'd have 50 before i logged.

    If it takes you long to level here, then you must be taking your time.#


    On topic, the OP has some points, good ones. I played rift yesterday, never even looked into it before now but as i was sat on my 50, bored in fleet, with nothing to do until the raid tonight, i figured meh to hell with it ill have a look.

    All i have to say is damn, no wonder this game is dying. Rift felt finished, it played nicely, seems to be plenty of regular hot fixes which dont come with 7 HOURS of downtime per fix. Not sure how much i like it, but i can definitely see all the features swtor just doesnt have, and as its been in development for 5 years, hasnt got an excuse not to have.

    Just paid for another month, so i'll stay for that, but if there isnt a major content patch by the time my time expires i probably wont bother renewing it. Not to switch to rift, ill probably just quit until somethign decent come outs.

  10. I'd like to see alot more content aimed at between 4 and 8 players. Im semi-hardcore, i turn up for 3 nights a week of raids, usually we're done in 2. 8 man stuff is much mroe fun than trying to get 16 - 24 - 32 - 40 people together. Its less of a zerg fest and more of a co-ordinated-if-you-screw-this-up-everyone-will-see-it-was-you-who-caused-the-wipe-effort.

    In 8 man, each player matters, DPS dies, we're really going to have to go for gold to make the enrage timer, tank dies, tha back up steps in and we just gotta hope we can manage any adds that come to troll us. Healer dies, everyone has to play efficiently, avoiding aoe, avoiding pulling aggro, which yes they should do anyway, but theres always one. I'd like to see raids with more phases, and much more co-ordination.

    The giant zerg fests look great on paper, but massing players to do it is beh. And if you die, it really is inconsequential because the 8DPS can easily make up for the loss of 1 if they all really go for it, just as 4 healers can make up for 1 failing.

  11. I enjoy playing with my friends now, and thats it. I've pretty much quit outside of logging on, raiding and logging back off. I occassionally spend 20 minutes on the AH to earn the money required for repairs.... for ops.


    However, my guild went 4/5 Nightmare mode in EV last night... So how much longer ops have left in them... I honestly don't know.

  12. It lacks alot, this is undeniable. I was hoping that the end game we have wouldnt feel quite so.... final. They keep talking about karagas palace and kaon under siege like they're a huge accomplishment. They are a poor fix to a gaping hole that is the content this game has. I'd happily trade all the shared voice dialogue (not class quests/ flashpoints) from quests to of had another few raid operations. Even if they wheren't brilliant. Just MORE to do would be nice.

    They could have made a series of daily quests to give you gear (not tokens, actual tier 1 gear) Giving people a reason to get tionese gear, make hardmodes harder, so that they need the tionese gear to do them, then they get columi, add 2 man flashpoints (this would make a players gear count for more as there is only 2 of you in the group) which give things like tier 2.5, rakata implants ear pieces, mounts, all the purple 50 crafting recipes. Companion quests, so that you can get them geared enough to go and do the 2 man flashpoints, etc etc. I admit these are not all good ideas, but I'd take more poor dungeons over nothing any day of the week, and at the moment, nothing is all we have.

  13. Tried just about everything except smuggler to level 12, most things to 20+ and a few 50s

    Honestly, i enjoyed the marauder most, the storyline was.... good, not fantastic brilliant, but good. The game play ties in well with the emperors wrath title (when we still had it) in that we're all out attack. The toon honestly feels like its either idling, or going all out, theres no in between.

    The companions, bar 1, are some of the better ones in this game. For the most part, you end up with a crew that makes sense, a few odd bits but ultimately, the fit in nicely.

  14. Annihilation gets it key ability at level 20, Deadly sabre. Stay annihilation, you can level as carnage but 6 seconds of armour pen isnt all its cracked up to be, usually a 20% damage increase on the next 3/4 global cooldowns (depending on lag) compare this to a flat out, always running DOT effect..... Need i say more?
  15. Well, let's see here.


    Light side gets Blue and Green.

    Dark Side gets Red and Orange.


    Purple was introduced into Star Wars because Samuel L. Jackson's favourite colour is purple. So how in the world can you be concerned about a colour being available to either side when the reason for its existence is the preference of an actor who's role in the SW movies was completely unnecessary to begin with.


    Dark Side players might just like a purple lightsabre because it matches the colour of the lightning they shoot. Ever thought about that?


    So please, don't give me lore reasons for something that was introduced due to an actor's preference.


    You are correct, however, I like big sams performance and the character he plays. He was one of the better jedi, and a damn sight better than either of the 2 actors that played anakin skywalker. Jar Jar binks is probably the biggest dishonour to star wars. The first movies wheren't bad on their own, its the fact they have "starwars" in the title which brings them down because of the hype that goes with them.

  16. As hahkil says,

    If the enemy you are killing only has 2k HP, you could deal 5k damage, but it would only register as 2k. I do not know if this is intentional. I do however think that this is to stop classes like ours getting the medal super easy (as vicious throw does insane damage with bad gear, fully kitted out, i can drop in excess of 7k damage with crits in 2 GCD).

    Though if this is the case, it would be annoying as all the healer medals (apart from 75k) are pretty much out of bounds to us, with the exception of getting hoth water.

  17. Honestly I dont need anyone saying LTP. I have been in here since early beta and have played on my maurader. But I am tired of being gimped in pvp. In warzones I ma very active and still get out damaged by almost every ranged profession. I though that Mauraders were glass cannons, but they are midle of the pack damage dealers, and are defense is so weak we get targted primarily on the outset of every fight. When is Bioware going to wake up and either increase melee damage for us or decrease ranged damage. I am playing on a bh right now and the damage they do is so dumb. All I have to do is push like 4 buttons on my bh and be top damage dealer in every warzone I play in. Mauraders have to have like all three toolbars stacked up with buttons to be even somewhat decent in damage. I am sure I will get some comments like good riddance or LTP, but honestly Mauraders in this game are weaker than any other class and harder (when it coems to quickslots) to play than any other class. I am not looking for a handout like make mauraders op, but if they truelly are damage dealers than make it so, and fix them already.


    Good luck to all of you who are sticking it out, I hope Bioware will show you some love soon, but for now I cant take it.


    I have retired from PvP, not because of a lack of damage, I usually come out on top. Bar non. I usually win vs just about anyone. I am just bored of the knockbacks, I agree BH is easier but if you get a sense of accomplishment out of easy then by all means, take it. I for one do not. I would agree though, for the frustrations we suffer, a little more damage wouldnt hurt. Not masses, just a little bit.

  18. Ravage is immense, My rotation looks a bit like:

    Charge, Deadly Blade, Battering Assault, Annihilate, Rupture, Ravage, hit hit,

    and it just runs from there, keeping deadly blade on, rupture up, and annihilate stacks at full. Ravage comes in very handy for when everything has a few seconds left on CD and you aren't stuck for rage.

    Personally i like to run with low rage, keeping just enough to keep my rotation going. Fight specific i occassionaly load up my rage bar on the off chance im gonna have to dump it at the start of the next phase (soa for example). I've seen some people keep a full rage bar almost all the time, which to me seems like a huge waste of rage and a large drop in DPS.

    I believe this to be the optimal rotation, though i haven't bothered looking at what anyone else does, as this works well.

  19. here is as close to a hybrid that i would ever go for all you who are obsessed with getting that second leap effect as a marauder, although id consider it more of a splash personally.




    makes me cringe trading defensive stance and cloak of carnage for a leap since i think that fury and rage building are the easily the 2 MOST important components of this class.


    losing annihilate is no big deal to me. Imo I think its a waste as it is the single most rage expensive skill for very un-impressive top tier damage... and no bleed effect. I'd rather use the 4 rage (costs 5 but u get one back) on rupture and crip slash. i don't include it in my normal anni build anyway.


    push the bleed effects... its where its at.


    and whoever said that anni build does not hit as hard is either on crack or has never seen stacking bleeds proc so fast that it looks like the numbers are yellow anime blood spraying out of their head...


    Except that when fighting a skilled healer, annihilate firing every 9 seconds or so coupled with all your bleeds > out do just about anyone. annihilate crits for 3k+, 4k+ on clothies, thats a far cry from the 2k crits from vicious slash. and if i get someone to less than 20%, annihilate + vicious throw + bleeds= dead. gg, thnx for turning up, bb.

    The few occassions this doesn't happen, i literally wonder why they aren't dead. if those 2 abilities crit its definitely game over.

  20. To the OP: How did you get to 1500 strength? Do you have full BM gear? I have full champ set grinding to valor 60, and Im sitting at only 1207 strength. Now I know that pvp gear does not have as much as pve gear, but in the OP's pic, he has 603 expertise so I'm assuming he has mostly pvp gear on. Granted, I havent done the datacrons yet, but that would only add 30 strength and 30 endurance total, + 10 to all stats.


    I have noticed quite a few other marauders on my server who are all sitting at between 1300-1500 strength, and I am curious as to why my strength seems to be subpar.


    On a side note, I have been a diehard carnage build since release, tried rage and annhi a few times, but was stubborn and stuck with carnage. I felt like i had tons of control over my opponents, could crit 3k+ on demand ever 15 seconds, and just felt like an absolute wrecking ball.

    I recently just respecced annhilation again, and omg. My first game I had 500k damage dealt and 90 healed. With my carnage spec (which I feel I've got a really good grip on), I would have to work my *** off to MAYBE get 300k damage.


    Anyways, Thanks in advance for your reply.


    To be fair, unbuffed i have about 1580 (im a biochem so i class my rakatastim as unbuffed as i always have it on) buffed i come about 14 short of 1700. Got 17k HP too, to be fair rakata gives you more endurance than str, and alot of the mods are utter garbage meaning you have to switch them out

    I get about 330k average in warzones, but i dont play much voidstar just huttball. i think this was more a combination of insane healing and luck he was just left to it. Usually i show up and people try bursting me down.

  21. what exactly is the ataru form bug?

    Is this where it doesnt proc at all? If so then it does need fixing, i spent a good 2 minutes last night without a single ataru strike or blood frenzy when i was fighting karaga. Refreshing the stance worked but losing all the rage was annoying.

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