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Posts posted by Shoxc

  1. It actually IS true my friend.


    Kiddies like yourself aren't old enough to remember WoW's launch, which was an ABSOLUTE AND ABJECT mess. Where bugs would crash the servers for days on end, loot lag, etc, etc.


    You only remember WoW as it is now, 11 years after initial work began on it.


    And that's what you're comparing agains SWTOR...a game that's had a 3 year development cycle.


    Then you can't understand why one is so much more polished than the other.


    It would be funny, if it wasn't so repetative.


    2004 vs 2011.


    Standards have risen, even if yours haven't.

  2. I'm waiting for an official post, stating that there was an investigation about this problem going on and that it is now safe to say that you are the one to blame. Your miserable connection to the server results in laggy response times. Case closed.


    Wow you're stupid, there was a sticky from a mod saying that this is a known issue. Please go away now, and continue to be bad.



  3. Actually it's not a mystery.


    - 350,000 concurrent users at PEAK (referenced many times).


    - 250 servers (server status page).


    - 1400 people per server AT MOST during PEAK.


    - 2 factions, 700 per faction average (less on republic for sure).


    - 20 planets including fleet.


    = 35 average people per planet. Of course you will see higher numbers on fleet vs quesh but the average of 35 people per shard seems about right.


    There are way too many servers, planets are way too huge, this game feels empty. It's also funny that most servers are listed as heavy which means the caps on them are very very small.

  4. There aren't any, you can tell because the base mod (the one that increases the item level and base damage) does not exist.


    Hilts for lightsabres (hopefully they modify this so that it can be used for techstaff) however there are NONE with +aim on it


    Barrels for ranged weapons.


    Armoring for all armor.


    Only 3 types of base mods.

  5. Our Chinese friends aren't sleeping, I see. Thank you for posting this!


    I once had my WoW accound hacked, and I had a REALLY complicated password - nothing anyone could have ever guessed. They have some pretty smart tools in their disposal.


    Tools, like... you giving them your account and password?

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