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Posts posted by bdnguyen

  1. Arsenal/ Gunnery is in a good spot with a nerf in mobility - a huge choice between survivability of Echoing Deterrence vs Hold the Line to cleanse roots. Otherwise, the overall damage and especially the single target burst are BUFFED. AoE Cleaving potential is nerfed due to a reduction in the base damage of the AoE cleaving versions of Grav Round/ Tracer Missle and Demolition Round/ Heat Seeker Missle.
  2. Currently, the Blade of The Element tactical offer 50% crit chance per one stack of Clairvoyance x2 for 100% super crit of Vaulting Slash. This is the premise of using this tactical.


    However, there are two ways to generate Clairvoyance stacks:

    1- using Clairvoyance Strike as a single target ability. Stacks created this way currently function properly for the Tactical.

    2- using Whirling Blow as an AoE ability. Stacks created through this ability DID NOT generate a 100% crit chance Vaulting Slash.


    Please advise.

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