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Posts posted by kemsu

  1. Wouldn't work in my case, but good idea. I really did consider doing that.


    Two problems:


    1) I've had no less than 20 people roll copycat alts in the past, spelled every other way except the way I made it at SWG launch, trying to confuse people. Any variant spelling would match one of the obnoxious phonies people remember lol.


    (Some of those were frickin' hilarious btw. Just, I always told people if it isnt spelled this way, I promise it isnt me!)


    2) You can't search names here like that. People will log in and /tell Haleigh XXX and if they don't find me, they will assume they have the wrong server. I stuck with my main in SWG because I had old friends log in every day and "find" me. I'm playing ToR mainly to hook up with old friends.


    Judging by the insight on this post, it looks like Bioware may have blacklisted the name because a search engine will link the name to SWG lore. The thing is, that only happens because of me.


    I shouldn't be barred from playing under a character name just because I have used it in a Star Wars game for so long that it now shows up on Star Wars databases. :p


    P.S. Seriously, thanks everyone for the help! :)


    Then the devs should be making a special case for you! It's as if James Earl Jones decided to play SWTOR, and Bioware blocked him from naming his character Vader.

  2. As per devs, it looks like a Friday entry for you is about 100%.


    But there is also that slim chance they might decide to add bonus waves tomorrow at some point, so you might get in then. I would keep checking.


    Not in myself yet, but am hoping tomorrow is the day (preordered 10/27).

  3. Preordered 10/27, and still not in.


    Does this make me angry? NO


    I preordered knowing that I would get UP TO 5 days of early access. I assumed I wouldn't get in until the last day, considering how late I ordered.


    Then bioware extends early access by two days, and over half the preorder customers are in game now. By tomorrow, I expect almost all, if not all the rest of the preorders will be in game.


    That means everyone is going to be playing at least the full 5 days as originally advertised.


    But there are some who can never be pleased.

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