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Posts posted by Cebby

  1. well lets say that on some servers pvp is declining.. not dead.


    lets also say that each person whio commented hear is representing guilds that like to pvp. honestly if you came from a pvp mmo before this is prolly the werst attempt so far.


    there are a ton of subs, the game is noy dying, unless you look at all of them, they are dying from release. WoW has some big numbers but has a huge market over seas, where a large number of people buy a sub for very little play time each month.


    PVP has been a huge let down.. my guild will be moving on when there is an alternative. People are not just trolling.


    New games are gunna be better? pretty hard to be werse i guess.. but in the end its pvp in an atmosphere where people cannot stand losing. they are trying to solve the unsolvable. like grade 2 kids playing soccor. no one loses there are just winners.

  2. While there are now dozens of reasons pvp is pointless in this game, I'd like to refocus the discussion to three main issues that have always been a serious problem and remain ignored.


    The fact that they've remained shows how detached from reality the Bioware developers are. Perhaps if they took a step back, they'd see that.


    So I present, "the big three:"


    1. TAB targeting.


    2. Short handed matches (eg., 4 v 8, 5 v 8, etc...).


    3. Inability to queue with 8 or properly with 4.


    These are very basic things that any MMO or video game in general shouldn't have a problem with, period.


    4 warzones?

    no open werld pvp

    balance swings like an axe.

    oh yeah no pvp content?

    all valor does is unlock gear.. no pvp abilities..

    no content?

  3. The pvp exodus has begun..


    Lack of open werld pvp with any meaning..


    3 scenarios which was really one sc.. then they added one more..woopie


    Nerfing with wild abandon..pvp stsats broken, shield spec anyone?


    MMO's it seem cannot get pvp right, and those that were closest, daoc and war were undermined by community,cheaters and big mmo projects that promised the werld and delivered F all. SWTOR pvp was a joke and now seems to be flat lining. It is very hard to believe that Mythic had anything to do with this project besides running for coffee. DaoC and Warhammer had great ideas and proven pvp.. bioware simply lied about their intentions on pvp, as it is.. was simply an after thought.

  4. People should rise to the challenge.. get better use tactics and werk as team. the real problem with balance is pugs..


    they think they are doing great if they are playing solo.. then why do they lose?


    pvp is a team sport.. u must have a team.. if you walk in the door solo, then you need to adapt to them not call everyone bad because they dont do what you want.


    This thread is the king of jokes on these forums..

  5. I'm sick and tired of getting handicapped by getting 4 or 5 terribad randoms assigned to my premade in warzones. It makes it either impossible or very hard to win some of the time. They can't announce incoming enemies, they don't pass to the tank in huttball and they obviously never learned how to dps.


    Something needs to be done about this. 8 man queues or ranked warzones need to be added asap. And I don't care if people cry because they're getting steamrolled. Nothing stops you from queueing up with 7 or 3 other people. Don't have friends? Make some. If this hurts your singleplayer experience - Mass Effect 3 is that way ---> !


    It's especially frustrating right now if you had an 8 man guild prepared for rated warzones. The only time warzones are really fun is when we happen to queue into the same warzones with both teams. When I read threads about completely removing premades from pvp it hurts my head. That's not what this game needs. :mad:


    if u are so awesome, how come you need 2 groops to kill pugs.

  6. /facepalm


    They never learn. Pugs need to step up and learn team play.. assist, guard and heals. PVP is not pve.. it requires more effort that running your rotation on someone you think u can kill.


    NTM, what about the pugs that know this.. do we need 3 tiers of pvp.. Guilds, Pugs and Shortbus?


    Seriously if pugs quit sucking at everything, they would help themselves out of this mess.


    PSS their are a small percentage of guilkd dominating WZ's and always will. What about casual guilds or groops without guards and heals.. they beat us too.


    op makes me crazy

  7. Hutt ball is great, but was not everyones favorite..not even half. especially after 6 months of it. Another thing about huttball.. is it is just as bad as the fighting matches in the opposite direction. Force users and tanks rool. Mobility overshadows classes that can't. Guilds were is in a perfect position to tailor make groops based solely on that.. and dominate the same wz over and over..


    Being in a guild full of BM elites is one way to gimp your own experiance. Guilds form these groops to dominate not to havea challenge.. it isnt biowares fault and ranked wz's will not save you.. maybe cross server will creat an ultra competitve arena but then your guild full of folks who dont want to lose.. will go to the unranked to dominate again.. why else would the stack groops and cue multiple groops and fpocus so hard on overbearing the other team consistantly. Really this is a player issue and floods every pvp game i have played and BW cant fix it.


    Rewards and incentive is what BW should focus on.. give casuals a reason to play. create an open world arena and fix pvp in general.


    I have no pity for guilds like yours.. if you wanted competition you wouldn't be in an elite guild nor would your members roll FOTM classes when they are nerfed.

  8. if a class has a metric ton of dps.. then run. Great strategy..


    CC them, ok another great strat. Except their are 8 people spamming cc and resolve is a joke.


    interupt their best dps move.. another good one.. long as you have an interupt.. some dont.


    How about this.. in 1.2 dps classes like the maurader/sent have a real advantage.. I personally think they should do tons of dps.. but they should not be able to tank like a boss too..


    Same prob with juggy..


    Boosting the dps with expertise and reducing healing was the biggest mistake ive seen so far. Should have just fixed the exploit with sorcs heals (how people did it idk)


    At the end of the day, it is a perfect storm for these classes. an advantage that others have to overcome.. until its fixed.


    1.21 i bet

  9. to keep people playing there should be more rewards for the losing team.


    Discourage afk/quitters while ur at it with a completion reward.


    let the noobs play.. give them gear. give social points or something to rewad people queing in groops.

  10. All the whining about this class and that.. Heals and huttball.


    They nerf it all.. the only classes who dont get nerfed is the ones off the radar.


    Then when they all get their wish they unsub.


    There is nuthin different today as day 1.. people are still complaining.


    I play a healer and a merc.. both nerfed and both still viable. They best part of the new whiners is that the pre made huttball teams that are resting on guards and defensiv specs now have to fight.


    Good luck fighting when all you know whow to do is pull people to hazards and run the ball in a pack of tanks.

  11. MVP votes just encourages a buddy system, and in no way reflects the real MVP's. I was hoping that they would have been done away with it when 1.2 came out. I see people top the parse in healing, dps, and medals all the time and end up without any votes other than mine. At least remove any award for mvp votes. They get a vote they can smile and thats it. Why should a person get extra coms or valor just becouse theire guildie votes for them.


    Again I agree with several other posts that have said that you are the problem.


    Top stats are usually the result of swinging wildly and worrying about heir own performance rather than the groop. Guilds vote this way because it rewards the groop and groop tactics, usually within their own 4 man.

  12. There needs to be penalties.. and rewards.


    Reward players for staying even in a losing match. Why they dropped it i have no idea, especially after there were so many complaints before regarding afk/quitters.


    Sounds crazy how about a match completion bonus that declines for inactivity..xp/valor and comms.


    There also needs to be a quitter debuff.. how about after 3 quits you lose ur pvp queuing privliges. or a 20 min debuff. or something!


    AFK and QUITS are werse than ever.. and its not going away. BW wake up and realize your not the first game to do pvp.. warhammer, daoc wow arenas all had similiar problems dont reinvent the wheel.. How much are you paying those guys anyways?

  13. love guild v guild, and i agree with the sentiment.. if people are quitting because they are getting killed, even repeatedly.. they needa break.


    Friends are friends, unless u are forming guilds based on how elite players are.. then ur F'ed, get used to it.

  14. Its not so much that it is bugged but the amount of cc, total loss or roots is so momumental.. that it becomes the biggest point of frustration for many players.


    resolve should be expanded to include roots and pulls/punts

  15. it is not unfair.


    it is the way team games are played.


    solo pvp is the hardest game to play, you get wat u get in the end.


    it is an f'in joke that peopel unsub over losing.. even werse that they blame guilds for bringing their best game.


    a joke.

  16. nerf them, then nerf them before the nerf even comes down.


    Facing coordianted groops I get rolled on my sorc healer. Facing pugs I can play without dying.


    Guess what I am not worried about pugs, when ranked wz's come out will we even bring healers?

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