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Posts posted by Reikok

  1. I agree Completely!


    PvE- I was the most valued person in the op, now im nothing


    PvP- I have full bm & mixed rakata and did around 300-500k on average per pvp match with 6-7 medals and now I can barely make 100k, I get interrupted nonstop and cant get my main heal off which is ridiculous, my class is a healer and I CANT HEAL???? wth i dont want to dps i want to heal and they ruined the class... and now wz's are obsolete because everyone leaves the wz's now... *** !


    they broke my class and my subscription has ended


    i don't like these changes but you mentioned you using rakata gear


    one of the changes they made was to make it so pve gear sucks in pvp

  2. i'm curious, right now i'm running half champion gear, half recruit gear. I'm full heal spec.


    during a match i'm pretty much always trying to heal someone and throwing my shield around. I'm curious if its the gear that makes that much of a difference or if i need to just heal more and toss my shield around more

  3. full heal still works you just need to make sure to run with the pack and throw down you heal AOE and try to stay in it


    pretty much you use the pack of people your in to hopefully get people not to see that your healing and take you out.


    however it's crap DPS wise. but i still like playing it.


    i do feel annoyed that i'm full heal spec and with out BM gear non-full heal spec can still out out higher heal numbers

  4. Hello Everyone.


    Been reading the forums.. it is really depressing!!


    Wondering if anyone, ANYONE out there agrees with me.

    Sorc healer is a viable pvp class. I now have full augmented gear & run with my guild as 4 man premades (always).


    I do notice a HUGE difference in my stats; I have been forced to spec into the overload stunnlock in order to up my ability to survive.


    I am able to chuck bubbles on everyone, throw my dot, slow, stun (alot).

    I usually do at least 75k damage in a voidstar.


    I believe this patch has changed the way one must play the sorc healer class. I can't out heal 2 dps anymore... but I shouldn't be able too.

    I can out heal 1 dps long enough to get away and heal up.



    ** My one big concern is simply the fact my main heal is nearly impossible to get off.

    My only advice here is always use your dark heal first so people pop their interrupt and follow up with the long heal.


    Anyways, I am just wondering if anyone else is finding that it isn't the end of the world?


    part of the issue is perhaps gear, i don't have a full BM set and I get wreaked easy. as a full healer i just don't attack anyone 1 v 1 at all since there is very little point.


    so maybe with the changes gear makes things fine, the issue i think is people with out BM gear


    also you mentioned you spec into a more stun based spec. I think full healers are the ones who are rather annoyed by the changes.

  5. honestly i have found that as a 31/7/2 healer i do really well if i can get my AOE heal down and stand in it.


    granted a lot of the doing well as to do with the fact i only fight in large groups now. I stay with a large pack and while i'm healing my team with the AOE they stay around me. pretty much i am herding cats.


    i drop my aoe heal on top of a node i hang there and keep myself alive while keep refreshing my AOE heal, some times i throw down my AOE lightning attack.


    pretty much my whole strat has become " stay on a node cause on a node is where the players are and that means someone on your team will save your ***"


    it works well half the time and i get about 12 medals ( when we win) by doing this.


    really wish our shield was a bit tougher though it goes down in 1-2 hits most the time

  6. I have found that the healing AOE is rather good, if i can stay standing in it i can stay alive, but pretty much i have to only heal myself and do nothing else and hope my team shows up. I love my AOE heal so don't think i'll be giving that up.


    healers really don't do well fighting in the field any more. pretty much to do well you need to get in the middle of a massive fight and hope that in the chaos no one sees that your the healer.


    last nght i was pretty much using my AOE heal and my AOE attack the whole time on nodes.


    Healers have pretty much turned into people who are great at defending a node (if people are smart and stand on it).


    from node defending on coast i got 12 medals from defender points and healing.


    31/7/2 still works it's just you become a healing turret. however if you have a team who isn't going to defend you your kinda SOL


    also the shield has become a lot more important, i have starting spamming that like crazy

  7. I sent a ticket and have not heard back. I'm hoping this is a bug and not a hidden nerf on healers.


    I can pretty much confirm who we no longer leech kills. as last night all i did was heal people while hiding. There was massive kills being done by the DPS i was healing and i didn't even get the 10 kills medal.

  8. except healing is now UP. Debuff needs to go.


    And FYI, I don't even play a healer, so this isn't someone saying they want their class to be buffed.


    as an example getting a 5k hit isn't that hard you just need some expertise gear


    getting a 5k heal on the other hand. I have fulll cent gear, and some bm parts i use a relic and i can only hit 4.8k at max

  9. As Sorc heal i did around 410k in Void and Alderaan today but the enemys where bad at trying to kill me.


    Other matches i got only about 300k or 100k in the same time, depends on how hard a guy with the same gear gets on you and know how to interrupt 1 spell and stun you ^^


    Thats all one root, one stun you are 90% dead xD


    A friend of mine made a 9k Krit as Marauder in Anhilation Specc. YERAH THE DOT SPECC.


    Thats the new system, dps dps dps dps dps dps dps.


    how are you getting 300k heals i can't get over 150k and healing is all i do, are you BM geared?

  10. 2.5k Hit

    300k Dmg

    75k Dmg

    2.5k Heal

    75k Healed

    300k Healed

    1k Defence 1 life

    5k Defence

    10k 1 Life

    + Obj Points, 1, 2, 10k?

    1 Solo Kill

    1 Killing Blow


    That's 12... What others?


    how are you doing that much damage as a healer? Also how do you defend as a healer. Healers ( at lease my class) do not have any skills that i can get defense points for.

  11. I was thinking about this, why is there a healing debuff. now that healers have been brought "into line" don't you think that it's time for this silly debuff to go away. Why are heals debuffed but dps is not?.


    Pretty much this means our stacking expertise goes to simply over coming this debuff before we really get much out of it

  12. If I weren't on my phone at work I'd gladly provide one, but it's painfully obvious. My sage buddy ha his expertise listed as 21% to damage, to damage mitigation, but only 11% buff to healing.


    yeah this isn't a bug, it's meant to be that way. never mind the fact we get a healing debuff when in combat


    Healers have ALWAYS had it hard for medals...if you just stick to heals you can get 4 medals... 2.5k...5k...75k...300K... if your smart and you land damage on a low hp player steal the killing blow get enough extra damage here and there for more medals... its not hard...



    how are can you get a 5k heal and a 300k heal with starter gear? even before the patch when i could double dip force bending and all i *did* was heal i never got close to 300k heal


    If you are a tank, guard someone and throw taunts= 3 medals in 2 seconds... if you are a healer, take armor off, put it back on, 5k heal yourself= 2 medals....


    you can't get a 5k heal with out the high end pvp gear

  14. Huh?




    All you literally have to do is heal near an objective and watch the medals fly. Throw in a few globals for some auto-attack and spray some enemies for even more medals.


    90% dedicated to healing in WZs and I finish with 9+ medals.


    there are objective points in hutt ball? all i ever seem to get put into is huttball. if you mean the goal line well i can heal if i'm the only there.


    also there is no auto attack and not sure what you mean by globals


    lol, I just broke my record with 15 medals today and wasnt even trying dpsing tbh.


    care to tell how and what medals?

  15. Healers do seem to get shafted in PVP. But is you play sorc/sage, you have that bubble shield that can block a ton of damage. Doesn't that help. i'm no healer so I'm just guessing.



    believe it or not the shield counts as HEALING so it only gives us the 75k healing medal. I have never been able to get to 300k healing even before the patch when we could double dip force bending. you pretty much need full BM gear to even get close to that


    so nope the shield doesn't help cause it counts as healing not defence

  16. in pvp i normally get kills from healing people who are killing. however since the patch this seems to not be the case any more is anyone else seeing this also.


    personally i think more badges need healers options.


    I heal my heart out and i get maybe 3 medals and i see DPS people getting 10-11 medals

  17. If you're doing objectives, using your utility skills and engaging enemies you WILL have a minimum of 3 medals, even if you are put in late into the match. I'm sick of seeing players run around just dpsing the entire match and getting rewarded the same as players that actually make a difference, 3 is the perfect number to weed out useless players from being over compensated.



    healers do not have these utility skills, healers should be healing


    Yes i can get a lot of medals if as soon as i get my healer medal i start dpsing but that isn't going to help my team as my dps sucks. so ether i can help the team or get badges


    personally rather then remove the 3 medal req maybe add more medals for healers.


    also getting kill medals via healing seems to not be workign any more

  18. healers are screwed medal wise all i do during a match is keep my team alive and i do a great job at it, but i get only 2-3 medals


    we no longer seem to get kills from healing people who kill others. I assume something is broken and hope that is fixed too. Only way i have been able to get kills it to dot everyone i see and hope it kills someone

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