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Posts posted by Kireinaa

  1. About Us


    <Scum and Villainy> is an Empire endgame PVE guild that focuses on serious raiding on a casual schedule. All of our members are adults with jobs, families and other real life responsibilities. We understand the value of time and therefore limit our raiding to two nights a week, three hours per night.


    Given our light schedule, we expect our members to come prepared and on time to raids and have near perfect attendance. A commitment of six hours a week is really not a lot to ask for. Optimal specs, min/maxed gear and stims are a must. We don't expect recruits to have BiS gear and we understand it can be difficult to get geared out without a solid guild already, but what we are looking to see is that you took the initiative to improve your character to the best of your ability and your current guild situation. We also require Mumble and MOX combat parser usage during raids for voice communication and performance monitoring respectively.


    In return, we treat all members equally. We believe in a motto of "best man (or woman) for the job". There are no guaranteed raid spots, loot bias or any other form of favoritism. Your participation is dependent purely on your own dedication and performance, regardless of your time within the guild. We use an EPGP loot system which aims to create a fair loot distribution between both new and old members. For more information, please see our guild charter.


    Despite our casual schedule, we are still progression oriented, which means we have to be more efficient and work harder than guilds that have more hours per week to work on new content. If you're looking for a home where you can experience hardcore raiding without a hardcore schedule, then head on to our site to submit an application.





    Tue/Thur 21:30 - 00:30 EST




    HM TFB: 5/5

    HM SnV: 6/7



    Recruitment Status




    Contact Us


    Website: http://snv.enjin.com/

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