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Posts posted by ssleeper

  1. A friend and I are returning to the game after almost a year off. And even when we played before we mostly did pvp. Another friend of ours is getting a new computer and wants to play as well. We are looking for a more PVE. We used to raid when It first came out and other moms we love the dungeons and raids. But enjoy PVP from time to time. We are both very rusty with the dungeons and raids but have ok geared guys. I have a 280s mercenary (dps), and a 280 assassin (tank). My friend has a 280 sorcery (heals) and a jug. (Dps I think) not sure what our friend will make yet. My name in game is ssleeper (merc) Sleeperr (***). Want to find a friendly guild that will help with the little details. Mostly we just want to be able to do runs and have fun. Please let me know if a helpful guild is looking for a few extra players. Thank you.
  2. A friend and I are coming back after years of not playing, and we are bringing a new player with us. Im on here looking to see if i can find a friendly helpful guild on the Sith side. Last time we played all we did was PVP, im wanting to find a guild that will do dungeons and raids as a group. Will probable be about a week or so when we get back on, waiting on our friend to get his computer and set it up.
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