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Posts posted by Naholen

  1. It hurts to look at the new UI, especially the inventory screens. You can barely see the white border around your skills window and doesn't match in any way the rest of the UI.

    I tried to change my monitor's color setting to soften the glaring, too bright with too much contrast, UI but it still is an eyesore.

    I like the layout, but the color scheme is painfully horrendous. Really painful.

    Is it BW's way to make us play less?

  2. I have taken screen shots too in case. And i spent 3 days doing the entire story line not skipping chapters nor preludes. I started on the 23rd with the prerequisites, so it was a grueling experience. 😅😁 I could not log on the PTS sooner due to work. 😭 Not many on at the end but managed to get a PVP group and a FP group. Let's hope it works.


    By the way, are we going to see these achievements when 7.0 launches?

  3. My third attempt at completing this FP with 3 different toons. I completed it twice with my Jedi Knights, failed with Smugger, Op, and Trooper for one reason or another. Currently stuck twice in the "Seekers Vigil - Archives" which is the final stage. I enter the room an nothing happens. There's a red force field blocking my progress. This has happened twice on my Op and Smugger. ...


    I have done this now 25 times and glad I don't have to do it anymore. My first three tries were hell but I learned from them.

    I fed enough gift to Rass to get him to 25, so one obstacle gone. The fight became much easier.


    When I tried the burning floor, after dying I experienced the same problem as the first poster. So I took the "corridor" instead of doing the jumping puzzle, and then killed the adds and went to the ledge and advance the quest. This is very important, because if you do not, no matter how far you go after that, it never goes to the next step and you can't reset it even if you go back to the ledge. It will still let you "advance" until you wonder why you can't open a door... So you will end up having to reset the FP. (This was the force field blocking my progress when I forgot to move to the ledge. See if that is the same issue you had?)


    After each cut scene I waited a few minutes before advancing to the next part, just to give the "game" some time to figure out where I was. I noticed that in some occasions it took a bit for the next step to advance, so before I continued onward, i made sure the text on my mission step had changed, as apparently you can still progress in the FP until you can't anymore due to non refreshing of steps.


    Hope you can manage to complete it for your other toons soon.

  4. Any possibility to see in the cartel market more personnel decos in the future? We got the Alderaan SH, but would be nice if we could get some noble personnel type, and servants to go with it. :p Like the ones you see standing around in House Organa and House Thul. :)


    There are a lot of NPCs around the different planets in mingling poses and would be nice to be able to get more of those. A lot of the ones out now, are mostly dancing, faction specific and holding weapons. Some people decos sitting would be nice. Med bay's bed with people lying on them would be cool. Would be nice to have more "mingling" type people to populate our stronghold.


    Since they already exist in the game, I don't think it should be too hard to make them no? :D

  5. @Sareeph

    You need to disable the BitRaider.


    Ensure the Launcher is NOT running


    Go to Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic (Or wherever is stored on your computer) and open the launcher.settings file in notepad and locate the below line


    , "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"BR\" }"

    Change to:

    , "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\" }"




    ,"bitraider_disable": false

    Change to:

    , "bitraider_disable": true


    SAVE the changes. Delete the BitRaider folder .

    Start the launcher. You will have to do an almost a new game download but for now this is the best solution

  6. Unfortunately you can't do much with what people write for kicking out of a group. Normally if i see a reason to kick someone that is not performing appropriately using an inappropriate reason i just choose not to kick. So if they write "gay" instead of writing "AFK for a long time", I don't accept the kick. That is the only thing that can be done atm, other than ignoring someone.
  7. why bother even putting an eta for the initial update and fixes anymore we all know they are gonna be delayed anyways :mad: and us subscribers who actually are paying for all the delays should deff get something in return for waiting every single update,patch,maintenance that we get delayed to play :mad::mad::mad::mad:


    As everyone else has said... please calm down. This is how things have always been. In every game. You have to expect it. Most of us do and are at least glad that it is not a several day maintenance. If a few hours is a big deal for you, you should have played Everquest in the 90s. Servers were down for almost a week once.


    The entitlement and lack of patience of people these days is very annoying.

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