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Posts posted by Johan_Lore

  1. I have yet to try nightmare mode...however on hard mode this strat DOES work...the only difference is that you have to have 2 people alternate clicking...otherwise it is a race against the clock because the longer the encounter goes on the more unmanageable the mobs become


    hence why we got 6 adds our first multiple attempts in hard mode because we took our time with clicks and actually clicked one time and noticed that the mobs just spawn on a timer


    While it may have worked for you, I'm not going to argue with that. All I can say, the only sure fire way we've seen it not bug out is to complete the south turns first without clicking, then do the north (do that for all 4). Also make sure the top pillar is not a one turn solve on either puzzle. We've done this weeks in a row with no bugs.

  2. This is pretty much common knowledge at this point.


    Honestly I think they know, but they just don't want people running around with 140 weapons yet. That's the only explanation I can think of as to why this hasn't been fixed, as it's ridiculously obvious.


    I used to not think this, however the fact that they updated the columi relics so easily has started to sway my opinion. It just doesnt make any sense at all that the items are not updated.

  3. How about the fact that sometimes the queue after a WZ is anywhere from 30 min to over an hour. Wonder how that affects your calculation...


    Edit--let me explain futher before you say l2read. What i meant is although you're right that its variable after the queue ends, sometimes the length of time between queues is so extreme that other variables kick in, i.e. you leave queue to raid, do a dungeon, log off, etc. The prevailing thought is to maximize your valor opportunities when you have them.

  4. I'm pretty sure this is intentional, seeing as how item rating 140 weapons aren't attainable via PVP either, to prevent players from completely outgearing the current content. There's just no way this is an oversight.


    Does it suck? Absolutely.


    Totally absurd comment. If they wanted to keep us from outgearing the content then they would have made it on par with Columi with possibly different color crystal for epeen flare. Right now its worse than Tionese. This is not acceptable at all.

  5. Hello!


    We're sorry to see you're having an issue with the Companion dismissal alert message. We hope you will take the time to submit an in-game bug report as well, since that is currently the best resource we have to document such issues.


    You can submit a Bug Report in-game by going to: Customer Support -> Request Help -> Create Ticket - Select "Bug Report" from the Category Selection.


    We hope this helps you find resolution to your problem.


    I've submitted countless bug reports in Beta and Live. It's such a simple fix, error text checkbox, on/off

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