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Posts posted by Qelduronn

  1. Just entered Valen Korik's room where two player stood in front of his respawn position waiting for him so I asked for an invite. No response. I invited them both. They both declined. I stood there with them waiting for Valen to spawn and after 4 minutes he spawned and we attacked them. I took the first hit and claimed his kill, laughed at them and left LOL
  2. I've been having the same problem. I disconnect and I get an error message that reads "Cannot retrieve server list." then I try to reconnect and it says "Your account has been disconnected." and finally I can relog in no problem. Always happens during WZ's in the exact same fashion.


    This happened to me couple mins ago during Voidstar. It disconnects and brings me to my desktop and for the next 3 mins I wasn't able to login. The login screen said something about offline servers etc.

  3. Well the good news is that Bioware doesn't do anything to prevent afk leechers and/or deserters during Warzones instead, they encourage players to do this because there is no penalty. I've been doing lots of warzones today and i've seen people leaving and afk almost every friggin match and it's getting worse by each day. I like to PVP but BW approve and again, encourage some players to behave like this.
  4. Also glad to find this thread. Happened six times in a row for me today after doing Cademimu with a friend and our companions. Right after the first elevator part. The client freezes so I need to CTRL+ALT+DEL to desktop and four crashes after it crashed to the desktop itself. When I relog my character is lying dead stuck somewhere in the instance jumping into nothingness. After six times I gave up on the instance and repaired my damaged items. Haven't experienced this before the 1.1 patch. Also tried to lower my graphic settings and running in windowed mode don't help either.
  5. Then you have to say goodbye to the General chat. The generalchat is really a bad trolling place. So if you want to RP do it with a guild or some of your friends because the general isnt really appropriate for such matters.


    Yea think so. It appears to be a game breaker for me. I will avoid general chat and only read it when I'm looking for a group.


    Thanks for your response.

  6. So today I was playing on Hutta on a RP server and the general chat was was pretty quite until a player with a 'non-rp' name asked something nicely on general chat about someone wanted to level with him. Suddenly a few other reacted about his name not being RP enough and that it would changed and not allowed anymore in a upcoming patch etc. I found the reaction quite hostile especially because that player got accused for being a troll and to choose another server etc. I must say his name wasn't really RP'ish but it wasn't that bad. These 4, 5 players kept justifying their selfs of being brave RP players and talked about other classes, planets, spoilers etc for the next 30 mins. I found the chat was flooding so I asked them friendly to stop spamming? I mean they could group up with each other and continue their interesting conversation without flooding the general chat? After I asked it they called me a imbecile and get the **** of the general chat, shut up, **** this and **** that.


    I just dont get this. There were 70+ players online at that time and only 4 or 5 them were talking the whole time. First they were acting like pro reasonable rp players but at the same time they were flooding the chat with personal experiences about classes, species, planets (spoilers), emotions. I find these players ruin the general chat and I haven't experience this during beta and the first couple days. I don't care if their fanboys/girls or got large epeens or whatever.


    So I ignored them but I will not avoid general chat because of these people.


    Thank you for reading.

  7. They did not help me when the game lost me 5000 credits. I posted them to an alt and they were lost in the mail.


    I received an automated reply via email, saying that they can only refund deleted items three times in a 6 months period or something very close to that. This was NOT deleted, it was lost in the mail. I did not spell the characters name wrong I was explictedly careful and stated the exact time of transaction to them in my ticket. Ticket feature is really almost like a fake option, there to give the player the illusion that they are getting customer service for their subscription. Or am I wrong?


    They did not read my ticket, cause it was an automated reply and was not even on topic about my problem.


    They don't provide server forums. In the EU the maintenance window is right though the day. I mean customer service here seems to be a hoax.


    You lost 5k credits by sending it to an alt but never recieved it? I lost a 100k credits to an alt with some purple gear to my alt and I never recieved the mail. And yes I spelled it correctly and it has been more than 60 mins ago. It's been days ago but BW knows this is an issue. They closed my tickets with the auto droid massage that forwarded to the right 'department'. If there is no sollution then don't close tickets! It will not suprise me if I will ever see the credits and items back. This is not a customer support. BW fails hard here!

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