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Posts posted by themacr

  1. tbh, the OP just wants the ability to play it @ lvl 50. Is it that hard for them to add an option for this? (just like the options for HM's for instance) no, its not hard most likely.

    Do the HAVE to? neh. they can even shut down the servers 1 day after the exp launch if they want to :p

    It would suggest to care about your customers but we all know that aint gonna happen :p


    He has a very good point imo that Original Content should not be sacrificed for expansions. Above posts say other games have done this, but i can think of none tbh. None subscription based MMO's anyways.

  2. your decisionmaking skills seem to be lacking.


    you know what i did today when i got home from work.

    1.Check account

    2. "Owh crap, i still have 300 euro's for 2 weeks and thats without the grocery money"

    3. Log in an resubbed to SWTOR

    4: Buy exp.

    5. Download and prepare for a nice weekend with my old guildies :D


    THATS how you buy videogames, not spending the last cash you have each month so 10 bucks suddenly is a life/death situation for you.

  3. Its not just about taking down the servers, weekly maintenance almost always has at least a small patch associated with it. How is the server supposed to know when to push a patch to your client if you can play on any region's servers (i.e., I live in Ireland, I could decide to play on the Oceanic Servers). I do have friends from the States who play on my EU server. That basically leaves them the option of region locking players. Not a good plan.


    Because its so hard to have a version check on servers, aka "your version of the client is not patched to the same version of this server, if you want to play on this server please update your client by clicking on [insert link]. Please note, once patched you will not be able to play on servers with an older version of the game"

  4. While I agree with a lot of your complaints, unfortunately it's against Forum rules to complain about Customer Service on here so be prepared to find this thread suddenly deleted and most likely an infraction issued against you.


    Which is another thing to complain about with the poor customer service here.


    AS CS themself instructed me to post in on the suggestion box i doubt i'd get an infraction :p

  5. I've sent below mail to CS and they asked me to post it here. I'm exspecting a flamewar and wanted to keep this of the forums for that reason but here go's nothing :p


    Dear Customer Support droid,


    This mail is just to inform you of my reasons for not purchasing another game card for SWTOR. As this is not a Subscription I don't think there is another way to state my reasons and I do feel they should be known so you guys know what to improve on.


    1: The game itself.

    SWTOR really is a very good game, it has great potential and I truly believe that patch 1.2 will bring back the spirit in most players that are at the moment not sure whether to continue with this game. I was one of them already because end game seems to be a bit lacking. This is not uncommon for a new MMO so I had no real issue with this and was planning to extend my game time even though I’m less active atm.


    2: CS

    Customer support was horrible for the first two months. The last month I’ve seen a improvement in CS responses both Ingame, via mail and on the forums. I still however have the feeling that CS for US and EU is on a different level.

    As an example I’ll use SOA (Last boss in eternity vault). When my guild creates tickets about his boss and it numerous bugs that have cause us to wipe a night long we are either told that the issue has been forwarded OR that the boss fight is working as intended in the last report we sent in.

    I have US friends and when they report the same tickets they are contacted INGAME by a GM who apologized for the issue and actually gave out loot to the players involved from the loot table of the boss.

    My guild has yet to see any proof that there are actual GM's on our server and these kinds of differences in CS really is uncalled for and makes us feel like 2nd rank players.


    3: Maintenance

    For some reason a decision has been made to perform worldwide maintenance at 1 specific time throughout the week resulting in maintenance windows in prime time for some regions and during daytime in others. While I disagree with the choice it's not mine to make and I can live with it. AGAIN however the choice of time clearly favors US based players, which makes the rest of the word feel like downright outcasts at this point thanks to the CS differences already.


    Yesterday someone decided it would be a good idea to patch the servers during prime time in EU, with only a statement on the forums that this is to facilitate a good player experience on the... free weekend trial... I cannot even begin to express how insulting this is to me and some of my friends. I've decided NOT to continue to support this game because of this, It was the last straw for me and I’m sure some others.

    The fact that you actually think it's OK to shut down service to paying customers for a promotion weekend is just mind blowing. And then to do it during PRIME TIME in any region is even more ridiculous.

    And just to top of the insults even more I find this in the dev tracker this morning.

    "We are performing a brief server restart on all European servers. We expect the servers to be available again at 10:30PM CST (8:30PM PST/ 4:30PM EST/ 3:30AM GMT/ 4:30AM CET/ 3:30PM AEST). Please watch this thread for updates and information. To check the status of your server, please check the Server Status page. "


    So... you CAN actually do separate reboots and maintenance when its US prime time ehj?


    Thanks for reading through the mail and I just hope that this can be forwarded to whoever is responsible for CS and Maintenance because these are the two departments that have just lost you a customer, not the actual game itself witch has great potential.


  6. Sorry to say but with 2 days on my gamecard left i've decided not to continue with this game for now.


    I WAS gonna stick it out for 2 more months to see 1.2 and I do realy still enjoy the game but yesterdays "emergency" patch was the last straw for me. Bioware/EA obviously don't give a F%&$ about me or my money if they take servers down in prime time in order to facilitate a Free WEekend so ill just unsub for now.


    I will be back at 1.2 to see if the game has improved (which i'm sure it will have) and to see if CS and Customer Relations has improved. If this has not then that will be my last attemt at this game, no matter how awsome it may be.

  7. Please do note that in our messages on the forums, we indicated that this downtime was necessary to ensure a good experience for all players on the game servers during this weekend. We do not bring the servers down unless it is necessary, and but we did need to in this instance. We're sorry for any inconvenience, and did bring the servers back up as quickly as possible.


    You can use bold all you want, you took the servers away from your paying customers in order to facilitate non paying costumers propper access. If your servers where not ready you should have moved the weekend and made these changes in the weekly maintenance. As i've said in another post. I've cancelled my subscription.


    For all the fanbois etc etc. Its the principle of the matter guys. When my phone company disconnects me for a couple of hours to facilitate others users to try it for free for a weekend i'd also cancell my subscribtion with them. My decission has nothing to do with the game itself just the utter lack of respect that Bioware/EA are showing their customers. through ingame tickets, throught phone CS and because of these decisions.

    Whoever decided that it's OK to take your service offline during prime time hours to fix something for the weekend should be fired tbh. They obviously don't know *** they are doing.

  8. It's crazy how much people complain towards this game.

    We have a whole mass of players who complain the content is broken then we have a whole other mass that the content theyre playing was taking down for a couple hours.

    Guys the game comes back on it's not going anywhere and yes an "inconvenience" Will and forever be Inconvenient . That's what happens in online games like this. Don't compare to other games because each is very unique it's own ways and possible problems. On top of that. The patch was preventing a "UNFORSEEN" problem when the weekend players started playing. If you can't understand why an emergency patch is an emergency or for whatever reason they take the servers down then maybe playing mmos in general might not be your cup of tea because guess what IT HAPPENS.


    You do NOT, EVER!!!! screw over your paying customers for a promotion weekend. period. If the servers are not ready for the weekend then move it a week. It realy is as simple as that. this is NOT an emergency patch. its a patch to enable the free weekend players to get on. that is NOT an emergency. An emergency would be an exploit or gamebreaking issue. this is neither.

  9. Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


    So what your saying is this

    " We knowlingly and willingly decided to screw over our paying customers in favor of a FREE WEEKEND"


    ARE YOU *********** KIDDING ME!?

    My game time will end in 3 days, like everyone who started playing in Early Access and who uses gamecards to purchase extra time, gues what i will be doing day 4..... NOT PLAYING SWTOR! you guys realy have your head way up your own asses if you think taking down servers during prime time is acceptable behaviour, Especialy when you know your playerbase is getting less active all the time, its like you WANT us to quit. I'll gladly oblige.

  10. I'm also slightly anxious aboot rolling up a new toon on our shiny new 40ms-ping servers, only to wasting Legacy xp I could have been gaining.


    Hum. I was surprised by this news and went to check the FAQ and the only place Legacy is mentioned at all is in the free trial section.


    Yes, BioWare have stated that the "highest legacy will override", but does that mean:

    <The Existing Legacy> (4) will be overwritten by <The Transferred Legacy> (18) and the 4 legacy levels will be lost (legacy xp lost)?

    <The Existing Legacy> (4) will be overwritten by <The Transferred Legacy> (18) and it will become <The Transferred Legacy> (20) (legacy xp combined)?


    If <The Existing Legacy> (17; lvl 50 Chiss BH) is overwritten by <The Transferred Legacy> (19; lvl 50 Cyborg Trooper) will I still have Chiss and BH "unlocked" as well as Cyborg and Trooper?


    If I only transfer my main (which was my first character on my old server to complete Chapter I):

    Do I take the entire legacy (points, unlocked features (race/class at 50) with me?

    Does my old legacy also stay on my old server, or do I now have (the option to) create a new legacy on my old server?


    If I only transfer a level 20 character (created before Feb 28) on which I have not completed Chapter I, does the Legacy still come across with that character (and, if so, how much of the Legacy is brought across)?


    Holy ****, you people post questions but have obviously done ZERO efford to find any awnsers as all this was explained in the guild summit


    <The Existing Legacy> (4) will be overwritten by <The Transferred Legacy> (18) and the 4 legacy levels will be lost (legacy xp lost)?

    Correct. the HIGHEST legacy level will override the lower one.


    <The Existing Legacy> (4) will be overwritten by <The Transferred Legacy> (18) and it will become <The Transferred Legacy> (20) (legacy xp combined)?

    No, the HIGHER legacy level will override the lower one. It will be lvl 18


    If <The Existing Legacy> (17; lvl 50 Chiss BH) is overwritten by <The Transferred Legacy> (19; lvl 50 Cyborg Trooper) will I still have Chiss and BH "unlocked" as well as Cyborg and Trooper?


    Well. the HIGHER legacy lvl overrides the LOWER one. So you end up with a lvl 19 legacy with a cyborg.. but OWH wait.... your chiss is in the same legacy, gues what happens, you unlock the chiss again instantly.


    Anyone else who does not understand what it means when the HIGHER legacy OVERRIDES the LOWER one?

  11. Would be pretty cool actualy, and since they already use this system for hard mode/nightmare mode operations it should not be terrible hard to implement. just create new pictures to overlay and then check every instance in the game to see which overlay should be used.
  12. I actualy tend to think of my chars as different personality's.


    In WOW for isntance i was a dwarf priest (drunk and rude 90% of the time). Most of my guild actualy thought I was like that and thought I was irish aswell, (I kinda spoke like an irish dwarf so :p)


    Since i play a female twilek as my main its hard to fool them into thinking i'm like my char though :p

  13. I think YOU are reading half of each post.


    1.2 is comming "In march" so that could be tomorrow but also after 30 more days.

    1.2 Will contain updates to crafting.

    1.2 will contain at least 1 more WZ (sam faction possible like Huttball).

    1.2 will contain changes to Ilum,and general PVP


    That is ALLLL that I have ever seen confirmed by a bioware employee at any time.

  14. NO please never implement this.


    I'll explain why (for the gazillioned time).


    an AC is not just "another twist to a class"


    The AC's are in most cases completely different classes to each other.


    ranged/melee (inquisitor)

    heal/tank (Bounty Hunter)

    Ranged/melee (Imperial agent)

    DMG\Tank (Warrior)


    out of the 4 classes the only one that is remotely similar imo is the warrior class. All others should be considered another class to each other Hence we cannot change our AC's.


    Also you would cut the replay vallue in half by allowing AC switching

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