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Posts posted by Malthol

  1. Yes, this is a terrible change. It is almost like people with a career & kids shouldn't be allowed to participate in Conquests. Look, we want to have fun with this game and we don't have time for endless grinds.


    Also, it seems the new repeatable goals Complete Any Chapter and Complete Any Round of the Eternal Championship are not actually showing up in the list of Conquest goals.

  2. Yeah, I am a small guild leader. We've been around since beta, but our active membership has fallen. Most of us are RL friends, though, and not inclined to give up our guild. The unlock costs are prohibitive. We are all adults, career people & small business owners, mostly married, mostly parents. It is annoying that we are locked out of fully opening the guild ship. However, we also know that MMOs have always catered to the players who put in 60+ hours a week and the large guilds who schedule their players like it is a fulltime job. It would be nice if this, which has no effect on BIS gearing but lots of effect on ability to keep a character leveled Ops readiness, could be changed to let us dedicated but less frequent players access it.
  3. So, I did this fight a while back on a trooper. It was super boring and really annoying, but not particularly hard. Now on my Sentinel, his arc-shaped aoe seems to be affecting the entire room. No matter where I move outside of the aoe marker, it insta-kills me everytime anywhere in the room.


    Has anyone else had this? Is there a work-around?

  4. Really again? This is getting old. At this rate, with a moderate guild size, I'll never get these done. Everytime I get about 75% complete, they get reset. This warning post would have been nice a few weeks ago, when I might have been able to do something about it. I am pretty disappointed in this, and that it keeps happening.
  5. Ok folks, I am able to log-in to the launcher ok and the website ok. Once the client launches it spends several minutes on the loading screen, and then it only offers me Quick Play Mode (though nothing downloads). Any ideas on this? I can't do an install repair, as the launcher detects everything as fine and fully patched up. This just began today.
  6. I have no issue with the rewards from the packs being BoA and not account-unlockable. Anything is better than BoP packs with BoP items :(


    BoA & BoP are the same thing (some games have used Acquire, others Pickup). BoE is different.


    What really ought to get changed is Bound rather than Bound to Legacy (this really goes across the board for everything other than class story rewards).

  7. My question is why do they not check the forums in the first place?


    Well, DarthEnrique, it's a time sink. I am rarely on here anymore. There is way too much negativity most of the time & when I could be trolling forums, I could be playing instead. I tend to check in for more details on announcements, but most don't require even that.

  8. The pack items are said to BoP, but be unlockable in collections.


    That is ridiculous and makes it significantly harder to actually complete the collection. They really, really should just remove BoP and go to BoL across the board (well, storyline rewards could be excepted, I suppose).

  9. DarthYunman,


    They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




    I understand trying to get us all to level another couple of characters, but a goal to completely re-do all 8 classes to 50 is pretty uncool (especially for those of us who have played since launch). This also ignores the demographics of the gaming community today, assuming we reasonably have time to level that many characters that far in just a few weeks.

  10. Ok, so the increased stack size coming later this week is addressing a long-running quality of life issue. As I see it, that leaves just a couple of other major quality of life issues.


    1) GTN commissions. These are dumb, they have always been dumb, and they feel like a rip-off. This is especially annoying for a lot of these smaller to medium-sized guilds who aren't as big as we used to be, but want to stay together & still be able to do stuff like buy a flagship. There is no purpose to these so-called commissions, they are simply an annoyance, especially to those of us who try to make our credits in game on the market instead of patronizing sellers.


    2) Social! The social score is a cool idea, but it should be Legacy-wide, not character per character. Separating it thusly does not encourage anything, it is just frustrating to alt-oholics.


    3) Reputation weekly limits. Again, not useful, simply limiting to alt-oholics. After all, it is not like we can take the rep granting items and put them on the GTN. Why should it matter if my alts can finish off my Rep in Section X this week or next week?

  11. Where are my Cartel Market Certificates? See, I had plans for these, then you took them away. Then you introduced the Gold & Silver Packs. I thought "that sounds way better than the completely random chances in standard packs." Then you took them away.


    Maybe it is just because I have to sometimes take weeks away from game due to life, but you keep changing systems on how we can acquire stuff so significantly that it is making it impossible to set goals. You are dis-incentivizing players here. It is troubling enough that so much of what is available is on a lottery system, rather than a straight purchase system, but once a system is in place, you need to keep that system in place if you want us to work it. When it does change, it needs to change in such a way that we don't lose progress on whatever goals we had within that system. Losing all our progress in the Vehicle Achievement quest was a really bad decision & bit of design, but at the same time compromising player work and goals in the economic system suggests a complete lack of customer care. To paying customers (whether paying with a sub or with CC), this feels like a lot of half-baked ideas being half-implemented.

  12. Hey folks,

    I have some friends asking about what the Free-Premium-Sub model looks like these days. There used to be a handy chart, but it seems to have gone missing from it's old address. Does anyone have an updated link for this (I have been all over the website and cannot find it), or an outside resource that is up-to-date?

    Thanks all.

  13. Sub-components will be immensely unpopular.

    Reducing the number of materials per grade will be popular (storage issues will be helped).

    Shifting what skills craft armoring and enhancements doesn't make a lot of sense. I suspect it will be unpopular, as it seems to effectively un-do a lot of progress and effort put into advancing those skills.


    Does the news about REing mean that you no longer have a chance to learn an advanced schematic from REing an item? That's what it sounds like, but it is unclear from this blog.

  14. No they will not. Now all Companions will simply just be better at Crew Skills the higher their Influence is.


    This is something I think a lot of us would like more detail on. Folks like me choose crew skills based on these bonuses, because crit bonuses are key on gathering missions. Right now, it doesn't sound like this change will work in our favor, so could I persuade you to make info on this aspect a priority?

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