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Posts posted by EnsignSorrow

  1. I believe so, although that is not to say that obi-wan went to the darkside. He was totally outmatched and I think out of desperation he let his emotions take the better of him.


    This is not to say that using the darkside easily does not come without a price. People are really confused with the term 'balance in the force'. lol. This is not a philosophy of a single user. It's rather to say that the dark force shroud has been cleared. and the force is not diminished by the darkside.


    Replace the word stability with the word balance. DERP. Go read a book.

  2. personally i like the seperation between pve and pvp sets. Its makes sense. I would barely do anything in this game if i could get full top tier raid gear by doing warzones....it would be no fun and prove no challenge what so ever. If you do not understand expertise perhaps you should take a look at your character sheets and read the math on what it does.


    That's how we feel when a PVE player can come into a WZ and have better gear than someone who works hard at getting the PVP set. So what you are saying is very one sided.



    Except, you actually have to be successful to get the best pve gear, rather than sit in a corner stealthed collecting comms.


    I think the best solution is this, have the best pvp gear be one tier worse than the best pve gear (for example, underworld would be the second best tier right now). However, put procs on the armor and weapons that only trigger when attacking another player. Balance the procs so that they essentially equal the top tier of pve gear.


    There you go. PVP gear, when facing other players, is now just as effective as top end pve gear. However, pvp gear is exactly one tier below pve gear in pve encounters. Get rid of ranked and unranked comms, and just have "winner pvp comms" and "pvp comms." Winner pvp comms can buy the best pvp gear, and regular pvp comms can buy all other tier(s).



    Nah, I don't like that idea. I think there should be 2 different sets, yes, but both of them should be equal mod level, but just have different set bonuses that can be used anywhere.



    Kind of like how pvpers are currently going ape spit over the pve gear being BIS in WZs?


    In other words, **** them. Gameplay is gameplay. remove expertise completely and just make 2 paths to the same gear so all players can enjoy the game they pay for/play in all aspects- pvp or pve.


    I agree, absolutely you are right. They should be equal and you rather choose your way of obtaining them. That is a system that everyone can understand.

  3. It still has value in OWPvP. That probably doesn't matter to a lot of people, but it does to me. Then, having the seperate set needing to be earned via PvP warzones, probably also helps get people to participate more often, helping us all with queue pops while they try to get their gear. Gear treadmill or not, if they were to go to a single set via PvP or PvE; it would cut their content practically in half (if you really want to count PvP as technically half)


    Yeah, open world pvp is the only thing it is good for. Which is cool, but does nothing for the rest of the game.


    I too, like to go into the world with expertise stacked and play god. So, I can see where you are coming from.

  4. Just kick them from your op. Problem solved.


    If they cannot hang with that then they are like a spoiled brat, because right now you can have the best gear in the game for pvp, and never have played a wz.


    So, if anything PVP players are taking the hit right now way more than what PVE players would have to worry about with some PVP dudes joining their groups. Geeeezzzzzzzz


    We've all heard "Well I don't want PVP scrubs coming into my raids". That's like such a dumb thing to say. That's how a lot of people get into PVE in the first place.


    If they have no gear they get yelled at, if they have pvp gear they get yelled at. So who cares already.

  5. So why not just remove expertise completely, because in it's current forum it's like a negative stat in all cases except with the 65 pvp mods. It's just like all too confusing, and even when you finally do get it, it just seems all rather silly. It's rather like an exploit type mechanic where you choose items that bolster better rather than items that are designed for pvp.


    What should happen is that they make the end-game gear you get from the pvp vendors equal to the end game pve gear. This way you can go with any gear you want, but you rather just choose a method of obtaining it.


    I think this is a system everyone could understand, and be okay with.


    Perhaps there could be a universal progress currency instead of pve/pvp progress currencies, then you just go to one vendor and he sells you item modifications, and nothing else.


    All of the looks from the current sets could just be purchasable on the side.

  6. To bad players every time they get owned they think it's hacks.


    THOSE DAMN STEALTH SORCZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!one!



    Personally I play every day (RWZ, and all) and I have not seen or heard of this. Silly n00bs

  7. It has nothing to do with the company that made KOTOR II, it's rather that the person who wrote KOTOR II is such a better writer than the guy who wrote Bane, and Revan.



    KOTOR II is basically the perfect SW game. They need to bring the writers and concept artists from KOTOR II to bioware.

  8. And you can say it a million times again, but until you give some grounds for your argument I'm afraid you wont be listened to.



    How can you be dark side and not dark side at the same time? That does not make sense.


    So let's say you embrace the dark side of the force then how will it be possible to not use the dark side to be half and half? LOL


    This is a huge misconception among people who do not understand or know anything about the canon.


    If you go off of pure canon the definition of balance in the force is when the dark force shroud is cleared, and the force is not diminished.




    This is not my opinion. This is fact. If you do not understand this then you do not know what the term even means.

  9. 1. Luke Skywalker - most powerful force user ever

    2. Mace Windu - beat Sidious

    3. Yoda - overpowered sidious lightning

    4. Palpatine - most powerful sith ever

    5. Revan - we all know this one

    6. Vader - most ****** sith to ever grace the sw universe, oh and he was pretty tough as well

    7. Vitiate -we all know this one

    8. Obi-Wan - beat anakin

    9. pre must Anakin Skywalker - lost to obi-wan

    10. Meetra Surik - could absorb the power of the people around her


    This is the most correct, I believe. I agree. Luke, and then Mace. And of course the exile is in there too. I totally agree.

  10. If you go off of pure canon the definition of balance in the force is when the dark force shroud is cleared, and the force is not diminished.


    This is different than the classic definition of the word balance meaning two equals. In Star Wars lore, or at least as far as George is concerned balance in the force is rather stability, where the dark side (power) is not creating a disturbance.


    People have their own ideas, but the prophecy of the one (an ancient jedi prophecy / which appears in the movies) is like I said. That's not my own opinion, rather how the movie stats it as.


    In that sense the dark side is too uncontrollable, and progressive to find a classic balance of the dark side, and doing good. Once the dark side has you then your destiny is forever changed. Certain games also have their own ideas, like Jedi Academy where Kyle Katarn is able to master certain aspects of the dark side while still withstanding it's allure. This is a game, though, not canon.


    So finding a balance in the force by canon definition is rather to be the model Jedi, and having some level of restraint, because when the dark side is manifested it has diminishing effects on the force, since it is unnatural.

  11. It's not often that something new is introduced in SW. Like everything in this game is mostly taken from Tales of the Jedi comics, and other EU, which was originally written by George, or Lucas Arts.


    Most of the aliens from the EU are taken from the movies. Things that are in the movie although they are not easy to notice.


    Just saying if you go and watch the movies again, and look at the background more you will see just about everything that is in TOR right now.


    So it may seem there is a lot of new things, although it's rather that they are being refined by the Lucas Arts in the EU. Remember Lucas Arts is involved with everything Star Wars, regardless of the writer, or developer.


    It's brilliant really. There is a lot more to Star Wars than you think.

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