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Posts posted by DarkLordKarmac

  1. Who is Guardians of the Enclave? We are an active Pub guild that does OPs, FPs, PvP, GSF, Events, World Bosses, Datacrons, and consistenly place on the leaderboard for Conquest. We have a Strong Hold, a full Guild Ship, 10% boost, Teamspeak, and Website. We also have an Imp sister guild called Of Calamitious Intent. There is something for everyone here.


    Who are we looking for? We are a casual guild that is looking for cool people who want to have fun, but also want to accomplish stuff in game. We have dedicated officers to for each of the things mentioned above. Whether you are brand new to the game, a hardened veteran, lowbie, maxed toon, healer, tank, or dps, we will find a spot for you.


    Who am I? I'm Karmac and I'm the Co-GM of both guilds. I've been playing since launch, and played WoW for 7 years prior. I've been the GM of 3 guilds over the past ten years. I've lead PvP teams, both ranked and unranked. I've lead OPs in all three modes. I've leveled many toons of all classes as have many of the officers here.


    If you're interested in knowing more about us and joining, please feel free to message me back either here or in game. Karmac is my main, but you can also find me on the follwoing Pub toons:


    Karmac 65 Sage - Telekinetics

    Arkärën 65 Scoundrel - Sawbones

    Bönez 65 Sage - Seer

    Caladör 65 Vanguard - Tactics

    Darnö 65 Guardian - Defense

    Derpicide 65 Gunslinger - Saboteur

    Lexör 65 Sentinel - Watchman

    Pädlöck 65 Commando - Gunnery

    Välën 65 Vanguard - Shield Specialist

    Vectör 35 Shadow - Kinetic Combat

  2. to 10 est? meaning you can't raid past 7pm server time? thats when things start lol


    I came from an east coast server, and live on the east coast. The guild I was in, raided during those times, and usually had two to three teams going at a time. However, progression has died down, and many have stopped logging in. I can't really do much about my availability. If that doesn't work for you, it's cool. Wish you the best, and my search continues.

  3. Has anyone seen any news on when Turbulence/Thundering Blast Supercrit will actually be fixed? TK/Lightning dps is abysmal, and although this won't completely fix it, it would help ever so slightly.
  4. Hi,


    So, I'm having a unique problem running this program apparently. I've installed it three times now, and cannot get it to work correctly. I have combat logging enabled, and the path is correct. However, when I click on Raid Groups tab nothing happens. When I click on the Parse tab I get a message saying "Error Watching File Value cannot be null. When I click on the Raid tab I get a message saying "You must select a Raid Group to join". Both the Parse and Raid buttons are also red instead of green. Any idea what's causing this or how to fix it? I've asked everyone I know that runs this, and none of them have had this issue.




  5. I was in beta and played for six months before I left the game. After eighteen months away, I came back and was looking for a good guild that fit my needs. The GM reached out to me, and we talked about everything that the game had to offer, and the type of guild he ran. It was a perfect match. These guys do it all; ops, fp's, world bosses, datacrons, help with leveling, and you name it. To top it all off, they are cool as hell and extremely helpful. I've been back for almost two months now, and it's been great. More and more people who are coming back to the game are finding a home here because of it's laid back, friendly, and helpful atmosphere. If you're looking for this type of guild, then your search is done.
  6. Hi All,


    I'm just coming back to the game after a year and half away. I left due to personal reasons, and I'm looking forward to getting back into it. I played in Beta and the first six months of launch. I was the GM of one of, if not the top republic guild (Divide and Conquer) on Davik's Estate, which sadly is no more. I was pretty hardcore raider at the time. I'm still level 50 with all level 50 raid gear. I'd like to stay on this sever because it is US EC.

    Before SWTOR I was the GM of one of the top guilds (Divide and Conquer) on The Forgotten Coast in WoW (Alliance). I left with many of my friends to come play TOR. I've been a GM for years, and a raid leader for most of it as well. So, I bring plenty of experience. I'm not looking for any authority position at this time due to my schedule. I'm just looking to level and get to raiding as soon as possible. I'm reliable, and more than competent. I just need to readjust to the changes since I've last played.

    If you're interested in bringing me on, tell me about your guild. My character is Karmac, and he is a Jedi Consular Sage Telekinetic Ranged DPS.

    *I have no desire to heal or tank at this time.




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