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Posts posted by Sadishist

  1. Tbh the Separatists always seemed very weak in TCW, they had quantity of Battle droids but you never actually saw them win and the only battles they won where the behind the scenes stuff by Palpatine. I'd like to have seen Grievous win more fights.


    That's because battle droids were only made to be cheap. That's the whole point of battle droids.

  2. Looking at the trailer it seems like the brother with the dark side points won the attention of his father and the other one died.


    Yeah but he did show remorse and his dark side went away. The one in black used dark side when they were kids. I guess they use dark side when it's situational.

  3. Was he just born that way? If so, then someone must be born equally strong in the light side because the Force was supposed to balance out light and dark, according to Darth Plagueis- who theorized that Maul was born strong in the dark side due to the Jedi being in power for so long.
  4. Who do you think has the best starship? (personal ships, not capital ships). I think Dooku since his uses ancient Gree technology.


    Darth Vader- TIE Advanced x1 (formerly Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor)


    Count Dooku- Solar sailer


    Darth Maul- Scimitar


    Emperor Palpatine- Lambda-class T-4a shuttle


    Nox/Emperor's Wrath- Fury-class Imperial interceptor


    Anymore I may have missed? I didn't consider Revan's Ebon Hawk since he wasn't a Sith anymore during that time, but still a good ship

  5. Codex entry for Darth title for SW:

    The Dark Council officially recognized your authority as a Darth after you defeated Darth Baras.


    So the Wrath has the authority of a Darth. Wrath doesn't lead armies in large battles in the story though, but rather fight one-on-one duels and small fights, so the Wrath is more of a foot soldier than a leader. Not far off to think of the Emperor's Wrath position as that of a glorified hitman.

  6. Yes, the more strength in the force one has, the more they can enhance their physical abilities such as precognitive reflexes, speed, power etc.


    Of course, skill and amount of practice one spends training in it is a huge factor too.


    Yeah training and experience plays a factor, but I was talking more about natural talent and potential.

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