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Posts posted by insecta

  1. What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




    1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

    2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

    3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




    1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

    2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


    Dungeon finder is only convenient for people who are not really in touch with the game and they play it casually hence not being in a guild. Once you get a dungeon finder you will cry how hard the game is and youll wnat it nerfed untill you turn it into a game like wow where you log in, do laps in the capital city and wait for a queue.


    If BW gives in and gives us a dungeon finder it probably won't stop untill the game is the casual **** fest that wow has become.



    so.. im level 50 now for 10 days...what am i meant to do. i was 2nd on the server. so im waiting for others, however ive been doing my dailies and some hard modes. Now what. other than waiting for enough to go ev/kp what else should i be doing.


    Ive maxed my crew skills, got 90% of mounts availble, completed every bonus series and got an entire champion pvp gear set. ive also collected every datacron.


    also to confirm i watched my story from start to finish i did skip the normal quest stuff but not the story. i have also played every toon up to level 25 and understand every class and the story up to those points.


    i also own a guild currently so i kinda not planning on re rolling. i am literally waiting for the first people that hit 50 to gear.


    also any replies that say...I LEVELED SLOWER SO IM HAVING A BETTER TIME. that should not be the case this is an mmo end game is key, your not gonna be level 49 forever, unless you do nothing which is what im currently doing.


    also why should i not have a good time at 50. this is when mmos should begin to open up.


    i think the best way to understand this is to think of swtor as both a single player and multiplayer game. As a single player game think to yourself if i was the only 1 here what could i do now im max level, and as a multiplayer game think..what could i do with all these players.


    is there anything i can do other than level alts?



    you could go out and have a life

  3. I honestly can NOT name 1 thing in the entire game, nevermind the end-game, that Bioware innovated in. Sure, it voiced-over its quests, but that's not innovation. That's simply a quality of life measure for those of us who dislike reading.


    Choices in actual quests generally don't matter either. It's a Hobson's choice. You have two choices in reality: accept the quest or decline. Everything else is irrelevant and inconsequential. They've just added in a volume of insignificant dialogue that merely adds tedium to accepting a quest, so much so that many of us feel compelled to bash our spacebar when in the process of accepting a quest.



    So, in reality, Bioware has really not innovated anything all. This is just another WoW clone dressed up as something that it's not.



    If any of you disagree, I challenge you to name me ONE THING that Bioware innovated upon. One. Single. Thing.



    I speculate that Bioware is in doomsday mode. They know that this is the Hindenburg; that this is Germany in October, 1945; that this is the 11th hour in 1917. They know what's coming, and they're conducting damage control and minimizing losses.


    If this game is a clone of anything it most certainly isn't WoW because wow isn't the most original MMO out there, but I guess you haven't played anything else so your knowledge of the topic you are talking about is very limited. WoW's combat is a dirent rip of Asheron's Calls combat a game which you probably did not play or heard of. WoW is still a good game but you shouldn't treat it like the jesus of all MMOs.


    There is end game, there are heroics you can do as well as 2 raids with 3 modes of difficulty. What more do you expect on the release? If you want to do laps around your capital city while waiting in the queue to do something mindless that a *********** monkey could do, you should go back to WoW and make SWTOR community better.


    You are probably one of those incompetent players that gets kicked out of groups coz of the derp factor present. It's not the game's fault your intelligence is stopping you from experiencing its end game.

  4. So we all know the bug exists and its really annoying. I was able to mitigate its negative effect by increasing the casting queue window to 1 second, which is located in Preferences > Controls


    After putting it up to 1 second I was actually able to queue abilities up like you can in wow, and the combat felt a lot more fluid.


    Hopefully this helps others as well.

  5. Ok so I am really starting to get fed up with gameplay issues in this game, and will prolly cancel my sub if nothing is fixed in the upcoming patch.


    One of these gameplay issues is the cancellation of channeled abilities for not apparent reason. For example I sit in cover a normal mob without any special abilities is attacking my companion, I start casting series of shots as soon as I do it gets cancelled and put on cooldown. I did not get interrupted, I did not even get hit.


    This game started strong and it was really fun but when it comes to queuing abilities properly in order to beat an elite it becomes really imporssible and really frustrating simply because of that bug.


    I guess I am making this thread hoping that BW will see this, and also to get some feedback from players who have experienced it.

  6. The lag between abilities and ability recognition will break this game. Based on the many responses given by BW I dont think they see this as any issue, its just the way the game plays. If that really is true I think its gonna be a ********* for many players and guilds and in time it will get annoying enough to make people quit.


    I for one am extremely annoyed at this, and its not only the ability lag, its the responsiveness as well. For example... an elite is whaling on me my hp is at 40% due to random server lag 5 abilities land at once I die.


    Theres also many issues with Health Bars on unit frames, which I think is also connected to the general server and ability lag. I can see elite players getting passed this issue, but when more casual guilds start clearing content this issue will be a real problem.



    I enjoy this game for the most part, but this issue is truly worrying, because its just just a random release bug like a dodgy UI. Its a core game system that was developed relatively early in the development cycle, and yet it is still broken.


    I certainly hope BW will fix this.



    Keep bumping this thread so they actually give a ****.

  7. Ok so all my gear is rating 100 level 42 including my companion and it takes me close to 10 or more attempts to kill an elite of the same level. I didnt have this problem before just around this level. The dmg we do seems *********** stupid
  8. Plain and simple: This talent sucks. At first glance, I thought it was great, a passive 9% alacrity if I keep my rotation up? Sounds like a good challenge for anyone. Then, I found out that when you have 3 stacks, sniping again doesn't refresh that stack. This is simply garbage in its current state.


    This talent should be changed so that when you have 3 stacks and use Snipe, it simply refreshes that stack, thus allowing you to be 9% hasted as long as you are good and can keep your rotation going. Most fights probably aren't going to let you just sit there and afk snipe, but 10~ seconds of 9% alacrity for 3 talent points? No thanks.


    What happens if you are fighting a boss and the fight goes on for 10-20 minutes? Is having that buff every 30 or so seconds completely useless then? I think not. Use your brain before you come here and start spewing ****. Of course the talent is not useful for every situation, but that does not make it broken or garbage or crap.

  9. I chose to side with darth jadus thinking id get something cool out of it, NOPE NOTHING COOL! Plus I didnt know that dialogue option would make me turn in watcher two, JUST AFTER I HAD SEX WITH HER?! Not cool IA....not cool.


    Honestly though after I made that decision i was like **** I want to redo that, now I feel like my storyline is ruined :/ but from what I read its just context that will change because of that action?


    If thats true im both happy and sad, happy it hasnt ruined my game, sad finding out either way it has no actual effect on the game.



    wth how do you bang her?

  10. I think people are looking at it the wrong way. Advanced class is not part of your spec... its part of your class selection. So there is essentially 8 classes in this game. And you certainly should not be able to switch your advanced class, because Bioware will make the same mistake Blizzard did with all the casual **** to suit people who log on to play 2 hours a week.


    That is the reason why WOW lost its vanilla charm. I don't want to see this happen to SWTOR and hopefully Bioware devs have realised that as well.


    If people get to change their advanced class whenever they feel like it you will end up with a bunch of players who didnt learn their roles properly and cant play for ****. Making the experience worse for everyone.


    Do your research and pick carefully.

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