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Posts posted by goingnumb

  1. Anyone else wishing BW gave us the capability to opt out of queuing for Deathmatch? When I pvp I'm typically very objective focused, mindlessly flying around asteroids randomly shooting at opponents ships holds very little interest for me. I understand not everyone enjoys what I enjoy. Deathmatch/TDM is perfect for some players and that's outstanding, but please give me the option to stay out of this GSF format much like how I am able to select particular FP's I want to play.
  2. Anyone else wishing BW gave us the capability to opt out of queuing for Deathmatch? When I pvp I'm typically very objective focused, mindlessly flying around asteroids randomly shooting at opponents ships holds very little interest for me. I understand not everyone enjoys what I enjoy. Deathmatch/TDM is perfect for some players and that's outstanding, but please give me the option to stay out of this GSF format much like how I am able to select particular FP's I want to play.
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