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Posts posted by Chewdatbacker

  1. The only reason you hate Huttball is because you are probably terrible at it. It has little to do about classes, and more about teamwork and coordination. I guarantee that you are probably one of those guys that try to be the "hero" and score all on your own, instead of passing.
  2. If it's red it's dead. I don't care if it's a level 20 questing alone, or if it's 3 level 50's doing their dailies. I'll jump them anyway. Anyone who doesn't do that and is on a pvp server needs to reroll pve.
  3. Nope there are three world bosses and each have their own separate codex entries!






    We've got Zama and Trapjaw (anyone know respawn timers yet on PvP area boss?) But this codex entry number 5 must be around the area in that picture (1189, -1271). There are also lots of dead infected creatures around the area. Hmmm!!





    Coords to the bosses please? :)

  4. I love all the baddies in this thread that are all sad that their gear will be easier to get next patch. Don't you guys remember WoW PvP? Each time a new set of gear came out, the previous version was easier to get. You know how hard it would be it would be to get the best pvp gear, if say after 4 new sets came out? Having to go through all those sets would be hard, and really time consuming. It also wouldn't be fun at all, especially if it is an alt. Also, if the only reason you guys are PvP'ing is just for the gear, then you are doing it wrong. Quit crying about it.
  5. So where do you get all this experience fighting mercs? In war zones? How many war zones pit Empire vs. Empire? 1/20?


    LMAO this is where I stopped taking you seriously. You obviously don't know that all Imps play is Huttball, Imp v. Imp. Secondly, I don't think you understand how interupt works, or anything else in this game for that matter. Please, I'm actually begging you, just uninstall this game because you will never, EVER, succeed in PvP. In fact, you are so terrible with the mechanics in this game, you probably would fail in PvE. There is literally no hope for your skills. Just go.

  6. I think it would be awesome if there was a bounty system. We could set bounties up on a specific player or guild, and put in some kind of reward, like credits, items, etc. I feel like this would have the world feel more alive, with people searching planets to find these people or guilds to collect on a bounty.
  7. For the love of God make Que for WZ's locked out while in combat I am about tired of kicking the crap out of a reb and he ques for a wz which is pretty much instant for them so they can get away!


    I have some advice for you: Stop being bad. If you were able to kill them before they can click accept, you would not have this problem.

  8. Obviously it's not on my end.


    It always happens in Warzones when two people use Jet Charge/Force Leap on each other at the EXACT same time, making us both crash. Also, when I Grapple people towards the chasm in Void Star it can make them crash as well as the game thinks they should land in an area around me, but it just makes them fall down.


    You probably don't pvp enough for it to happen to you.


    IT IS NOT a graphical issue, network issue, fps issue or anything like that.


    I haven't experienced this issue or even seen it. However, I am running this game on a super computer given to me as a gift from NASA (I go golfing with their CEO every Saturday). Maybe you should stop living in poverty, and get a real job, so you can play SWTOR on something other than a microwave.

  9. It should tick for at least 40% HP regardless of gear and stats. Would solve a few issues. :D


    What issues? I can stand in the fire the whole game with my Sage, and still top the Healing, Damage, AND kill charts. Sounds to me like you need to learn how to play your class.

  10. please just make a system that works consistently so i don't have to pull my hair out while waiting to leave combat for some 20 seconds. its way too depressing to have to just die to be able to get out of combat in any reasonable amount of time so i can get full health and back in it. this is a relatively severe quality of life issue for assassin. please, just some consistency. what sane pvper would ever play a game where a mechanic as basic yet integral as this can rng so wildly. it makes me want to taze myself.


    If you weren't so terrible and could actually kill someone, you would be able to get out of combat.

  11. I hate hutball. I'm sure everyone has their own "thing" in regards to scenarios. Some may like x, and hate y. Others may love y and hate x.


    Does anyone know if we will ever be able to choose our poisons? I mean, I don't even queue for scenarios any more because I hate not having a choice.


    So while I'm not trying to start a whine fest (I do like the game), I was just wondering if anyone has heard whether or not this is something the devs are considering? I don't usually track this stuff.






    The only reason people hate Huttball is because they are completely terrible at it. Trust me, if you was as good as I am, you would love Huttball.

  12. In a way, I agree with it, just because I know I would win all of my matches. On the other hand, however, I don't like it because there's less people for me to kill :(
  13. At first I was wondering, "How can you NOT kill a stealth class? I pretty much one shot all of them on my Sage." Then I read the part about where you were in Imp, and it all makes sense now :rolleyes:
  14. If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


    Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


    You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


    This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



    Thank you


    If you let the other side win, you are horrible and just quit PvP because you will probably never be good at it. Luckily I'll never know that problem, considering I have won every single Warzone I've played.

  15. LOL at everyone saying they weren't OP. I play a Sage, and me playing an OP class AND the fact that I'm probably the best pvp'er ever to have lived, no one ever kills me. At least with the nerfs, I might actually get down to about 50-66% health before they die :rolleyes:
  16. So, been bm for over a month now, done the dailies and weekly everytime, and havnt gotten a single BM commendation.


    Whats the deal? over 30 bags and no commendations. Come on you BW idiots, if you gonna do RNG at least make it so im able to get one a week at least.


    Then it wouldn't be RNG if you were assured one a week.

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