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Posts posted by DoxaVi

  1. I agree that Khem Val is not the best choice for downing Horak Mul. I never tried using Ashara or Andronikos for that fight because they are honestly undergeared. I always chose the upgrades for Khem and wanted to wait till I was 50 before gearing out my DPS companions. I figured DPS was the main component to the fight and I needed to burn him down fast. It became obvious that me healing a tank the whole fight was counter-productive and if I wanted him to go down fast I needed to do it myself.


    I proceeded to grab Talos, put him in healing stance, and let lose with all my cooldowns. Went in 3 levels under Horak Mul and even surprised myself at how easily I beat him (although it was still dicey at times, but Talos came through with some clutch heals right after I shielded myself). Loved the fight, and I love those challenging 1 on 1 battles with elites.


    Xalek was worth it, and I don't mind that he is a mute. I am hopeful that in future content he will begin to open up more.

  2. I may be in the minority here, but I am thoroughly enjoying soloing (or duoing with my companion) flashpoints I overleveled. As a Sith Sorcerer I tend to get the "I am really a Lord of the Sith" feeling as I mow through wave after wave of enemies. Sure the gear is outdated (but most is modable which is nice if I want a new look). I intend to do all the flashpoints when I am supposed to on other characters, but I just found doing this to be extremely fun. Maybe I am crazy for it but I was wondering if anyone else is enjoying this as much as I am. As a 45 Sith Sorcerer I have soloed Athiss, Hammer Station, and Cademimu. I did Black Talon and Mandalorian Raiders in groups. I intend on soloing Boarding Party after work as well.
  3. End of class quests on Voss (the final quest is level 47). I finished it at level 44 so it is doable before 47 with smart gameplay and using all the tools at your disposal. IMO Xalek is worth it.
  4. After leveling from 43 to 44 I gave Horak Mul another go with Talos this go round and surprisingly beat him easily. I am now the proud master of Xalek and I personally find him much more enjoyable than Khem. The conversation (or lack thereof) is of no consequence as I believe Bioware has more planned for the "master/apprentice" dynamic down the road. I love the fact that Xalek has force charge, and let's be honest looks wise is a huge upgrade over the hulking monstrosity that is Khem (although I still like Khem quite a bit, just needed a change of pace). In essence I just enjoy cruising through quests with my very own apprentice by my side.


    Functionality wise he is almost identical to Khem, however the double bladed lightsaber and the fact that the gear you put on him actually shows up is a huge plus for me. Khem is officially relegated to my full time artifice crafter going forward.

  5. I had to comment that I did the exact same thing and rushed to the end of my class quests on Voss to try and get Xalek. Problem was I am level 43 and made it to the final nightmare boss and could only get him to about 50% health before biting it. Khem just couldn't stay out of the fire so to speak haha. But I am also curious what people think of Xalek. I want him mainly because I am a little tired of Khem after using him primarily for 30 some levels.
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