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Posts posted by Caldurjyoh

  1. Just to start with a couple of basic statements before i go on so that every kid out there doesn't go crazy on me:


    1) I am a paying customer with a full sub, not F2p

    2) Am not pissed off, just disappointed

    3) I am not here to rage just top express my personal opinion so please if anyone doesn't like it feel free to ignore it.


    As a fan of the game, a paying customer , and old enough to understand how a business should run, I feel disappointed that i pay for a game that I go online when i have free time and the game is not available.


    Simply enough any business should find a way to reimburse their customers for interruption and customer dissatisfaction. If I was paying for any other service and they would provide less than what i pay I would expect that, why not a game?


    In any case I hope the developer team finds what they are trying to resolve,but it still means one day of gaming lost for all the EU players, as its way too late now to consider that we have gaming time left in the day.


    Bioware please consider reading this?


    Thank you.

  2. And any contractor would tell you to hit the road. The work at set time and not when you want. Guess you have never worked with a contractor.


    Or maybe you didnt work with the right people yourself ;) MAybe thats a US thing, MAybe you live in NY. Was there for over a decade. Now am in Europe and people RESPECT their customers and plan WITH them! :eek:


    Yes thats a new and hard concept for many :rolleyes:

  3. oooohh look at all the SWTOR fans go crazy that someone dared to utter the XoX forbidden game :D


    To all of you saying "its a progress and it will be good later"


    Go buy a car with a tape player in, then take it out and put a CD player, later take that out and put one that has an MP3 player as well, then take that out to put one that plays mp4.


    Now do the same for the suspension system, powertrain of the car, chassis, body, safety features etc etc etc etc etc............


    Actually you buy a car in 2012 and you expect that it wont be a 2005 version and the company will upgrade it later on.


    Rift used what was developed, why couldnt SWTOR? (this isnt an argument that Rift is better or worse so dont start with that. Its about been able to have a combat log, or a UI that can be customised when the game is released.)

  4. My sub is canceled about 3 weeks ago. If by the time my sub runs out maintenance times are not split i simply wont put any more money in this game.

    I personally rather pay a sub on another grind game where the maintenance wont interact with my gaming as much.


    Rift, wow anyone? at least until the new ones come out. Cant wait for GW2, ME3, Diablo 3, The Secret World and who knows what other game i will play when i dont pay this one! :D

  5. if its an aussie LOCATED server, then no, i dont think so


    if its a west coast server with an aussie label on it, then it will go down during primetime like the rest of them




    Dont believe this guy.


    EU servers are located in the EU and we get maintenance at the same box as US. BW doesnt care for the customers in any other box other than US.


    That is cause they never had to service EU customers as their games till now were primarily service free single player games. That meant that once the box was out it was not their problem!

  6. Hey to all the guys with the "xyz (smart remark... Deal with it! " quotes.


    He isnt saying "Dont put the patch up", he is saying "Since you KNOW you are not gonna put it up, PLEASE post in your OWN forums a sticky that would let us ALSO what you know so we can ALSO plan our schedules".


    In other words, I very much doubt any sane manager would have a bunch of people ready to implement a patch and wouldnt know ahead of time if he would pay overtime (thats BW manager for the dev and implementation team).

    If the patch wouldnt be implemented of course they know ahed of time, so its not taht hard to post a sticky.


    Look you all posted so many replies to flame the OP, obviously BW could post as easily as well ;)

  7. No story? What? What did you think you were doing in Outland? Or Northrend? Or the Cataclysm zones? Did you not feel strung along by a sense of the Warcraft lore and sensibilities? On a meta-level (as opposed to a personal level with your character) I actually felt more of the story in WoW throughout its evolution than with SWTOR. It followed directly after Warcraft 3: TFT, some excellent story-driven RTSing. You feel like you're part of the world on a grander scale than this weird thing in SWTOR where every character's story has to make them feel uber-important.


    SWTOR is too far disconnected from the KotOR games and the things you did in them to connect to those, so it feels less like Star Wars and more like "SPACE MMO GAME WITH LIGHTSABERS". There are tangential connections that come into focus later on in the game, but even those seem disconnected to people who didn't read the books or some lore section in a Wiki on the internet. Most people don't know who the Sith emperor is in this time period. Most people don't know what happened to Revan after KotOR 1, or the Exile after KotOR 2. If you don't have the subtitles on in Maelstrom Prison, you probably wouldn't ever realize that the Jedi presence IS the Exile, that the canonical exile was a female who fell in love with Revan at some point in an obscure novelization. You probably don't know who Lord Scourge is or how he fits into all of this stuff. The name Vitiate means nothing to you. All of these things are really important to crafting the tone and feel of the galaxy at this point in time, as well as creating a grounded plot thread around which everything else can be built.


    If you came into WoW as a veteran of WC3, you knew exactly who Malfurion and Tyrande, Thrall and Cairne, Sylvanas and Arthas were and how they ended up in the places they were in. You understood the state of the world of Azeroth (and even Outland). You understood the threat posed by the Lich King and the Burning Legion, and why everyone was banded together into the factions that they were. For the most part, the connection between WC3's factions and the playable races in WoW were logical, excepting maybe the Forsaken's affiliation with the Horde. But at least you knew who everyone was. It gave me a great sense of being a member of the appropriate faction, particularly early on in WoW's life cycle where real, organic world PvP existed and wasn't forced by some contrived BS like Ilum or Wintergrasp.


    The only thing you have to go on in SWTOR is Sith Empire = ******es, Jedi Republic = ***** good guys. Who is Satele Shan? Presumably she's descended from Bastila, but that's like a weird 300 year connection in a society of people that aren't supposed to love and have kids. Wait, what? Why is Ven Zallow, a guy who clearly died in the introduction trailer, the most prominently featured character in the art of the game? Who is he? Why is he so important? Who is Malgus for that matter other than the guy who killed Zallow? You don't know who the Dark Council is, you don't know who the Jedi Council is, you don't know anyone in the military structure of the Republic or the Empire. Why should I care about anything in this universe? What's going on?


    Please remember, I am comparing only the meta-stories of the two games. The overarching tonalities and settings, not the individual details of playing the game itself, but the things I consider more important in creating the mood and setting of an MMO, of being a smaller part of a larger system. SWTOR's system leaves me with a lot of cognitive dissonance about things, like the knowledge that when I finish a level 50 PvP WZ with 12 other Inquisitors in the game, every single one of them is on the Dark Council also. Wait, WHAT? It just doesn't reconcile with my view of the game world in an MMO. Every single character is the most powerfulest importantest person in the galaxy. Every Sith warrior is the Emperor's Wrath, every Jedi is presumably a member of the Jedi council as well. It's the kind of thing that takes me out of a story where I'm supposed feel like my character is special.


    In WoW, you look up to the characters who are very clearly your superiors in both power and rank. You are not all the leaders of the Horde and Alliance. You are not a demonic overlord of the Burning Legion. You're just a guy in the world. You do important things, but in a way that makes the overall experience feel more cohesive. The newer zones (Northrend, Cataclysm and the new old world) do a particularly good job of creating a story that doesn't feel so contrived and unrealistic as the SWTOR ones do within the context of an MMO. You are a grunt in the army working towards the downfall of the Lich King. You are trying to rebuild the world and stop Deathwing from destroying it. You have better sensibilities and connection to the really big and important events happening in the world. You are part of a macrocosm that works better in an MMO rather than the microcosm of a Bioware RPG.




    This is whats wrong with these forums.


    Someone writes a nicely balanced reply and its totaly ignored! After this reply all i saw was 1.7mil subs, WOW sucks, SWTOR sucks, subs subs subs. Like the numbers of subs is what plays the game :S



    Its all about Haters and fanboys fighting who is right, the game will fail or succeed.


    None really cares for the game, only their point. You all suck and none of you ever wanted the game to be fun. All you care is to be right.

  8. The thing is that isnt true.


    It's really hard to point this out without beeing rude to the person.


    Let me try to put this in the simplest way possible.


    WoW and clones = one landmass with cities and people on it (these are each continent).

    SWTOR = 30 landmasses (every planet) and one space station.


    The landmass on SWTOR is several times that of WoW and others. Its a massive game. WoW funnels players to a small area giving the impression that there are loads of players.

    SWTOR spreads them out.


    This should be obvious to anyone that playes the game.


    Your generalization is hardly the truth. The servers are healthy and filled with people. You're just not used to a game where everyone gets funneled to different landmasses.


    I dont expect you to understand this, wich is why its difficult to explain.


    If you want proof of what im saying, go on WoW log in and lvl a new character. You will see almost No one the whole game until you hit max level.


    How about instead of me going to wow to level a character you go read what MMO stands for and go in SWTOR on ANY light or standard server (not hard to find one ;) ) and try to come across someone while you play. Exemptions to these are starting areas and fleet.


    I dont care if there are 1 million people playing on a server. I care that while playing one does not play with anyone other than once in a blue moon cause the game is designed as a single player game.

    • [*]A FFA PVP server
    • Player bounty system, open for anyone to accept, when killed in open world pvp you can be given the option to place a bounty on the killer, however much you want to pay, and an automatic 1k added to the killer, when they kill someone that cons gray to them.


    The bounty system would compliment a FFA system perfectly also, it would make open world pvp very competitive and rewarding, at the very least for money. Plus it would turn into a guild vs guild atmosphere, and would create various "factions" between the community themselves, and the folks who get a kick out of killing lowbies (like myself) would be penalized with being hunted down for cash, win win situation.


    haha love the way you put that idea.


    I proposed the same idea sometime around BC in the WOW forums. It wasnt implemented but we had people giving bounties to cross faction so we had some fun with manually doing it :)

  9. How about fun stuff , For FUN!


    Pod racing?


    Make world exploration something to look for? I.e. make it taht there are things to explore and when i get off that freaking trail they made to run for 5 hours from one quest giver to the other, not to find a wall or a cliff. but to find a secret passage , a puzzle to solve (go Google Bunny puzzle Rift and you will know about what i mean. Trion implemented a great idea there and BW should have used that to their benefit. They were lazy)


    Make an area with easy access to have world pvp (ilum is over 15 minutes from fleet, and its dead most times. Whats the point of that then?


    Free space travel with our spaceships. Give space battles where we fight for an area with those ships.


    Give level 50 players funny events to deal with. Here think of the WoW plaque event in 2006 (?) when everyone was turning everyone else into zombies.

    For SWTOR there is something that comes to mind, the rakatta machine thingy that turns them all into the hive brain thing of one!



    Well those could be starters i guess. Problem is that very few companies will ever actually listen to the customers. They are blinded by thinking "what we have works and gets us profit, lets give more of the same for next xpack and keep /get subs rolling :(

  10. What is wrong with people on these forums?


    People hating SWTOR or loving SWTOR just for doing that are .... plain. Just plain. Am sure you get what i mean.


    Who cares if SWTOR has 100 Million Subs, and WOW another 100 Million subs? I get no money from either of them for that and i surely wont see a penny in the future either.


    What is see though is that the best developer and the one that takes care of my needs as a gamer will get my monthly sub. I dont buy crappy yearly plans either. I rather pay a few bucks more a month (Euros actually for me ;) lived too many years in the US before, habbits are a ****** to get over HAHA ), and have the freedom to drop them when they act as BW did this past month in my eyes.


    All i care is that:

    I go online to play and the servers are dead


    I have maintenance taking place at the same time in EU and US and AU and all Asia soon enough (break it up already, do rolling starts for fixes and think of your customers and make all people happy BW whats up with your management team? )


    I have bugs that need to be fixed (fix not create more with each patch to), the issue of grouping during and after leveling


    I have crappy textures and the game needs crazy amounts of power to run what should be able to with an average machine


    Issue with the engine the game was build on (i doubt that will change since a whole game was build upon, but that can be fixed to work at least properly so that PVP and end game PvE is worth a try),


    and many other issues that HAVE to be addressed.


    When these would at least be addressed in a proper manner and BW gives some heads up to the people paying them, ofc we would stay and pay subs.


    If i stayed from Vanilla on for 7 years with WoW and paid my sub every month, and moved here in hopes that i would find a game to play for as long, it should mean enough to BW to bother to at least try to make me happy.


    Like me i know for a fact all my friends canceled their subs cause of the above reasons. We cant all be haters and crazy people.


    Soz for the long post :S

  11. The haters will say anything to spin the good news so far.


    BTW I really do not understand why people want games to fail? The more fail we ave in the industry means less investors and less studios trying to make a new game. Its really baffling.


    Hey Fanboy, get it through your thick skull we dont hate the game. Obviously we wanted the game to be a success. Dont read what you want read what we type.


    here it is again: We wanted the game to succeed.


    That is why we paid for it to get Early Access, why we did beta testing, why we paid to buy the game and why we paid a month after that.


    We did all that in hope that we would see a nice and fun game and hoped we would stay playing and paying as well.


    Reason most people bother spamming buttons over and over typing the same complaints about the game its cause we didnt care?


    Its like you do everything for your son to go to school and study with him and teach him manners and pay tutors and spend time with him when he is young and at the end he comes out to be a total jerk :( thats just sad

  12. And once more the fanboys piss all over a very nice, well articulated post just cause it threatens (or fear it does) the game they love :S


    Oh well, OP you did a great job and i wish BW would read your post and do consider your points and how to counter for them.


    I also wished the game would succeed. I love Star Wars and was hoping this would have been a game to stay in for the next many years to come. :rolleyes:

  13. Manipulating facts into your own point of view is pointless. those numbers are from NOW. Not the first month. NOW. Wait, I'll put it more clearly:




    You seem to be UNABLE to read!


    Here is again what i posted before for you. Try to read. I know its hard but with help you can learn to do so!



    I remember vividly (wasnt that long ago :) ) when at release people were crying that its not fair i get 1 day less of EGA and even lots that actually bought the game from other countries and paid dearly to get it so that they play on Early Access.


    I was one of them so i know from my experience that its very possible many more like me have canceled their subs after the fiasco of the first month. I did NOT cancel before the first paid so even current data arent accurate.


    This is to exempt people that are giving the first 3 months for the game cause they already paid it, or people that say "give it 6 months to be ok" , or fanboys, or very casuals that never played another MMO and dont know what is the problem (they will learn after they play a true AAA MMO ).


    As said above, I was a fan. I wanted this game to be the one that help keep my interest for the next 7 years as WOW did before i left it for RIFT with hope for the same. Its sad, but at least i can be honest with myself and say, this game isnt good enough as Rift wasnt good enough either FOR ME .



    Now the tears are yours obviously. Cause your favorite game isnt as great as you would like to and trying to defend it wont stop people from CANCELING subs.


    Now a question: "Why are you on the forums and not online playing this AWESOME game?"

  14. Well that certainly shot down a lot of trolls.

    Or you did not bother reading what was posted previously, and feel you won a debate without listening to the counter-argument!


    Saying "I won" doesnt mean that you actually did.


    Go back, read my post how i believe i explain that numbers dont indicate the condition the game subs are in reality, then counter it with a valid theory if you like.


    Thats how one maturely debates ;)

  15. Thank you, after a long day at work, I come home to a maintenance. No really, thank you. Now I can continue my Skyrim addiction as the last days of my SWTOR subscription come a forth.


    is Skyrim any good? I hear from some bad and from some good remarks, so i am wondering if it would be something i should check or go back to Rift or WOW . Struggling to find what to do now that my SWTOR is canceled and dont see improvements.

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