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Posts posted by Dcayd

  1. *Facepalm*. This game IS dying. It is dying from over simplicity. It is dying because it was created to be as simple as possible for the lowest common denominator.



    What I suggested, while ultimately being balanced, is ONE choice in a game filled with NO choices. It is ONE complexity in a game filled with simplicity. It is a start to make this game interesting. It is what this game NEEDS to keep it from dying.


    Thats your opinion.


    I could say the fact that it is just the same gear grind that mmo's have been for the last 10 years is killing this game. Or the fact that there is only 2 servers with a decent population and a ton more with no population, but Bioware is waiting for it's next content patch to try and fix this instead of fixing the problem now. Or that endgame is basically raid, pvp, and sit at fleet.


    You think a change like this would make for choice? You must be new to mmo's. Within a week people would figure out what the best possible setups would be and then you'd still have to use specific weapons. If the bonus of dw beat out single saber or double bladed saber then you'd just see juggs, marauders, and assassins dw'ing. You are basically suggesting a game over haul that would only create the illusion of choice, and not real choice.


    Ignoring that, the amount of work that would need to be done would kill development on the rest of this game and would basically be admitting that the game is initially a failure.

  2. If you aren't going to take the time to learn basic game mechanics then don't complain when something doesn't work "how you want it to". Resolve is there for a reason. This isn't aimed at the op, just players in general.


    Aside from some of the other reasons Ive also noticed that if a player uses an ability just slightly before you choke it will often spazz out and switch back and forth between the ability's animation and choked animation, creating the appearance that it's bugged when really it's how the game handles animations. I've noticed this a lot on ravages. The server seems to have registered the first 2 hits, but only 1 part of the animation has played, the force chokes animation starts, then the target performs the animation for the second attack before going back into chokes.


    On chokes usefulness: *** are you smoking? If you are only using it as a dmg dealer then it's a l2p issue. Tank assassin casting uninterruptible lightning? Force choke. Ball carrier just out of your melée range over fire pit? Choke. Interrupt on cd and you need to stop a heal? Choke. Wanna stop that marauder from using defensive cds? Force choke while team mates beat on him.


    Is it situational? Yes. But that doesn't make it useless.

  3. Like I already said: take away the bonus dmg and healing. Fights will then slow down making it easier to see where real changes need to be made, if at all. I still believe that all the classes die ridiculously fast without cd's, but certain classes have more/stronger def cd's allowing them to outlast in what is basically a zergfest dps race.


    As far as removing expertise: it is possible, but would take much more work. Gear matters pre 50 pvp, but bolster definitely softens the gear differences. It would just require clever use of bolster at 50, but it could be doable.


    Personally, I'd rather see expertise made overall much more powerful, but eliminate the tiers of pvp gear. I don't pvp for "phat lootz", but to out play other people. Just make the recruit gear the only true tier with bm and wh being less about stat increase and more about aesthetics and showing off your valor/ranked wz rank. This would also prevent pvp gear from trivializing pve content as currently recruit is about as good as tionese and bm is almost equal to columi.

  4. I'd like to see the dmg and healing increase dropped from expertise. Leave it as just a pvp defensive stat. I think the biggest reason the classes that dominate right now comes from all classes being pretty damn squishy, but a few have much more stellar def cd's making it easier for Healers to keep them alive. Removing the dmg buff would slow down combat enough to give players more time to react.


    As it is now, if I don't have my cd already running and I get focused then theres no point in using it anyway because I'll be dead before a healer can get a heal off. I'm in full bm on my main, yet I can survive under fire much longer on my recruit geared alt just because of the CDs. A guildmate is playing a spec he hates because he dies in a stun in his preferred spec.

    Increasing survival across the board wont make all classes balanced, but it allows for more flexibility than the current "Zerg target A" playstyle currently in place.

  5. Edit: love posting on my phone from work :(.


    Resetting the break on death would help a lot, but some classes simply can't take a beating from several others at once. Not everyone plays tank sins and Marauders, and there is a major difference between being focused on my marauder vs operative. Any decent premade knows they can trash an operative in a couple gcd.


    And you can use the resolve system to your advantage a lot more easily 1v1, but in groups the dynamics of pvp change.

  6. Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


    Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


    I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


    Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.

  7. Again, if stealth is working as intended then we need buffs in other areas (either survivability or gap closing) to compensate for it. We are an extremely squishy class.


    We shouldn't be forced to hovering around the edges of a warzone waiting for some half dead player to run by so we can get a quick kill.

  8. Stances, really? I play 4 classes regularly, 3 with stances. You know how much complexity it adds to those classes? Zero, zip, nada. They are toggle and forget abilities. The talent trees for those 3 classes are built around specific stances. If you think it somehow adds complexity to the class then I'm surprised you don't think having to apply Acid Blade somehow makes operatives more complex.


    Operatives have problems, I will agree to that, but before Bioware goes adding pointless abilities to the class I'd rather see them fix the bugs plaguing our current ones. If stealth isn't meant to be perfect then make sure we can still be viable when we get pulled out of it. Fix the combat not dropping bug in warzones, something that affects every class, and prevents operatives from stealthing and classes without self heals from using their ooc heal. Fix our horrible energy system. Fix the current problems before adding stances that will probably just add more bugs.

  9. If you want to get technical, no lightsaber attacks would cause much bleeding since the arc in energy would cauterize the wounds. :rolleyes:


    On the original topic, Impale seems right. You jump up and bring your saber down in a stabbing motion, Shatter looks more like a twirling slash.


    I think you understood me. Impale's animation more or less matches the name, but I don't think it matches the actually ability affect. Shatter's name and animation implies it would do a lot of damage and not so much secondary damage. I.E. Shatter, crush, destroy vs Impale, pierce, stab.


    Think of it this way: in a movie if someone swings a sword at someone else in a wide sweeping motion what usually happens? Typically it outright kills the person. But when someone impales someone else on a sword the person usually dies much more slowly as they slowly bleed out.


    As far as the physics of lightsabers: no one in the movies has to be whacked multiple times with a lightsaber to die, but we typically have to hit someone a dozen times or so to kill them, so I'm not really that worried about whether or not they could cause bleeding.

  10. ... and take the ability name and animation for Impale and swap it with Shatter. Leave the actual abilities alone of course.


    Reasoning is two-fold:


    Firstly, Shatter is aesthetically more pleasing to look at, but I use Impale a lot more.


    Secondly, Impaling someone seems much more likely to cause severe bleeding than simply pummeling them with your weapon.

  11. For me it's not "If It Wasn't Star Wars, Would You PvP?" but rather "if it wasn't Star Wars, would I be playing it at all".

    This game is lacking in many ways, and is too much of the same old that other more established games have done. If Bioware gets out of the mindset of endgame = raid or pvp, and gives us much more interesting things to do, basically make it a real universe to play around in instead of a few planets for leveling and a fleet to just sit around on then it could go far.


    As far as the "new game": I played it a little but was busy all weekend so I couldn't really give it an honest try, but from what I did play I was somewhat disappointed. I know it's still beta, but there were things that really bothered me.

    For instance: I was playing a thief with sword/dagger or dagger/ dagger combo. The first problem was the actual movement. Running, changing directions, attacking, all the controls felt a bit sluggish, like going from playing Street Fighter 2 to Tekken. I like the simplified ability lists, but many of the abilities felt lackluster or unimportant, and dodging against players is hard because the animation don't really project what's going on very well. You basically choose to just dodge what may be a weak ability or take the hit from what may be a strong ability. And all the pvp battlegrounds I played had some mist effect that was really annoying.


    I still have hope for both games, but it really seems like 1 just isn't trying that hard to be new or different and the other doesn't have the backing to go as "all out" as they want to.


    Edit: about world pvp in SW; they should add a planet with 5 or six control points that grant bonuses to every character on the server, wherever they are. You could have a factory that if your faction holds it then all players do 10% more damage to mobs, or food processing facility that grants an ooc healing bonus similar to the food you can get from cantinas. Make each one matter and players will strive to hold on to them. The only real problem comes from the lack of faction balance on most servers.

  12. The basic reason is that Sents and Ops are two /completely/ different classes with about the only thing in common for them is that they are close range melee classes.


    Operatives, no matter what spec you go, are for support. Your main job is to pick off people with low health that the other guys (like Sents) wore down. If you're ever up 1 on 1 with, as you said, a Pyrotech, you shouldn't be trying to kill him when he has full health since you will most likely not even come close. What you should do is slow him down, get into stealth, and just run away from him before he gets tired of chasing you, and if he doesn't just know that you're helping the team in that he's so concerned with you he's forgotten about what he should actually be doing.


    If you dont like this kind of support playstyle then I'd suggest sticking with your Sent. Sents are much more in your face during PvP as their really only job is to just burst out huge amounts of damage. Ops can bring damage too, if you know how to play one well enough, but they are mainly there for support.


    So basically ops are just annoying flies? Where is the official post on this? Juggs/ Guards can tank or do massive dmg in any of their trees, same for sent/maras. Sin/shadow tank/ hybrid specs are insane for both dmg and survivalibility, and their dps trees are still good, if pretty much overshadowed by the tank tree. Sorc/Sage got a minor nerf that didn't affect their viability in any way. BH's are still very strong. Yet, agents and smugglers are the only class regulated to heal or sitting around till an enemy is all alone and at 1/4 hp?


    This is not the role ops are supposed to play, it's just the niche some players have found that they can excel at. And 1v1 is actually not nearly as bad for ops as actually group fights are. Shield probe needs a major buff and the talent in lethality that gives countermeasure a break from movement impairing affects should be brought much lower into the tree, either tier 1 or tier 2, to help with our mobility problems.

  13. And what about some ability that would work as anti gap opener? 3 sec duration/1 min cd/4m range debuff you can apply on target that would prevent creating gap between an operative and his target. For example, some kind of handcuffs/chain that would link operative/scoundrel and his victim, meaning you get knocked back - your target gets knocked back with you, your target uses force speed - you go with the target with 150% speed increase, same for charges and pulls. For those 3 seconds your target just cant get further than 10m away from an operative/scoundrel. It would bring utility for teamplay in huttball, it would be quite fun ability to use, it would serve as "gap closer" in some twisted way and it would be quite unique. Yes it would require timing to be effective but also would bring some interesting mechanic in game.


    Like the joke gap closer post I made? No thanks.


    I'm probably alone in this sentiment, but I'd give up permanent stealth for 2 stealths: an ooc stealth that lasts 30s to 1m with the same cd, and an in combat stealth with a 20-30s cd that lasts 2-4s, thinking 2 standard, 4 with concealment talents. Kinda like camo for marauders, but that we could use much more often. It would require us to use stealth more tactically, but would also allow us to avoid some damage if used right.


    Not realistically going to happen, but watching GW2 thief vids gave me the idea.

  14. You misunderstood. I think our current ranged options suck. I'd rather see new ones or the current ones improved to give something to do at range AS we close range. Boost overcharged shot to 25m. Or an ability called quick scope Or something similar that is comparable to snipe, but with the cast or crouch req.


    The thing is all this gap closer whine is almost exclusively tied to huttball. More often than not if I get knocked off the catwalks it's from server lag not showing player positions correctly. As soon as I open on a class with knockbacks I mover to a position that should decrease the knockback range. Even standing higher on the ramps will almost completey nullify a knockback, and sorc is the class who's player base is the lowest common denominator. The odds that the sorc you attack is good or has any common sense are usually pretty low.


    I'm not saying the class doesn't have problems, just that the solution everyone thinks we need will just lead to another round of nerfs. Also, we are comparing a class that is a little up to a class that is blatantly op.


    Last point: if you are easily beating ops as a sniper then you are either a god or they are absolutely terrible. Healers are a pain for all classes.

  15. They don't exist, or havn't in any of the MMO's I've played. Stealth classes or all out DD Melee have some sort of leap, jump, sprint, shadowstep ability. Its a design requirement.


    As for us having ranged abilities.. yeah, that'd be a understandable arguement if we had ranged abilities that did as much as our melee attacks. They don't, if they did.. then we'd be a hybrid, they don't so we're not. An operative sitting in the back of a fight is not going to accomplish anything, he's gimping himself by doing it... so why is a challenge for some people to figure out that when someone knocks us back out of melee range it has the exact same effect as our stun has on them, except we have zero way of actually countering it.


    However, if we had ranged abilities that we could use on the move that hit about as hard as snipe does for ops now then we could apply pressure as we close the distance.


    Let's put it this way:

    You attack Sorc, he uses knockback. You:

    a) alternate between our nade and rifle shot till you get in melee range




    b) crouch, use probe, waste a gcd not closing on your target, then go back to a) to get in melee range




    c) blow vanish to get away or reopen.


    this would atleast give us a 2nd long range ability to use that would do decent damage as we approach the target. Basically throw nade, use new fangled ability, use rifle shot, and hopefully be back in range.



    Also, have a gap closer isn't all everyone thinks it is. I've put quite a bit of time on mrauaders and juggs, and any decent team will stagger their knockbacks. So basically you get in melee, first person uses knockback, you use charge, second person uses knockback, you're right back where you started. It's 1/2 of why premade teams that stack sins/sorc dominate huttball so easily and defend nodes/doors so well.

  16. how does it work if say the target force speed runs off? or jumps somewhere? might be quite buggy too. gonna be hard to implement.


    That will be the one downside. Since your target moves so fast you can't attack, instead your arms and legs just flail in the wind.


    It will take skill to use though. Noobs will tie themselves to their targets front, where naturally the target can still attack them. Pros will go from behind where all the target can do is scream for help.

  17. Tie 'em up:

    20 energy, 4m range, requires stealth


    Operative ties himself to his/her target, becoming immune to all knockbacks and automatically is moved with the target when the target moves. Lasts until the Operative or the target dies.





  18. Just copy and paste camouflage over to ops, maybe a concealment talent. Then we could use hidden strike a bit more sine our dmg is going down anyway.


    The more I think about it the more I believe concealment was lacking a lot of thought. They could have easily raised the energy cost of backstab and hidden strike and made acid blade a passive talent. Corrosive dart also could use a talent giving ticks a chance to proc an out of stealth hidden strike on something like a 10s internal cd. Something to mix up our "rotation. " I dont really pve, but I can't imagine concealments rotation or priority list is very complicated, and I only use dart on stealthers and when I'm stuck in combat but out of range.


    As others have said giving 1 or 2 better ranged abilities would help both in pve when you have target switches and in pvp with knockbacks. Something not strong enough to be worth staying at range, but enough to keep up some pressure. And no, cover doesn't count. ITs way too situational to be a dependable source of damage, and more importantly, doesn't allow you to move.

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