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Posts posted by ovidiusflo

  1. WHEN YOU HAVE 8 YEARS IN MMO GAMES, AND PLAY SO MANY GAMES, THAN YOU HAVE A WORD TO TALK TO ME, TILL THAN PLS PLAY THIS CRAP GAME, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, its just imposible to kill one, if you are a farmer stop posting here, i talking about pvp, so you hav no idea *** is that, so shh
  2. i understand one think, you have that characters "sorcerers" i have no proablem with that character, but i see only one think when i hit them, absorbtion absorbtion, after 30 sec he use again and again, and btw i have mai main character is jugg, i have on republic the vanguard, i stop playing that class, is dead for me, dosent matter where i make this post, i just need a Gm to talk, i never see one in game, why is that? they thake our money and i cnt talk with one when i have a proablem :( and they need to do somethink with that sage/sorcerer, in my opinion, i will call bioware, if i dont get a answer here:P
  3. Ello there, can you do something about that sorcerer, because they just stay and heal, and we cant kill them, or know they are tanks and dps in light armor, seriously? i will stop giving my money on this game, if you will not doing something about that, sir, you change my vanguard skill tree, you low hes dps, and now a damn healar can't be killed. Please go 10 mins in a warzone and you will see, and why i never see a Gm on, when i ask for one?
  4. i wanna know about the skill tree, perfect combination for pvp tank from lvl 35-50, i have some ideas too, but i need the voice of the people:), players that really know about this character, game whatever. Thank You!
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