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Posts posted by Josiff

  1. Why can't I play more then 3 friends?


    The pre-made argument is stupid.

    I am saying I have like 5 real life friends I've been friends with for years. We always group for everything.

    So now if all of us are on 2 of us are left out?


    How is that fun?

    That's so lame!

  2. ^ This.


    Seriously. Anyone that is aimed to be good in PvP only sees the way that WZ's are setup as an advantage to them. I, for one, welcome Level 50's in WZ's against my lowely level 19. It allows me to gauge the class and see how well it will be at level 50 when I get there. It also allows me to start practicing and learning certain scenarios against different classes and how to approach those fights. I see a learning experience out of it, even if non-level 50's are put at a slight disadvantage it just either makes you a better player...or sends you to the forums to complain about it...


    Guess it just depends on what type of person you are...


    That makes no sense lol.

    If something is unbalanced it'll get fixed anyways.


    So if you walk into a firefight with a pistol and your opponent has an AK-47 I'll become a better soldier and marksman?

    You kidding me? I'm just going off some really loose logic like your post.

  3. I apologize if there is an official thread already on this, but if brackets aren't made, why can't they just have talent points negated or something?


    The only things I can see that make level 50's OP is the abilities and the talent points that function.


    A level 10 good player vs. a level 50 good player makes the level 50 player always win.


    I know if you suck at level 50 you can still lose, but seriously if you're that into the game I doubt you suck that hard.


    Can anyone point me to a thread Bioware acknowledges this?


    I enjoy PvP either way though, I just think it's silly they are no brackets at all. Even a like 10-30 and a 30-50 or something.


    Please don't come in my thread to tell me to go back to Kung Fu Panda's and stupid crap like that.

    Or PvP is fine because there are several things they can improve. This is the only glaring one in my opinion though. And really I hate when fanboys tell me PvP is perfect go play another game.

  4. Keep up the great work so far Bioware i love it. I got into it wave three and all i have heard in general chat is high praise. I couldn't agree more the game is so addicting and i haven't been tempted to hit space bar once. So a big BIG thank you on making a phenomenal game and handling launch so well!


    On a side note to all who are angry they didn't get in, just be patient the game is worth it and will be great weeks, months, years from now so waiting a few days isn't a big deal. Especially since nothing was guaranteed and if you didn't care enough to follow the game and its updates so you could pre order day one, then i see no reason why you should be so irate now. If it meant that much to ya you would have been aware of what was happening in July.


    What would happen if you weren't in wave 3?

    You'd be in our shoes and just as pissed.

    Launch sucks not the game.

    Get your preachy second paragraph out of here.

  5. I did not realize that so many WoW players were in the SWTOR forums right now. All i read is whining and complaining about getting handouts. Its people like you in this thread that ruined WoW, because you want everything simply because you are the customers. Its no wonder end game contents sucks in WoW now. I hope Bioware ignores everybody posting all this QQing about what is essentially FREE playtime.


    It's not free.

    It deducts from your first 30 days.


    This is launch. EGA is just a technicality to trick people like you.

  6. I know this will be flamed, but with the discovery of the PVP BG exploit i seriously think BW need to make a server rollback, if not this game will be ruined in so many ways before it has even reached it's official launch day.


    Thoughts or ideas anyknow?


    They should rollback.

    I guarantee you they won't.

  7. Why does that matter to you? If someone wants to level this way, let them. They are only screwing themselves out of the game. I want to experience everything in this game, not see how fast i can "cheat" my way to 50.


    you realize you can make a second character or a different class if you want to experience the story?


    this is a silly argument

  8. I know it's Early Access & the game isn't "released" until the 20th but I have to say this is the smoothest transition from Beta to Live I've ever experienced in a MMO. If this early access transition is indicative of what we're going to see on the 20th I am EXTREMELY pleased. Good job Bioware & TOR Dev team! :)



    Hey bro.

    There is a power levelling glitch in PvP right now. Look it up.



  9. Way to split everyone up with this ******** launch!


    My friends got in and i have to wait until tomorrow.


    At least they are nice enough to wait at lvl 10 for me to get in.


    Played alot of MMOS and this is by far the most frustrating launch i have ever experienced.


    Being punished because i decided to wait 1 week before i pre-ordered.


    Sorry to hear that.

    Welcome to the angry community club of non EGA people!


  10. Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk | Today , 01:16 PM


    Report Post


    This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


    A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game.


    We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


    Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game.


    Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


    And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


    Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


    May the Force be with you!



    Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk


    Co-Founders, BioWare




    It is a launch, brah.

  11. says the person with access. again your opinion here does not factor into much of anything because you've been given the golden ticket.


    you have no reason to be upset or wanting more. because if you want more you now have it at your finger tips.


    in short take your 2 cents back.




    All you did on this thread was prove you were undeserving to even get access early today BECAUSE YOU AREN'T PLAYING.

    When others took off a work day or planned on playing early and would be playing all day.

  12. Patience young-lings.


    I'm looking on the bright side.


    Now I have to time go to the store to get a Monster...


    Then go to the campus and turn in my last final...


    Then go to BB and pick up the Turtle Beaches I ordered last night.


    May the Sworce be with you.


    Then arrive home and still not be able to play? LOL

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