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Posts posted by Xzulld

  1. Sad to see that people are getting just as lazy in the video games they play as they are in the real world.


    I really dont understand calling someone lazy for not wanting to travel the same stretch of road multiple times without really doing anything except pushing a button. This is not entertainment. Games should be fun, its not fun just driving around at what feels like 30 MPH on a vehicle which should be capable of a couple hundred at least.

  2. No one expects RotJ speed from speeders.


    But 200% instead of 100% at level 40 would be nice, and make it feel like an actual "speeder" rather than something barely faster than a bicycle. I mean, can anyone honestly say they wouldn't enjoy more speed from speeders? And if you can, is there anything to prevent you from just using a slower one?


    Right its about proportion.


    I run at more than 80% of the speed of my Lv25 speeder. Thats stupid. MMO or not, game or not, immersion or not.


    Travel in a vehicle should be many times faster than running. Immersion occurs when you feel like the world your character is in makes sense and has seamless qualities.


    Barely gaining any multiple of travel speed by mounting a technological transport device remove immersion.

  3. Its funny to me people are like . . . I spent 5K and its laggy. lol


    My work was throwing out a couple of old original dual core motherboards IBM lenovos and cpu becuase the drives died and the warranty was up.


    I have not built a new PC in 7 years so it was time, but finances were tight so this was a good chance to build a pair of computers for me and a friend that might run this game.



    So Two 2.4 Dual core CPU : $0

    Two generic IBM mother boards: $0

    500W power supplies: $60

    Geforce 560TI : $250


    This netted me a system that runs at max with 40-70 FPS and almost no lag anywhere except fleet and clearly that is server lag.


    I used my old GFX card for the other one and so it is running a little slower 25-50 FPS with a AMD HD4870

  4. Yea my only beef is that your rank of LS/DS is determined by your overall balance of points. HOWEVER I am LS Rank III on my Assassin, yet I still have some small effects of DS corruption from my 1K DS points.


    I would like the DS corruption to be for the total value, not the amount of DS points.

  5. LFG brought me back to wow after almost a 2 year break. Honestly without it I know plenty of folks that will get bored with this game.


    It just takes too long to get a group and forces you to sit around. Really not cool.


    Leveling is fun, but I have not run as many flashpoints as I would like to.

  6. This thread will be for showing people that while meters are helpful for managing Operations they are not absolutely necessary for success.


    Even without meters it is possible to determine what is going on in fights and determine what needs improvement. Open your eyes and watch what is happening.


    "That's a tall order." you say? No, not really, after the initial "ZOMG! Look at all the lights! it's Christmas! AAAIIIIIIIIGGGHHH it burns!" you get the feel of a fight and you can look objectively at the goings on.


    At the moment we don't even have a combat log and this is a serious hindrance to managing fights. Once we have a combat log management will become easier.


    Questions to ask yourself:


    1. Tank death
      • Did the tank die? Why?
      • Tank in wrong form?
      • Healer in wrong form?
      • Heals not in time?
      • Debuff(s) not removed?


    • Are avoidable debuffs being avoided?
    • Debuffs not being removed?
    • Debuffs were removed but not fast enough?


    • Everything else being equal and everyone was "doing their job" did you still hit the enrage timer?
    • Are you as a group in appropriate gear?
    • Is everyone buffed and stim'd?

    [*]DPS deaths

    • Did the DPS die? Why?
    • Did they pull agggro?
    • Tank in wrong form?
    • Healer in wrong form?
    • Heals not in time?
    • Debuff(s) not removed?


    This is not and all inclusive list and I will update the list when I can.


    Are you going to be able to manage these questions the first time you enter an encounter? No, but with time you will.



    Comments and suggestions are welcome flames, not so much.

    Ok so a couple of things . .



    First you have asked good questions . . . now how do you determine the answers? You kind of left that part off, which really is the important part huh?


    How do you know if the debuffs were not removed fast enough?

    How do you know if the heals didn't come in time?

    How can you know how much the tank was hit for?

    How do you know if the tank popped the cooldown in time?


    Also . . .


    Speedometers are NOT needed to know what speed you are traveling in your vehicle, knowing the distance between two objects and them timing your movement across them works quite well. Its just stoopud unless you have to do this. Why force yourself to deal with a lack of tools?



    No ones fragile ego should be a good reason for not having the right tools for the right job.

  7. Technology right now in the REAL WORLD is on swift incline. But really do you expect that to last into infinity?



    With a truly old galaxy with the rise and fall and rise and fall of dozens if not thousands of technological civilizations, it would make sense that once a peak technology was reached, it would be very challenging for MAJOR advancements, small minor details do advance however they are not things that story writers find all that compelling to take time to go into, and its a quick way to set your self up for contradiction anyways . . . so why waste time worrying about the level of tech in such a galaxy?

  8. I found a way to make the game display it's own delay in a way that everybody can see/understand:


    MED SCAN ability of your ship-droid!


    1) target yourself

    2) press MED SCAN on the companion bar

    3) instead of healing, a green X appears over the button

    4) when the heal actually starts the green X will disappear


    So for the entire duration you see the green X that is the delay. And it is longer than the lag. But I don't know why it happens. In a perfect world you will not see a green X, or it will blink for 60ms (lag). But not even that, because the client should start the heal cast bar and not wait for the server response to create a better 'tight' feeling.




    Yup, nailed it. And this EXACT issue existed in wow at release. It was almost a year later that they decided to change the behavior to client side. Made a world of difference to the playability of the game.

  9. Yeah, and 6 - 12 hour days are not considered Casual, at least not by my standards. Perhaps by Korean top world player standards 10 hrs is casual play =P.


    But having Work, Fitness, Family and Dog responsibilities, it's really not easy to get more than 2-3hrs a day into the game. Weekends (off days) will vary, of course.


    Really you have to compare it to other activities. NO ONE ON EARTH would consider you a causal Crochet stitcher if you did your needle point for 3+ hours a day, EVERY day.


    Casual is playing a couple hours one night, and then not playing the next night at all, then playing a couple hours on the week end.


    I cant imagine how people think 4 hours a night every night is causal anything. The word casual is clearly subjective, but mmo gamers tend to stretch the word beyond meaninfulness almost across the board.


    This type of game requires lots of time, everyone that plays these types of games tends to minimize that aspect.


    And look, here we have a thread all about minimizing what is really going on. 168 hours of game play to reach lv 50 is not too fast. Its an ENORMOUS amount of time.


    Play any other kind of RPG and tell me took 50 hrs to finish the game and ill replay . . . hey sounds like that game has a good bit of content . . . I may have to check it out . . . lol


    Just makes me wonder what people think about any other kind of game out there when they say 168 hours is too fast.

  10. so in effect it took you 168 played hours to reach 50.


    which is about 100 more hours than it takes in wow for most people. yep star wars is pretty decent in that department.


    ~ 10 hour days of SWTOR.




    IMHO nothing wrong with that . . . just couldn't do that myself. Im not far from it, but have had to take breaks, and have wanted to mix it up a bit and level my alt a bit, ect.

  11. Additionally, how many hours a day of game play are we talking about to hit 50 in two weeks? A lot of casual players with jobs and other responsibilities haven't hit 50 yet.


    Thats what I am getting at, its serious bizznus to get to 50 in 16 days.

    If they are leveling with approximately the same rate I am, then its ~5-8 days played to get to 50.


    Which means 6-12 hour days seems like a good guesstimate.


    4 days played = 6 hour days

    5 days played = 7.5 hour days

    6 days played = 9 hour days

    7 days played = 10.5 hr days

    8 days played = 12 hr days



    So my conclusion is there is NO ONE lv 50, that is NOT HARD TO THE F'ng CORE.

  12. Think about this...


    The MAJORITY of players are 3/5s to endgame since Dec. 14th. The leveling speed is NOT fine! Now, being a long time MMO gamer I know that 1-30 is not the same as 30-50, but even 30-50 is way, way, WAY too fast/easy. Bioware has got to adjust this.


    Naw, I just leveled a druid to 85 in wow. Took 5.5 days played.


    I am lv 40 on my assassin at 4.5 days played . . . seem fine to me.


    I hit 50 a few days ago.


    Watched all of the cinematics, completed the class storyline, so forth.


    I don't feel like the game lacks content. This was a very ambitious release. It's just that I'm on break from university and have an obscene amount of free time at the moment.

    I would be curious to know your /played time on that toon.
  13. I just hit 31 myself. I'm pretty casual.


    Type /played


    If its 4 days or more, then actually Id say your not so causal.


    24 hrs over 2 weeks = 1.5 hrs a day = pretty casual, but no where close to lv 30.


    4 days played out of 16 days = 6 hours a day = SERIOUS HOBBY BRO.


    If you are playing ~ 1 hr a day, Id call you casual. People like to do things, I like watching movies. I would not call myself a causal movie watcher if I watched 6 hours of movies every day.


    In fact if I watched 3 hours of movies EVERY day, Id call myself a pretty hard core movie watcher and chances are if a movie existed I would have had watched it.


    People who play mmo's tend to down play the time spent.


    I have just 4.5 days played on my Lv 40 assassin. My other characters probably dont even come out to a day yet combines, but STILL.


    This is not causal people. If you are lv 30 with 3 ish days played that is not any thing anyone with any other kind of hobby would call causal, its serious hobby time kids.

  14. Did you read his post? He proposed two ways - one being an increased resting bonus, or an opposite "fatigue" debuff after playing a certain amount of hours in one day.


    Sounds great to me.


    Soo how many hours is too many hours? Also what happens when this person runs out of quests becuase they are getting less experience?


    These ideas would break the game. You would need more content for the person playing long hours than the person playing less hours.


    Its not a valid solution to a problem that doesn't exist.


    Wow: Molten Core

    MC was actually not open at retail launch, it was patched in a few months later.

  15. My answer is the top paragraph of the top post:


    "Someday MMOs just plain have to figure a way to drastically slow down the extreme hardcore while not adding grind to normal players...such as far more to level and a real rested system that covers all experience and maybe even adds a "tired" system for greatly reduced experience if playing the same char for an outlandish amount of experience in a real time time frame."


    It just plain takes too many man-hours and thus too much money to develope a single hour of content, so they never have a chance to keep up with the rate some people gobble up content.


    Thats not an answer. You are saying its too hard to make it a challenge for those that will spend countless hours and yet not make it a grind for those that will not . . . well no ****.


    Its just the anature of MMO's, really any RPG. It takes time to do quests, spend more time do more quests, get more levels.


    Welcome to how the game works. Maybe you would have more fun with an RTS, or FPS . . .


    If you really think a tired system to penalize players who play for longer periods of time than you is a workable solution then Im done here.


    Let people play however they want . . . it really doesn't/shouldn't effect you.

  16. I am semi casual gamer. I have been level 50 for 10 days now; cleared 5/5 EV, 1/1 KP in normal (we decided not to do hardmodes because of the bug which locks you out of normal). I am also valor level 32 in PvP with 3 pc PvP gear, 2 pc Tionese, 2 pc Rakata and 1 pc Columi.


    There are people I know who are level 60 valor already.


    I have a level 25 alt who is level 11 valor already with level 20 PvP sets for both himself and companion.

    HAHAHAHA, was it a challenge to say semi casual with a straight face then the rest? Come on you can tell me?


    I am not semi casual I play 30 hours a week and have a Lv 40 Sin, lv 20 BH. If you play 10 hours a week and have a max lv toon then you are also a cheater.


    If you play 30+ hrs a week causal isn't a word that can be attached to your play style in any way shape or form.

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