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Posts posted by fitterbr

  1. OP or anyone stream this build?

    it appears all the streams are deception. I'm curious to see some tanking/kiting action.


    I am currently leveling my assassin and build this spec. I also recommend it to anyone since you very easily get 6+medals if you can put a guard up on an average sorc or a good merc. I've been getting the paladin medal quite regularly


    I cant wait to get assassinate as I've yet to get the "damage in 1 blow" medals.


    My apologies. I would love to do some video capture for you guys but at the moment my machine would not be able to produce a quality video. Perhaps in a month or so when I build my new rig.


    Glad you are enjoying the build. At 50 you will easily hit 10 medals per game unless the other team is a premade and intentionally trying to shut you down.

  2. 31/0/10 is probably worse than 27/whatever/whatever until Wither gets buffed, but that'll happen in a couple days. Losing the movement buff isn't a big deal when your spammable attack snares all the guys around you.


    Losing Induction isn't really that big of a deal because you actually won't find too many situation in PvP where a guy is going to stand there and let you Thrash him twice. Also, due to Energize, you pretty much should Shock immediately if Energize procs, so you won't always have 2 stacks of Induction built up. If you have only one stack of induction, just getting the Madness talent for cheaper Thrash means Thrash + Shock = 23 + 39 = 62 Force, while 1 stack of induction gets you 25 + 34 = 59. The 9% bonus to melee crit from Madness works on Assassinate, which is very useful in making sure tough targets actually die instead of survive. I recently speced 31/0/10 and a lot of time I don't even melee except for Assassinate (which is 360 degree, unlike most melee attacks). I mean sure if someone is gracious enough to stand still for me to hit them, I'll still Thrash them a few times, but most enemies aren't so cooperative. The nice thing about 31/0/10 is that you can be heavily snared/rooted and still deliver nearly full damage, whereas Induction based DPS will get shut down by snare/root.


    Agreed! Nice to see someone who has tapped the true potential of this spec! Happy hunting! 5k+ assassinates are the only way I've found so far to hit the 5k damage in a single hit medal.

  3. I've been playing with this spec but it doesn't change the fact that assasins are on the bottom of the PvP ladder right now. If I see an assassin on the other team popping out of stealth, I will be sure to swtich targets on him because they are so squishy and easy to kill.


    We are easily kited; we have no protection (even with the 31/0/10 build) or enough armor reduction; our damage isn't that great in comparison to say... smugglers/operatives; we simply aren't cut out for PvP.


    Sorry you are having a hard time in PvP as an assassin. With the 31-0-10 being discussed in this thread you are the most mobile melee in the game with the best ability to deal with kiters (pull, stun, slow, spike, range damage moves, etc). We are NOT easily kited, in fact we kite others quite well.


    You are also not squishy. With a full set of stalker gear minus two pieces of dps modded survivor gear for the spike CD reduction and a shield generator you still have 21% reduction to internal and mental (which bypass armor) 35% chance to shield for 24% (I have read that in PvE at least shielded attacks CANNOT crit, not sure if this applies to PvP), and over 40% damage reduction in Champ gear. Wither also applies a -5%damage debuff to your targets and discharge applies a -5% chance to hit. What more do you expect? Furthermore in team fights you should be guarding others and popping mind control/mass mind control for -30% damage done by your enemies to your teammates.

  4. I have a question to the OP:


    why did you skill 3 points into electric execution instead of shroud of darkness? Since dark charge doesnt deal any damage it seems absolutely pointless to put any points into electric execution, or am i missing something?


    As has been discussed at length in this thread already the points in swelling shadows, electric execution, shroud of darkness, or thrashing blades are rather unimportant and up to you. I personally don't feel that the extra 3% endurance is worthwhile as I never experience getting burnt down from full to dead inside of CC. In fact when you are dieing 0-2 times per warzone more hp probably isn't an issue. For my play style electric execution is the lesser of the throw away points needed to proceed through the tree.


    The same goes for swelling shadows. If you read back in this thread the math has been done for you already but in essence: with a 50% chance to proc dark charge per single hit in a GCD (yes thrash and SS will produce more) you will not be proccing dark charge every GCD and as such the 15% increased chance to proc dark charge will go a long way over the course of a 15 minute warzone both in terms of damage and self healing. This will change with the incoming 1.1 patch.


    Again these skill points are rather unimportant to the overall build so place them where you will and continue to roll face regardless.

  5. Doesn't kinetic bypass armor as well? There is an entire AC *cough*operatives*cough* that revolves around that damage type. There is a really good thread written up on it in the PvP section here. You're correct, armor does fine mitigating weapon damage, but there is so little of that type in the PvP metagame that it is in fact trivial.


    Meaning that a reduction of X% from expertise is a flat reduction of X% regardless of armor rating.


    Kinetic does NOT bypass armor...

  6. I have been running Deception in PvE as I usually roll with my 3 other friends and we have a pretty perfect group setup Tank, Healer and 2 DPS. But PvP is a pretty big part of replayability IMO and I just seem to not be able to do much with my build. I can win 1 on 1s pretty consistantly, but survivability is almost non existant in any other situation. I haven't played too much and I could probably make it work, but unlimited huttball makes running around in stealth (which is what I need to do to survive anything at all) rather pointless because you are slower and generally always trying to catch up to the action.


    I guess my question is, is the 31-0-10 spec viable in PvE as a dps with dps gear? Not doing serious endgame raids or anything really, just random flashpoints and such. But I am level 47 and I haven't even bought 1 PvP bag because of how bad I seem to do in huttball, which makes me not want to PvP.


    To answer your last question, you are not a dps by any stretch of the imagination but I have played this setup in heroic flashpoints in the role of a dps (someone else tanking) and we haven't hit the enrage timers so for flashpoints I'd say it is fine. Don't try to pull it off in a raid though.

  7. http://twitch.tv/hanibalhendrix/b/305134696


    Video of my 23/ 0 / 18 build mixing it up in PVP , I have a prety epic battle mid way through with a Jedi. Starts at 2:30 ends at 4:06.


    For my 23/0/8 build first 5 talents are standard 3 in CM 2 in LR , next 5 prety standard cept for the 5th I go 2 SS 2 LR then I drop back into first tier and put the 5th into TB as I find Lacerate to be our key aoe tanking ability and thrash to be our key single target damage /proc ability for both Shock and Crushing Darkness. The next 2 tiers get filled up and the last tier in Darkness I get all the one point abilites.


    First 5 in madness is standard 3 ES 2 SD The second tier in Madness is probably the hardest for any assasin tank but it comes down to this....


    I am a tank first and a DPS second. I was straight 31 0 10 but found PVP to be impossible I was working my but off and geting 40-50k damage it was really sad but with the chain shock proc and the addition of tourment you can get more thrashes off which hit harder with this build and proc shock more often that also hits harder and also procs's crushing darkness it is about synergy.


    If you go into Parasitism there is no synergy with other talents except the proc of CD and then only when it crits which is alot of "maybe if theory crafting" Your shock which has increased threat abilites in this build thanks to one of the last talents you get in darkness would also suffer and so will your tanking that is definite. So I go 3 chainshock and 2 tourment for a good balance and synergy with other talents.


    The next tier gets filled. The Last tier is controversial but not really. Most would go 2 in HD 1 in Raze for another instant CC and the CD proc, I go 1 in Raze 2 in Corrupted Flesh.


    Again my philosophy is tank first DPS second. I find even in PVP one of the most annoying things is periodic damage an engineering droid attached to you, a sorc dot, a aoe fire on the ground. You name it it is applied to you, and without shroud up you cant cloak out clean so your gonna eat the damage although Force Shroud is the "we win button of SWTOR" It still has a 45 sec CD even when talented so during the "we win" timeout I like to mitigate as much damage as possible.


    The 15% mitigation CF is huge not only for PVP but any dot dropped on you by anything in the game imagine a bosses dot's hitting for 15% less each tick that more then makes up for the loss of Wither's measely 5%base reduction because it's passive and with my dps increase bosses will drop alot faster.


    That said I have never tried HD out and am willing to experiment but as the video and my personal experience clearly show most times 1 on 1 you will be unstopable if you choose your battles and have an escape plan....In fact if I saved a force shroud, force cloak, fore speed, darkness combo for escaping ganks and only enter fights when they are on CD I am prety much unkillable the enttire match although losing shroud in battle means less kills.


    In this video I even forgot to use my Crushing Darkness proc near the end because I got in a Tank mitigation rhythm but you can see how unstopable a tank can be just using spike, jolt, Dark Ward , shroud, and sabercharge healing....dont fret if your dying at first fight the good fight go hybrid and do the daily's/weekley's for gear it's misserable for tanks at first in PVP but we still got hope in a Hybrid spec.


    First of all if you are being serious with this entire post and not trolling this thread thanks for the effort you put into your post. I am glad you have found a play style that suits you. I have a question. Is your game play in this video how you normally play this setup?


    I have several issues with the game play in the video:


    1. keyboard turning and backpedaling obviously

    2. clicking (again obvious)

    3. using force lightning all the time when it does terrible damage (300 ticks? with the 31-0-10 setup you can see upwards of 2k per tick)

    4. complete lack of support for your team

    5. attempting to play more as a ranged caster than a melee

    6. if you want to use force lightning so much I really suggest either a madness sorc, or a 31-0-10 build

    7. you end the game with 3 badges. ok. Are you aware that valor (which increases your valor rank of which rank 60 is needed for T3 pvp gear) and comms (which are used to buy bags that have a chance at awarding gear) are awarded for medals earned during warzones? I'd suggest you learn what the medals are awarded for and start farming them if you are serious about pvp. Even if you lose a game you can earn more valor and comms than the other team by having many medals.


    As for the post corrupted flesh have VERY little value in pvp. A - Wither applies damage reduction for your entire team in AoE where as corrupted flesh only applies to you and B - ONLY on dots which make up a tiny fraction of damage in PvP. I can't even believe you call the 5% damage reduction on wither measly, this comment alone makes me think you are trolling. Next up the damage issue. If you spent less time in stealth and trying to attack from range I'm sure your damage would go up with either setup. With 31-0-10 I regularly see myself and other sins in the 220k-300k range in full duration games. Again 40-50k damage average in games? Are you sure your not trolling?

  8. hmm, do u guys think it would be worth dropping wither to get 2 more points into madness for claws of decay for the 31/0/10 spec?


    If you are interested in simply blowing people up then you can modify the build or chose a better one to be more offensive. The build I have suggested is optimized for PvP solo que with the intention of maximizing valor and comms.


    Valor and comm farming occurs from obtaining medals in warzones. The 31-0-10 build is IMO the best build an assassin can take for farming as many medals a game as possible.


    Wither will let you hit up to 5 targets every 7.5s netting you MANY kills on the scoreboard and helping you get the 25 kills medal much easier than thrash spamming and using deathfield in addition to all the other goodness wither provides. The extra defensive capability of the 31-0-10 build will allow you to stay alive and wrack up the XXXX defence in a single life medals. Dieing as little as possible provides you more up time to farm the medals to maximize your valor and comm grind.


    If you are team queing as the dps or you roll with a healer then more offensive skill choices are in order.

  9. I have a question regarding the OP's post for spec 31/0/10


    What stats should i be stacking?


    Power, Surge, Crit?


    I understand this is a Tank type spec, but for PVP what is optimal, people are saying DPS gear but what stats are classified as the "main" stat for this spec so i can gear in the right direction?


    thanks :)


    Specifically I would get all of the Stalker's pvp pieces that you can obtain except for getting the Survivor's shield generator instead of the Stalkers focus.


    In terms of stat priority:


    Willpower> Endurance for primary stats.


    You want enough accuracy to obtain at least 100% then:


    Power > Surge > Crit.

  10. I gave a basic idea of what a normal attack GCD looks like. What if you are stunned knocked back 30 yards and are unable to cast any of your attacks? We are not talking about a bunch of what ifs. I was talking about how much 15% chance to proc dark charge is even worth. It seems like VERY little and it is. All because it has a 1.5 sec cooldown.


    I'm not going to argue with you. As I have said they are rather unimportant skill points regardless of where you assign them. Do as you will.

  11. i tried this spec and loved it, my only concern is that im not doing nearly as much dps as i had been, i just got 50 and have 1 peice of champ gear so take that into account, but will my dps output change as I get used to this spec/get better gear?


    With full champ gear and a matrix shard and bioc clickies your damage will be good. You will regularly see 2.4k+1.2k shock crits, 3k-4k assassinate crits, and 7k-10k force lightning channels.

  12. I've run some rough numbers and it seems like power is more useful than surge on auto crits such as energized shocks or X3 harness darkness force lightning with recklessness and crit relic popped.


    I could very well be wrong, I just did a rough calc. That said for deception I would go surge and see 5k crits easy.

  13. I'm curious, for pvp with a full tank spec like this do you get the pvp items meant for tanks, i.e. the Survivor set that contains Defense or do you go for dps pieces to help with the loss of burst and so on.


    I use the full dps set minus the focus. The shield is just too good to pass up. The tank set would make you an absolute beast if you want to carry the ball and guard your team a lot.

  14. I don't really understand your math. A GCD is 1.5 sec. Dark Charge is on a 1.5 sec CD. You are attacking 2 times per GCD with a 50% chance per attack to proc the heal/damage. More often then not you are procing Dark Charge every GCD. How are you gaining more when the proc has a CD on it?


    How are you attacking twice every GCD? If you look at the priority that I put up there even though its rough MOST of those attacks do not hit twice per GCD... granted in team play they hit more than 1 target however. I don't think either choice is going to break your game, they are optional points put them into what ever dump skill you chose.

  15. What is the skill rotation (priority) for this build?


    In PvP there is no rotation you will adjust everything you do on the fly. In a team fight I get the debuffs up first but 1v1 would be something like:



    0. Target running or >10m range then force slow/pull/force speed or if 3 stacks of harness darkness and target will eat an entire force lightning then pop recklessness and a power or surge clicky and force lightning.

    1. if the target is =<30% assassinate.

    2. Shock on CD to build charges of harness darkness

    3. wither to get debuff up

    4. discharge

    5. spam wither/saber strike/thrash depending on level of force and range of the target


    You may prioritize Thrash higher if you are able to maintain good uptime in melee range in order to get more energize procs or if you don't need the defensive debuffs from wither/discharge.


    Open to comments on this priority list.

  16. 23-0-18 is miles ahead of 31-0-10 for PVP.


    You have roughly the same amount of mitigation, but you're also stacking DPS-increasing talents with Death Field (30m > PBAE) and instant whirlwind for turning 2v2 fights into two 2v1 fights.


    23-0-18 has advantages in some situations but overall IMO it is not as competitive. You sacrifice 15% damage on discharge, wither, 30% damage on wither, the -5% damage debuff of wither and the ability to Force Lightning for up to 7k (on squishies) with recklessness every 1 min 15 secs for a 30m range move and the ability to lock someone out for 10s every minute. A great trade in some circumstances but I feel it depends on your style of play.


    Also note that deathfield may hit about twice as hard as wither, but wither is usable twice as often AND is AoE.


    The benefit of 31-0-10 becomes hugely important in group PvP where you realize the full up time of wither, discharge, shock, force lightning, and force slow. The majority of the time in group battles you will be knocked back, rooted, snared, or knocked down and your kill target will be running out of your thrash range. You may hit harder with 23-0-18 while able to maintain melee range but 31-0-10 is much more effective at dealing damage up to 10m and staying alive.

  17. My only question is a minor one on your talent spec. Why go 3/3 Electric Execution as opposed to going 2/2 Thrashing Blades and 1/3 Electric Execution? It feels like since you will be using Dark Charge all the time the dmg on it is real small, does it add up? As opposed to having to having a stronger Thrash.


    Either of these are acceptable. I find myself attacking from 5-10m range the majority of the time and not able to use thrash, hence my selection.

  18. I'm thinking about dropping deception and running with darkness now that I'm 25 and have lacerate. Before i do, i want to know if Khem Val does good dmg in his DPS stance if i take him off tanking. Or do i leave him as a tank anyway?


    I don't think it would make a huge difference either way but you may as well put him in dps stance if you are going darkness until you get a dps companion.

  19. Do you get the tank gear or the DPS gear when playing this spec? Do you think it's stronger than deception for those who have no problems with deception?


    I personally prefer dps gear using a shield generator instead of a focus. For solo que I definitely think this build is stronger however if you are rolling around with a pocket healer then go deception by all means.

  20. Good post I myself am a strong advocate of the 31/0/10 build. It is important to note that you have to adjust your mind to the spec. Most ppl come to sins thinking rogues and this spec is the absolute anathema to that mindset.


    Important tips for mastering this spec


    1. Your primary job is to get as much attention as possible off your team. Feel free to run through crowds of enemies throwing out a taunt and smashing healers in the face to get that attention


    2. learn to CC/interrupt lock healers. KB, jolt, electrocute, pull, and spike are very important to locking down a healer. A locked down healer heals no one which makes ppl attack you.


    3. My preferred open in huttball is pull into the acid, spike them, then stun them as they get up if needed. If you stun before spike you trigger resolve.


    4. Spike also pushes ppl forward a couple meters use this if an enemies is too near a cliff or trap.


    5. medpacks are your friends carry one at all times


    6. don't be afraid to blow your defensive cds in order to survive.


    7. learn when to run, running can be the best distraction. The other night i got the other teams best dpsers to chase me down one huttball lane while the ball carrier went up the other with no serious resistance.


    8. Learn the locations of the healing powerups they can extend your staying power tremendously.


    9. when in doubt vanish and run the time it takes to you find a spot to seethe is usually less than the time needed to respawn and move halfway across the field.


    Excellent points. I couldn't agree more with everything you said.

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