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Posts posted by Shecat

  1. So I am a tad sick of spending 2+ hours to do an EV or KP in LFR (Looking for Raid as it is called in wow) and then not being able to complete the mission to get the BH tokens at the end. I guess I am less frustrated with that as the inability to get back into a group to attempt the ops again and or get the boss you need down. My frustration hit its peak this week as I had two fail groups. One on second boss of KP (The DPS was way to low) and one on the last boss of EV (The people were just stupid). I really don’t mind people going in to learn and gear up, but when they cannot play their toon and they have no gear they cannot always just be pulled through. I am guessing that the new level to 50 fast has had something to do with the influx of people that are gearless and clueless. And no you cannot take shots at me because before I took my BRAND NEW 50 HEALER into these LFR’s I spent a night (Just one night 3 FPs) getting 2 pieces of Tier 2 and crafting the best stuff I could. No one carried me through the ops I did my role well enough to get me through the ops. Anyway back to the point.


    We need some way to finish the weekly if we end up in a fail group. I spent 5+ hours in fail groups this week and got NOTHING to show for it.

    Bioware please

    A) Spread the rewards out so even if the group fails to finish you get something off the boss you killed.

    B) Allow us back into the ops (Even if we cannot loot the bosses were locked out on) So we can redo and or complete the ops.

    Finding a group of 7 other people that are locked out at the same point as I am is simply not going to happen. And standing in Fleet yelling for 3 hours to get a group going pisses me off.

    Anyway 5 hours of content and no rewards does not make me want to continue playing.

    That's 20 BH coms I lost this week because of other people!

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