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Posts posted by grania

  1. True enough lol. :)



    I guess while I'm here, I'm just going to let you guys know that I've unsubbed and am taking an indefinite break from the game. I'm tired of being ganked along, having my hopes raised and repeatedly crushed. When/if they do content that I'm actually interested (story, companions stuff with Scourge, Scourge romance longer than 2 mins, Theron wedding, and stuff with Quinn of course, I might think about returning.)


    I treasure your friendships and am glad to have had the chance to interact with each and every one of you. I wish you all well, wherever/no matter where you all end up.


    Much love,

    May the Force be with you always.

    Quinnmancers forever. <3


    Lunafox, out.


    Good luck Luna and everyone, I'll let you speak for me and just say ditto to everything you said.


    I can't finish the project I set out to do, which was record all the stories, even knowing that Vector is fixed. It came too late, and I've found a home away from home in Fallout 4, for now anyway. I hope we'll all meet here at the Quinn thread and the others again someday in the future.


    <3 :jawa_evil:

  2. It's weird isn't it, that right now I play two online games. One is swtor where I paid for the vanilla game and I still pay for the sub and I get pretty much nothing. I paid for a game that I still pay for - and if I want any stuff, I pay again.


    The other is a free game that I didn't pay for and there's no sub. If I took the money I spend on my swtor sub and spent it on the free game, I'd get boatloads of stuff every month.


    And yet, I love swtor and when I leave, I miss it badly :confused::confused: This is not a healthy relationship..

  3. We are not fond of sitting on the ground, leaning back with one leg bent up and the other tucked under the first with everything "exposed" as it where LOL


    It's true, I am definitely not fond of manspreading in beachwear.. :rolleyes: Default sit is embarrassing, the only time I can imagine sitting like that is if I'm trying to get my husband's attention.


    Good luck with your suggestion :)

  4. Not sure I have a kink. I just love to bits both those elves, and didn't want to choose between them. The story is rather about their emotional relationship than bed adventures, although those are definitely present.:)


    Yeah, that's the thing! Maybe kink is the wrong word.. I'm just tired of trying to decide who I love the most, how tedious. Why I can't I just love both? In fiction at least, because real life tends to be a little too, oh what's the right word -

  5. Way back when (in the early days of 2.X), before they fixed the "focus point"(1) for companions, my Commando dropped Aric as a general adventuring companion when Elara Dorne showed up, partly because Dorne is a healer, but mostly because ...


    Well, everywhere she went with Aric, he'd run around just behind her, *staring at her backside the whole time*.


    OK, she has a nice-looking backside, but dude, really, keep your eyes on the job, ffs!


    (1) The place on your character that they look at. These days, it seems to be somewhere in the uppermost part of the chest.


    Haha :D I can see why that might be a bit a nuisance if it's someone you don't want staring at you with smoldering intensity.

  6. Stealth fix til the banthas come home for all I care. I'll take any bug fixes.


    I hope the companions not healing/following properly comes next, it's gotten me killed a couple times. Seems to be a particular headache for my warriors and knights because of force charge/leap. How am I supposed to pretend I'm a bad*** if my companion won't follow around putting band aids on me? :p


    Remember when our companions followed along right beside us like they were real people instead of behind us like cocker spaniels? I didn't realize the problem would get worse before it got better.

  7. I unsubbed but before I can't post on the forum any more, I'll dump at ya my Malavai doodles (I don't remember which I shared, so some of those are probably posted here again, forgive my poor memory)








    And a bonus Darth Marr and Darth Vowraun



    Niiice <3



    I especially love the one that's linked on twitter because I'm a perv and threesomes are hot but anyway :o


  8. I vote, before you guys post, read what you have written.



       Rakghoul Resurgence on Tatooine: March 5 - 12
       Bounty Contract Week: March 19 - 26
    Check back for more details on future in-game events.
    March 5 – March 12, 2019 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 10AM PST/6PM GMT)


    One line in between, I am dyslexic, but come on, this happens way too many times.


    Musco is the one responsible for posting these things, I believe? I've always assumed he's dyscalculic like I am. I read that bit several times before I could see the problem.

  9. Very nice screenshots everyone, thank you :)


    You guys all made some very good and thoughtful posts in the feedback thread. Sarova's list of conspiracies really stood out to me, and now *I'm* worried about cluttering up the thread too. I'm just a peasant story player.


    If I'm feeling chatty and rambly, which I am right now for some reason, there are better places to put it all. Here, of course, I just wish I had some new screenshots to share too but my other pc bit the dust the other day and I've got nothing good on this one yet. *shrug*

  10. Well, I hope that the devs will continue adding F/F romances and allow the ones that exist to flourish. LGBT women are female players too, we often seem to be considered invisible, many straight women do not advocate for us, and our concerns are important too. Especially since we have had so few romance possibilities.


    I'm still trying to figure out how to advocate for you. People who are more thoughtful and articulate than me are still trying to figure it out.


    We're all working under the assumption that resources are limited, that none of us are going to get exactly what we want but we'll take what we can get. Making all romanceable npcs player-sexual is the first, obvious solution that comes to mind. But is that really good enough, for anyone? Are all relationships really the same - interchangeable? It's been a long time for me, but I'd say no, they aren't.


    I also don't like the implication of sexuality and romantic feelings being a choice. A person's preferences, in this case a character's preferences, are hard-wired (as far as I know this is the case). This is part of a character's integrity, meaning, they don't or shouldn't bend to our every whim. On the other hand, I believe player happiness should come before story integrity, being that this is a game we play, not a movie we watch or a book we read.


    Which brings me back around to the question of whether all npcs should be player-sexual because having dedicated straight or bi or gay relationships is asking too much. Perhaps, like the saying goes, don't let perfect be the enemy of the good?


    I want you to have choices in this game, I want choices too. I also want them to be great and perfect but maybe that's not possible. I think I've just decided that I fall on the side of all npcs being player sexual. How terribly lonely it must be to play through those vanilla stories. I remember how lonely I felt playing a male agent and sighing sadly over a man I couldn't have. Difference was, I could switch over to a female agent all my problems would be solved. Not everyone could do that.

  11. Is that funny to you?


    I hope they are still watching this thread and I hope they read your post, I really do. I have complicated feelings on this subject. My husband is, coincidentally, trying to make a small sci-fi rpg in his spare time and we discuss topics like this every day. I'll put this part of the post in spoiler tags because it's only symbolically related to the topic.



    My husband is a fantastic storyteller, he always has been, he has crazy, fun, funny, smart, interesting ideas. But he's a guy, and he writes like a guy. So many things that we've come to expect in BW storytelling can be found in his writing. From the default perspective being male, to hot female LIs and side characters, to jokey/ugly/throwaway male side characters - it's all there. It just comes out that way, it's what he is and what he knows, it's not conscious and it's definitely not deliberate. The difference is that unlike BW, my husband is, well, interactive. He likes to hear my opinions, he wants to know how to make his game fun for me too.


    My opinion is pretty simple: Everything he enjoys about a story is everything I enjoy about a story. Nothing, after our discussions, about the main story has changed over time, whatsoever. A few small tweaks here and there is all it takes to make me feel valued. Little things like the LI for a female pc being hot, and non-disposable. Like, just a couple of those previously weird, uh, high concept side characters are now flirty and cute because I like eye candy too.


    I'm not complicated OR special, and I require no "girl stuff" scenes if they don't already exist for guys. Everything bad that happens to the male pc should happen to me. And everything good should too. That's pretty much it. I'm not an elaborate puzzle or an unsolvable mystery.




    I don't know if Bioware cares about giving us an entertaining gaming/story experience. I wouldn't be surprised to find out, some day in the future, that they gave up caring and trying. But let's assume for now that they do care. How much of our misery could have been avoided if, when they were writing their stories, they ranked our happiness one notch above their artistic license?


    Or maybe the ability to empathize is the problem. If that is the case, perhaps Bioware should not surround themselves with voices and opinions that perfectly mirror their own. Examples of this problem presenting in the storytelling are numerous, for example:

    Vette, Pierce and Lana all badmouthing Quinn to the pc with impunity, even though he was/is our spouse and had been forgiven years ago. The Wrath meekly accepts people mocking her spouse?

    Things like this were what made kotfe a hideous and upsetting experience for me.


    I have one last point I'd like to make, quickly, because said husband is waiting for me to hurry up and finish this post so we can watch our show. I'm not perfect at what I'm asking Bioware to be better at. The Theronmancers have pointed out problems in the story that went over even my head, and I thought I was pretty vigilant about these things. But again, one person, or rather perspective, is not enough if your goal is to make your entire playerbase (or even the majority of it) happy. Happy paying playerbase.

  12. I don't know why, but ever since the beginning of the game, I have always listened to Run DMC while playing the trooper. The two things are inexplicably linked in my brain. It makes recording the story ..tricky :D.. you could say, because without the right music it feels like something is totally off.
  13. Hey Quinnmancers,


    I just wanted to direct your attention to the new guild house decos (400K worth that I unlocked from my Sith personal collection) including a new throne, a chalice, 2 amulet stands, 2 desolate Sith statues etc. There is also now a blood pool in the bedroom, y'know, to keep our skin looking young and fresh for our dear Quinn. Hope y'all enjoy.






    I took a stroll through it earlier this morning, it's beautiful, Luna. I wish I could step into the game and live there :) Thank you for the work you've put into it and unless you have any objections, I think I'll make a little video tour for myself, it would be a nice thing to look back on someday.

  14. To each their own. I'm of the opinion that things have gone from bad to worse under Keith and feels "more bad" than ever.


    The game is becoming unplayable, literally. I'm glad I finished recording the warrior story considering the "warrior freezing in place with Vette out" bug. Though I'm currently fighting against a tidal wave of bugs elsewheres, not least being that T7 won't follow me around a corner to save my life, the little ****ball.


    As far as current content and the quality/quantity of it, erm.. to me, it's like there isn't a current game. I ran through it. It's done. I guess I'm supposed to be grinding something somewhere for some reason? *shrug*


    As far as unsubbing, I'm desperate at this point to get the class stories recorded so I can unsub from this dumpster fire. I don't think I've ever felt this pessimistic towards swtor and I have had some truly low moments earlier in the game and during kotfeet.


    However, it's not just the endgame community keeping this game alive. They are undoubtedly a big part of it, but just a part. Singling them out only continues the trend of fragmenting our community.


    Couldn't agree more. I've said before it's a neat trick that players blame each other for what the devs do.

  15. I'm pretty sure based on her facial artwork that Lana is already horribly infected with something - why she hasn't died of it yet is a mystery.


    Hey Sarova I've got a quick question for you,

    how do you dress Aric? I can't dress him the way I used to (before the wrong faction outfit bug thingie) and it's really messing up my trooper playthrough. The default outfit he comes with is okay but I can't dye it and it looks bad on my black fur/green eyed Jorgan custom. I need help :confused:



    I'm sorry, not Theron related, I hope yall don't mind


    here's some more info-



    This is how he should look


    This is how he does look


    Help me make him look good! :(


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