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Posts posted by Comtyra

  1. No, I'm just waiting for my subs to run out. I'm done with dealing with bugs both PvP and PvE. It is not enjoyable anymore and from what has been demonstrated so far, most of the glaring bugs will be here for a long time.


    have to add though, once I really did enjoy it and even called in sick on Friday just to play beta.

  2. Nonnonononononono.


    u increase teh crew skill performance of each invidvidual companionz, and you unlockz teh unique companion missions, that is also unique to each individual companion. Rumors say, that teh companionz can only obtain teh most unqiue-est-est gearz/materialz at max affection, which is obtained through crew skillz, of course.


    As to your second paragraph, ya, I thinkz ur right.


    My eyes are bleeding but thanks. :) It is good to know the effect of 10k affection on crew skills. But if that is the ONLY effect, I'm very disappointed. So, it's like "now that I'm having your babies, let me help you craft better stuff!" what kind of logic is that?

  3. So what does really happen after you hit 10k? Nothing special? However, the game still shows that I gain point with the companion but nothing else happens. No new dialogues, nothing.


    If this is intended behavior, that sucks so bad. So you can romance/marry a companion, then hit 10k and its all over. They won't ever talk to you for the rest of the game (which is very very long time compared to the time spend leveling) although at one point they wanted to have your babies!

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