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Posts posted by Seraphynn

  1. Well I am glad to see that it is fixed now. When I checked which was a few days before my original post there was reputation items on the equipment vendor on both the fleet/ilum imperial side on the star forge server.


    I just checked again and they are showing the correct equipment on both imperial and republic. Thank you Adric for investigating too :)

  2. Yep i can confirm the silly overgearing requirments of the operations. Not so much the story mode but the guild master wants people to be in full 242 with augs to do hardmode ops. lol HM ops DROP 242 gear FFS. lol That was red flag number one for me. 99% of the people in the guild dont do group activities and just do their own thing so they are of no help. Red flag number two. Then last night I found out a few peoples real true colors as I teamed up to do pvp and what was supposed to be a fun casual thing turned into, "*** ARE YOU DOING YOU PIECE OF BANTHA FODDER... OMG!!!", and another person in the group jumped to the conclusion that I rage quit when i was kicked from the pvp game while using the bathroom between deaths. How the hell do you just jump to that conclusion first thing. Thats a bad guildmate attitude right there. Yeah if you join dont do pvp with these people......EVER.


    They are changing officers now because some of them are just, lol dont give a damn, anymore.


    All that being said there are a few people in the guild that were really cool. They are why i stayed as long as i did.




    Drama... I've been in this guild for nearly two years and never really encountered any drama at all. As with the overgearing for operations. Since the nerfs, 16M operations in HM have been near on impossible in lower gears. This is why the guild does gearing runs to help you gear. So this should not be an obstacle for anyone. A little time and investment you would have the gear with no issues and that gear only applies to the harder operations. EV/KP HM not required. Group content is posted on the website, where you sign up to attend. Most nights there is group content happening. If you don't look at the event calendar you will probably miss out.


    With the PVP thing, did you speak to an officer about it? Report the player to one of the officers so the bad attitude could be addressed? or did you just come here and complain after one round of pvp.. The only way to stomp bad attitudes out is to inform an officer so action can be taken.


    As with the officer changes. If you read the guild website you would know that officer/leadership positions change every four months. This is to avoid burnout and is what the guild is actually built on. This opens up slots in the guild for anyone to step up into leadership of the guild once they've invested themselves into it.


    Legacy is a great social guild. If you don't like it. Move on. Trolling this post just makes you'll look petty. I hope you all find the right fit guild for you. I know Legacy is the right fit guild for me. Social and fun. Made tonnes of friends and do loads of group content with the guild. People in the guild have a sense of humor and at the end of the day just want to enjoy the game with friends.

  3. I've been with this guild near enough since its inception. It has grown to be a fun gaming community that strives to make everyone's swtor experience enjoyable and drama free.


    Legacy has become a large guild on the Ebon Hawk server. Having 30/40 members online in primetime.


    There are clear ways to advance in the guild, and even a path to the guild leadership with dedication to Legacy.


    When 5.0 dropped I personally become disillusioned with the game and left for a few months. It was this guild and its people that brought me back. It is one of the best gaming communities I've come across anywhere. So if you are looking for a place to call a home. I recommend Legacy.

  4. This happened to me today on my Bounty Hunter. So it's not fixed. I have had ticket open for another toon with regard to SoR so she is stuck too. This is infuriating to say the least. It was not fixed with the patch as it is still occurring.


    Server: The Harbinger

    Character: Kaitronia

    Class: Trooper/Commando

    Ticket Number: 21735159

    Problem: Shadow of Revan auto completes when talking to the driod on the fleet or picking up the mission from the ship. With no way of getting into the instance to begin the SoR Storyline.


    Server: The Ebon Hawk

    Character: L'ianna

    Class: Bounty Hunter/Powertech

    Ticket Number: 21808212

    Problem: Completed Chapter one, picked up my reward at Dromund Kaas and nothing. No continue to the fleet to start Chapter two and nothing in my quest log for story at all. ((This happened today))



    Being a subscriber to this game you would expect a little better response to issues such as this. This is game breaking. Please look into this. I have two open tickets on this. But I don't expect a response anytime soon and that just says the faith I have in the level of customer service we get from the team

  5. If you are not sitting at your desktop having to do a massive download because bioware messed up then really you cannot comment on how it is to be on the receiving end of their ineptitude.


    I logged in earlier and yes had to download the patch. At the time I looked through the forums and looked for patch notes and nothing could be found. So I allowed it to continue then logged in and played the game for a bit.


    Real life called so logged out.. Now come back a few hours later to a 12GB download. That is going to be followed by another 8GB download.. and probably some more because BW messed up now my computer has to stay on all night to fix THEIR mistake. I have to hog the internet connection to get this downloaded so I can play again. Luckily I have unlimited bandwidth so I don't have the worry of going over a downloading limit.


    Subscribers deserve something for putting up with this and I don't mean an insult and being ignored by the devs. Like being given a lame flipping title for pre ordering ROHC, where players now get it for free. Subs, we have put up with a lot since pre release.. and it seems we are the ones that are always paying through the nose for everything.

  6. So it says on the original it's okay to log in.. I am in the middle of having to download the whole game because of the ineptitude of Bioware. Do I stop this? This is a joke just wanted to get weeklies done before maintenance. I logged in earlier when the original mess up happened and was faced with a download. Scanned the forums for issues, looked for patch notes and there was nothing posted so I let it download and go and play my game.


    I try and log back in a few hours later and now I am in the middle of a massive download that has been going for three hours now. Really! this is not good enough. Now I find out its a mess up on your end.. and I am stuck with the consequences.


    So do I stop this download?

  7. Kaon in republic side.


    Execute byzal before he becomes a ghoul, saving him pain and dignity - dark side


    Leave him be and become a ghoul - light side




    This always puzzled me... I find a lot of light/dark choices has this issue.

  8. I have this issue also when in group and switching instances on the same planet. The only way I have found to fix is gut through the heroic with no markers. Leave group and switch back instance. Other than that a complete log off and log back on again. Which is annoying as hell when you have been trying to PUG a group for an hour.


    Control UU does not work.

  9. I can confirm this bug on female body type 2 - I will test on body type 4.


    Please can we have an update or message if this is being looked into? Its a great head piece but has to be hidden because it looks stupid deforming and stretching all over the place.


    I have submitted an in game bug report but you just get the standard reply. So any information would be good. Its annoying when they bring out a decent looking set and firstly you can't dye it because its considered a "lore" armor and now you can't show the headband because it disappears in your head during conversations or any movement in the game. When you use rocket boots it blows backwards behind your head!


    So any update on this?

  10. I just find it extremely annoying.. Really.. Just let us dye what we want to dye. If someone wants pink armor let them have pink armor on whatever set they want it on. Will serious players take them seriously.. probably not.. Its not ruining it for other players. The way the system is now, its ruining it for all of us. Any modifiable armor should have a dye slot.


    We already have a pretty limited looks in our armors as it is.. Now they have taken a lot of the more unique looking armors and not give them a dye slot.

  11. The coins are free.. It is call free with stipulation or condition.. Like a free breakfast from a hotel, or a buy 1 get 1 free sale at the supermarket. The coins are free.. To think otherwise is simply foolish..




    There is nothing wrong here... What other major MMO offers a free race change?? WoW doesn't.. GW2 doesn't... Nobody got screwed here.. If you feel that you did, then that is your baseless assumption and there is something wrong with you.. So please.. Next time you want to rant.. Give it some more thought.. Thanks.. :)


    I don't appreciate you taking small pieces of my post and typing Rant above it. I was not ranting I was expressing my opinion to how I feel subscribers have been consistently screwed over by EA/Bioware. We were promised so much during the Guild Summit and now we are informed we have to pay extra on top of sub fees for access to it all. I am a little miffed with Bioware/EA. but as to ranting... wow.. I am not a child thats spits her dummy everytime something happens that I don't agree with.


    As with WOW and GW2, I really don't care what they offer or do. I don't play those games and I am not invested in those games. I am however invested in TOR, to constantly compare TOR to other MMO's is an exercise in futility. As each MMO and MMO company is different, with different sub plans and F2P models. Its like comparing apples and oranges.

  12. First off props to Eric for coming into this thread and attempting to justify charging Subs for not only the new race but the barber shop.


    Now, I don't post very often but I do follow the forums and this is one subject I feel the need to post on. After going through 30 pages of posts there is obviously a lot of ill feeling out there with regard to subs being charged for barber shop. I, like a lot of you have stated, have played this game since beta. Supported the game with my subscription and continued to play even when the rats started jumping overboard.


    For all my effort and sub fees I get 600 complimentary cartel coins, which in reality if we are honest. Does not buy much at all. Especially if you are like me and have multiple characters, I, at this moment in time have 14 on the same server. So really 600 coins for my money every month gets me nothing much at all. Taking my whole months stipend just to unlock one race that at the announcement of F2P, all subscribers were led to believe that major updates such as these would be free. Taking my whole stipend is not free. The coins I receive for being a subscriber.. They are not free coins! I pay money every damn month to get those.


    Now, I don't know how much the barber shop is going to cost but if I wish to change things on each of my characters, I can see how this will add up. Where I will have to buy cartel coins to be able to do what I wish.


    Subs should get these features without a cost. Especially the Barber shop. 50% discount to be honest is a bit of an insult. Yes its cosmetic, but having control on how your character looks is one major part of playing an MMO. Hell we grind for hours for a certain chest piece. So to the average MMO player appearance is an important factor. I have been known to delete chars over level 40 just because I got sick of the hairstyle I initially chose.


    So how do we get treated for being loyal to this game from the beginning. We get nickle and dimed just like the F2P players. Except its cost us a lot more in the long run. It feels like Bioware has taken our loyalty and crapped all over it. I am not against paying for game expansions like the recent one. Even though at first we were led to believe subs would get this for free. We were led to believe that Subs would be looked after. That subs were important to bioware. Their actions speak way louder than words. Lame 600 coin stipend that would not even get you one armor set off the CM, then they make the new race unlock as much as a security key sub. Then charge more to change the features of your toon!


    If all you subs out there can't see this is wrong then there is something wrong with you. For being a loyal customer and paying your money each month. We get screwed.

  13. Derelict Disciples & The Order of Light is a community focused on its players. Our goal is ensuring that all of our members are able to enjoy themselves alongside others while participating in various events. We strive to accommodate anyone looking for a fun-filled environment where friendship is key. Your destiny is our goal. Join us!


    If you are interested in finding out more, please respond to this post with your character name and affiliation and we will get in touch with you.


    Thank you


    Links to guild sites in my signature :)

  14. In every op or HM FP there are always going to be jerks or speed runners that have no consideration for anyone.


    I do ask at the beginning of a FP if they have all done it before and will attempt to help them and explain fights as much as I can but .. there is a limit.


    When you have ones that constantly break CC or jump ahead of the tank. Not know the first thing about their class role. I pug'ed a Kaon on the Pub server. The Shadow Tank that come in did not even know he was a tank.. I mean totally clueless, even after all of us told him. He did not know anything about tanking. Thankfully we had a pretty geared sentinel who tanked as I healed.


    My one piece of advice to any new players out there. Look before you leap into HM's or Operations. There are loads of you tube videos out there to help you. I would say more ops than FP's. If you don't know.. Speak up! Most people I have met are helpful when you are up front. You cause them to wipe a lot because you kept your mouth shut.. Really thats down to the player.


    I only ever left one Pugged HM group, this was on the imp side. I said at the beginning of Battle of Ilum that I am not experienced in the shortcuts of the FP as I have only run it once before.. The other three were all in the same guild and took off like a bat out of hell. Leaving me trailing behind. As a result I agrroed a group and got my *** handed to me. The tank started yelling at me.. calling me a newb.. bearing in mind I have played since beta and am far from a newb... Needless to say I said to him he should learn some manners and pay attention to where his group is before taking off.


    This is what I find in this game, most of the ****** you meet just need to learn some basic manners and be a bit more considerate.

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