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Posts posted by Thundermace

  1. We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there. It was easy, it was fun, and slowly, but surely, it took over your life as you chased the brass ring of endgame. Burned out and disillusioned from your time at hardcore raiding, you became jaded to the WoW experience. It's ok, we know this, we've all been there; you are not alone.


    But, here we are with this fancy new game. It's Star Wars! Who doesn't love Star Wars? Well, at least the original trilogy, but those are the movies, and this is a video game. Star Wars has a rich history of quality games going back a generation now. From the halcyon days of X-Wing and TIE Fighter to more recent releases like KOTOR and The Force Unleashed, the Star Wars Franchise goes on strong. There were some bumps in the road, all franchises have them, but, really, a shiny new Star Wars MMO, story driven and built to please, how could it go wrong?


    Oh, dang, bugs. Well, let's be honest. Every game, even stand alone games, are released with bugs. You are to blame for this, my friend. yes, you. Prior to release, how hard were you fiending for this game to be released? You got your wish and now it's not good enough? Oh well, them's the breaks. In the last 10 years, game companies realized the hungry purchasing public will pay to beta test games. I'm very confident in the next 10 years, Beta Testing rights will be purchased from companies, in an effort to drum up more revenue to create the game. With over 100 million dollars invested into these games, the influx has to come from somewhere.


    But I digress, we all came from WoW or spent some time in Azeroth. It's inevitable, and now here we are, collected at the gates and wondering what we paid for. It's been 2.5 weeks and you're already max level and have nothing to do. You, my friend, are a serious gamer! Those stories are for the Role Playing Nerds, not the gamers! PVP is broken, it's absurd, it's horrendous, and you keep losing at it. This game is obviously broken, because you got skills, my friend. Your Battle Rank in WoW proves this. In fact, you have 2,3 and 5 man Arena Ratings that blow away your SAT scores, because that's just how you roll: hardcore. You have pre-nerf Lich king slayings under your belt, server first on Ruby Sanctum, and let's not even get into the amount of butt kicking you did in Cataclysm! Sure, you may have missed Vanilla, but you were a punk kid that was enamored by Harry Potter, but you've grown up since then and you're starting to grow hair in places you were afraid to wash last month. Azeroth was your playground and everyone knew that anytime you walked through Orgrimmar or Stormwind with all your latest Tier Gear.


    And this is where it all comes to a head. You have thousands of hours invested into WoW. You've spent the better part of the last few years in Azeroth conquering anything and everything, doing every little quest you could find and getting all the achievements you could get because you were running out of things to do. PVP? Hell, we already talked about your Arena Rankings, it's balanced, it's good, it's everything it should be, but, it was a long time coming my friend. I was there at the beginning of Azeroth, don't fool yourself that it was always golden and good.


    So, my friend, this is the investment you currently have in WoW. You have an addiction, be it great or small, to MMO's. Don't fool yourself, you do. You are looking for reasons to not like Star Wars because deep down you know what it's going to take to be on top again, and with everyone all starting near the same time, everyone has the same chance you do to make a name for themselves and be epic. It's not so much there's nothing to do at 50, it's there's nothing to brag about. Your ePeen remains flacid while you wait for developers to give you a conquest to take on. I know this feeling well, I've been there. At one point I was the one of the top 3 rogues on my PVP server for Gear Score, Boss kills and PVP ratings. I had PVP ranks when they were given in Military Ranks, that's how old school I was, and I kept that rank!


    So, what's the point? Well, you don't want to start over, you want to rise above, but you are having trouble finding a way IN GAME to do this. You, my friend, are epic. You are important, you're voice holds weight and others should be lining up to suck at the teet of your gaming wisdom. But, again, Star Wars has no mountain for you to climb into rare air and set yourself apart from the rest. The accomplishments you are achieving are something everyone else in game can do if they dedicate the time you did. Sure, you leveled faster, but, it was a finite climb and the ladder just lead to a platform. The longer you stand there waiting for content, the more people join you on this common ground. There's nothing exceptional about being 50, and with the game being so new, the WarZones are buggy, so you can't set yourself up successfully in there. More and more people show up, and you get lost in the masses of unwashed Casuals. They're turning up everywhere, and there's no way for you to set yourself apart from them in game, it just doesn't exist. You can't sit by idly while your accomplishments, thus far, are made mundane by Casuals, blech! The word Casuals leaves a dirty taste in your mouth. In fact, all this time you are waiting for the bugs to be fixed, and new content to be added you could be in WoW getting more achievements.


    And there's the rub. You realize if you are going to stay with this game, there's nothing to do to set yourself apart from the mindless rabble collecting at level 50, no way to swing an ePeen with excitement when all ePeens are the same size. But, in WoW... you still have those Holiday Quests to finish to get this years latest non-combat gift/mount/companion and the latest achievement. You are burning valuable ePeen time in SWTOR that could be used to keep yourself above the rest of the rabble in WoW. But, it's WoW. Gawd, do you really want to go back? Well, if it's means getting adoration from the mindless slags that can visibly see you are superior, then yes! You didn't work hard for all these years just to be like everyone else in the new game. You got your skills down and know what you're doing. Sure, you were a n00b once, but, now, you're the gaming elite. You just wish you could find a way to do this in Star Wars aside from going to the blasted forums and leaving a "I QUIT" thread for everyone, and in there explain, in great detail, how much you know about MMO's. It's really the only way you know how to express your eliteness at this time. Plus, you can go back to WoW for now and wait for some bugs to get fixed. You're already 50 anyway, and that was the hard part, you can just rejoin the game later and with your mad skills, be able to get right back into the game and prove yourself in Star Wars... once the visible ePeen meters are put in the game.


    So, good luck, my friend. Elite, hardcore raiders are a young man's game. Mark my words, though. In 20 years, you'll be seeing the games from my perspective, and it's on that sad day when you write yourself one of these open letters on a forum that you will realize the raids have passed you by, and you still gotta get that report to your boss, and the wife wants you to bring home more diapers, the car needs a brake job and the kids Christmas Recital is going to happen the same night as your raid, so you'll have to miss it... you get the point.


    Entertaining read <3

  2. Just a few quick notes. The game has been out little more than a week (not including the early access) which means they are still fixing things that could not be forseen in beta and things they just didn't have an opportunity to work out completely. Will things change as the game moves on from its initial launching point? Yes. They might allow mods sometime down the road, but I don't see how its a game-breaking issue. I played WoW Vanilla when there were no mods, and continued to play WoW without mods for years afterwards so its not a big issue for me to not have them.


    Secondly, they don't need a leader board for PvP. Its not a huge thing that needs to be implemented.



    Overall your complaints are little more than you QQing because the game doesn't have everything you want it to have. Best suggestion I have. Get over it and move on, or go back to WoW.


    The problem for you is that this is what will happen.


    If you want to play this game then you need it to succeed. In order for it to succeed, it needs to be profitable. In order for it to be profitable, it needs subscribers. In order for it to have subscribers, people like the OP need to have the features that they want.


    In other words, you need need the game to have the features that the OP wants. Or, you can tell him (and everybody else who is asking for the same features) to go back to WoW...which is what you will have to do once they are all gone.

  3. Looking for groups queue ruin MMO's, dual spec also hurts MMO's, switching your advanced class later on in your progression will also destroy this MMO. WoW turned everyone into city whores just queuing. Bioware should not accommodate these lazy players. It killed wow, tor is amazing how it is now and all these whiny cry babies need to go back to wow.


    You guys know I'm right.


    These things turned WoW into a financial and social behemoth.


    If it killed WoW, then you wouldn't be using WoW as the benchmark in your post ;)

  4. If this is true, then whoever made the decision to ban people over it needs to be fired immediately, and in a very public manner.


    It's like being a special forces operative behind enemy lines -- if you are caught, you are disavowed by your own government. Unless you are banning people who are hacking and/or gold selling, then pick a scapegoat and point the finger, Bioware.


    You did not overreact at all...

  5. I edited my post, and yes i have played a tank, but i primarily dps.


    You used 22 skills in a flashpoint, you shouldnt need to keybind buffs because you shouldnt be using them often enough to keybind them.


    And if you need to use medpacs then your healing is an issue, that isnt BioWares fault.


    They provide 48 quickslots, use them. if you forget you have a medpac because its on the side slot, how is that their fault?



    EDIT: about companion, it doesnt need to be extended all the time (at east it shouldnt, but with the bug resetting skills its needed, but its not there in flash points) and im not entirely sure, but can you use keybinds on that bar if the companion bar is over it?


    Dude, the OP's point is that the UI is horse****, which it is. Every bad thing has a workaround, but that doesn't make that thing any less bad.

  6. Morons, then. I tend to have a tank of every class, in every game I play. I remember when my LOTRO Warden took a lot of crap at first, because it bucked the Heavy Armor trend. Even my Druid took flak before Feral tanking caught on. Hell, even convincing people Paladins were viable tanks years ago in WoW was like arguing with a pig.


    There will always be morons who can't look past the bread and butter obvious, I say let them do their thing while you keep on progressing yourself and your crew with what clearly works.


    Pre-BC, druids and paladins weren't viable as end game tanks, nor were they intended to be.


    I know that's not the point of this thread, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

  7. I heard that endgame dailies/tokens yield better upgrades than max level crafts, is that true? Did I just waste countless credits first grinding Artifice Archeology and Treasure Hunting to 400 as I level, and then wasting countless more mats on random chances to make better versions of these crafts, only to see them be worthless before I can even use them? I was excited to see the "...have learned to make Advanced Guardian Hilt 22" but then I hear that vendors sell Guardian Hilt 23...*** is this true?


    It's a waste only if you would have spent them on something else...which you wouldn't have.

  8. Do you have a problem reading or undestanding plain english? Its overwhelmingly against huttball mainly because its just a poor mini game. PVP is only used for leveling in this game. The one thing it should never be used for. Everyperson who uses it as a leveling mechanic just proves the fact that Story doesnt hold peole in the game as bioware keeps feeding us.


    93% of people list Huttball as their favorite warzone.


    I don't know where you're getting your erroneous information.



    WoW is out for many MANY years! What did you expect???


    The problem with this is that WoW is out there. You can say what you want about all of the things that you dislike about it, but it has a ton of "quality of life" enhancements (pretty much everything the OP listed falls into that category) that you don't miss until you're gone. SWTOR has great potential, but it doesn't exist in a vacuum. People won't be patient enough to let SWTOR develop over time when they can return to WoW and not suffer the quality of life annoyances.


    If those things aren't in there by the end of the free month (particularly a direct copy of the dungeon finder tool) then people will bail back to WoW.


    I say this not because I want it to happen (the best thing for the MMO world would be to have a second successful MMO out there), but to point out what needs to be done to prevent it from happening.

  10. Imagine this... A new player just finishes his/her starter world quests and arrives at his/her fraction's space station for the first time. He/She meets his advanced class trainer and makes his/her choice. He/She then goes to a quest giving vender and receives a quest to go to a war zone...


    He/She queues into the war zone excited to try out SWTOR PVP... He/She leaves the safe zone... and...



    POW Fully PVP geared Level 50 Juggernaut Leaps at him, CC, Force Choke, AOE, Slow, CC, Pew Pew.




    Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope. He/She ain't going back for another 40 levels.


    Yeah. Really. Is this the kind of "non-ganking" pvp that you designed us to have BW?


    Use of "he/she" may give you a politically correct warm fuzzy, but it's distracting as heck if you're actually trying to communicate something with your writing.


    You might have had a good point in here somewhere, but who can tell?

  11. Im sure its been said before but we need an LFG tool one that groups you with people automatically who are also in the queue essentially just copy wow's or rift i dont care.


    No one uses the LFG channel and if they do there just lfg no comment on what they want etc. I didnt pay 80 dollars to go back to the days of EQ1 dungeons and shouting in chat for a group that system is old and outdated. do it for the love of the sith please put in a LFG tool




    It's not 2005 anymore, and a "Flashpoint Finder" tool would be nice.


    Saying that it ruins communities is ridiculous, of course. People who won't talk to each other when an LFD tool is released won't talk to each other now, so nothing is lost.


    In any case, here's the deal: Bioware is going to release a version of WoW's LFD tool at some point (because people want it and it's useful); you know it, and I know it, and all of the crying in the world isn't going to stop it. So let's just put it out now and be done with it. People won't leave over the addition of the LFD tool (no, you won't), but people might leave over the absence of it. And when I say "leave," I don't mean that they'll quit in a fit of anger; I mean that they'll simply just return to the games that are more polished and complete. To all of you people who are saying "good riddance": I'm sorry, but you need those people; your own subscription is not enough to keep the game in business.


    There is no patience out there to allow a new game time to develop. There is no patience, because there is no NEED for patience; there is already a game out there that has all of these tools that are now perceived to be "basic." WoW is like your spouse of 25 years: you're not blown away by them anymore, but you are comfortable with them. You may have an affair once in a while, but how many people actually make it 25 years with their spouse, and then dump them for someone new? Not many. Everybody gets one month of free play time, so Bioware has exactly one month to convince people to give up the game that they know, the characters that they have had for years, the friends that they have made, etc. and persuade them to move to SWTOR.


    And yes, so sorry, a Looking For Flashpoint tool is a requirement for that.


    So are UI-customizing mods, but that's a subject for a different thread.

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