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Posts posted by myslead

  1. maaaaaan this thread had me worried

    I was only 31 when I faced him as a Guardian...


    did it in one try T_T


    then the fight with Kira, I got my T7 out and she was almost at no hp by the time T7 died, so it was fairly easy too even without cooldowns.

  2. I played a Trooper throughout his prologue and rerolled because I wanted Vanguard instead of Commando, but didn't play his new version yet so he's sitting at level 1 in my character bay.


    but I have a chapter 1 completed BH


    and I have to say that while the BH seems more fun in the long run, the Trooper had the best hook in from the prologue. classic betrayal/revenge plot. I could not wait to catch them and kill them all.

  3. I knew it was just a matter of time, but I finally saw a Drizzt yesterday. I was playing one of my alts on Coruscant and saw a Jedi Knight walk past me named Drizzt.


    I /facepalmed and then threw myself over the railing to my death.


    I've played almost every MMO in existence since EQ1, and there has always been a Drizzt (or variation thereof). :( Society is a lost cause.


    It's times like this I wish there was same faction PVP.


    are you on Prophecy of the Five ? ahah


    there,s a Drizzt on that server too

  4. On FULL server, Imperial side last night during peak hours -

    Alderaan - 92 people total. (and it was sharded into Alderaan 1 and 2!!!)

    Taris - 102

    Imperial Fleet - 99

    Tattooine - 67


    How are these servers "FULL"??? What is the server cap? 1000? Feels like a ghost town in most areas. And the numbers back it up. On republic side you can usually divide those number by half at least. It is discouraging.


    on my server yesterday (peak hours) as I rolled a BH

    200 on DK

    300 on Fleet


    how many people do you think were hanging out in Loch Modan and Desolace ?

  5. My first ~15 levels or so I made choices made as if I were roleplaying (something I hardly EVER do in games). I wanted to feel connected to my character.


    I killed a few NPCs who were real a-holes, and I saved some other people who didn't deserve a grisly fate. Then went to the light/dark side vendors and saw all of the relics were based on your light/dark points.


    I had accrued 1200 light side and 1050 dark side. I could use exactly zero relics in the game.


    Worst game design.




    they're going to put neutral relics and gears pretty soon

  6. BS . . . screenshot or no way that happened.


    In a group . . .maybe but not at 29.


    In the end Kite Kite Kite is not advice, not helpful and in no way relevant to anything here. go troll somewhere else, or go back to WOW.


    nope, totally possible, you have to use lots of LOS interrupt though

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