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Posts posted by BlloRain

  1. It is sad. I worked for Epic games on Unreal 2004 as a concept artist, and molder. I also work for 3dbuzz.com They are making a MMO with only a hand full of people, coded by one of the best people in the 'Biz" He is only one person and he is putting Bio to shame.


    When i found out it was a coding issue, why did they not fix this in R&D before moving a head? There is a lot to offer in the world of TOR. I do like the game, with this said.....RANGER ON! let move a head get more fixed. Get people in there that can solve this issue and the others.


    I know this may sound silly but what about hoods for the with and their mask at the same time?


    I was at TigerSwan school. It is a shooting school one of the best. They say and I agree, that there is no advanced shooting skills, only mastering the basics under pressure. Bio you hear that? Master your basics first.



  2. I am happpy patch 1.2 is out, some great things, but I cant help but feel let down. I may be in a small % but I so hoped for Chat bubbles to Rp, I hoped we could have chairs we coudl sit in and RP. I hoped we could enter each others ships to RP.


    Is it me or does Bio not care about any RP?



  3. I went back to wow. I think I will start some old rp back there. I like this game, but I hate to just quest. Hate it.

    I hope to come back in a few months when they have chat bubbles.

    All of you stay strong, embrace your rage.



    I did my best.. I did.. i wanted to like this game, with out Rp on an Rp server.. just not the game I was looking for.



  4. I miss Rping, I hate that I am feel forced to only play their game.

    The Rp is here, and sure flame on the RP hate. I feel Bio is NOT reading post on my issue and other issues.


    If Bio would please address the Chat bubbles issues and the other RP request that have been made over and over.


    True, there is an RP place for this post, I feel however it has been said enough, and blown off, so I cam here to gen chat.


    Ok flame on Rp haters.




    Bottom line, BIO, give us Rpers som sort of news...soon.

  5. I felt the air taken from me. I understood this to be an RPG. I quit WOW, and got in the minde set to play TOR, push new story lines.


    I played beta, and my heart sunk, other players made fun of me and " My need for Chatt bubbles"


    I want to Rp, I want to make new freinds that want to do the same.

    I feel I have one hand tied behind my back, using a mouse. I can play just now well.



  6. I know the game is very very new,all of us even I am still getting my feet wet. I have my fingers crossed that soon we will have chat bubbles and it will make things flow better.


    I am using / say now to grab others to look at my post.

    I love TOR story line, but I have many I want to run, be a part of.

    There are so many good Rpers, fans that want to push their own story... I respect that and suport that....now


    What is the plan for RP fights? In WOW a level 1 taking on a levle 80....so many non Rpers say the level one has no chance, just pvp it out. I say the levle one does not stand much..MUCH of a a chance, but can get lucky.


    What about God moding? One toon wanting to be Darth Maul, and takes on 5 other rpers and with his eyes closed, holding his breath, while singing the latest Justen Beber song in his head.


    What can be done about that person that wants to be billy bad ***, and not help flow with the story.


    Death... I ran a guild, I had my members stay dead for two days IC if they were killed in an RP fight. I feel if you do not have somthing in place that you can loose..one will start fights get killed come back in five min Rezed and make the story cheep.


    I am open to all ideas, and by no means are mine the best... lets get some things together and have fun....cross your fingers for chatt bubbles, chairs we can sit in and the ability to go on eachothers ships to rp soon.



  7. We can play the game, do our best to rp in the /say * rolls eyes*

    I hope they do sort this out, I know I will get flamed, but I need the chatt bubbles to Rp, see who is saying what to me.

    /s moves so fast I fear most of my time will be looking and sorting out who said what.


    I am sad today, but I am sure Bio will help us Rpers out. A small thing to fix. I was told there would be a togel to turn them on or off?

  8. I am not a torll, or hater...just sad at the moment. It something I will need to live with. The way I am looking at this game at the moment is a one person game or somthiing you could paly on X box. Take out the Chatt bubbles, for me it takes out RP.


    I will keep an open mind that mabey one day they will give us chat bubbles?

    Who knows a wampa might fly out of my butt to. lol

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