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Posts posted by Ikole

  1. Idk. I'm a PvPer, actually it's all I do. But if people are really charging people money to hand in orbs (and not just joking) it's pretty much a douche move lol. And ganking people at random, instead of just fighting each other if there was 12 of them. Part of the fun of this kind of thing is ganking friends. Always gank your friends.
  2. My main is a sorcerer, and bubble stun needs gutting and re-doing. They need to remove it and add something else for sages/sorcs. It's not about "Oh look the squishy wont die" .. it's everyone lol. The bubbles are everywhere.


    A general fight goes like this - Shield yourself. AoE stun people hitting you. Wait til you're on 50%. Bubble your tank. AoE stun everyone. AoE knockback / root after that. Then you can bubble again. Gets really bad? Sprint / electrocute.


    The sorc / sage class is stupid right now and by far the best healer in the game because of bubbles alone. Being FORCED to play a hybrid spec or be a **** healer is really annoying. I'd rather play a class with more healing capability, and have a chance to survive. It's also REALLY annoying when playing a melee class. You get bubble stunned about 10 times a minute.


    So yes. Bubble stun needs fixing. But that fix alone with probably put sorc/sage in a bad spot. So they need something else outside of it.


    DPS sorc/sage also needs alittle bit of love. They are good 1v1, but in a group fight they are kind of ... lacking. They do okay damage over all. It's constant, solid damage. But it's less burst and less damage over all than say... PT/Warrior. If they are stuck to steady / spread damage as opposed to single target high burst they should out damage the people doing high burst. Hopefully this will be seen to as well, in time. But it's a butterfly effect, any small change can knock a class totally out of balance. It's really *********** hard to balance every class. For example when bubble stun is nerfed, warriors are going to be even more out of control. Because bubble stun is the only thing keeping them in check.


    Tanking in this game is fine. Without a guard healers are free kills vs 2+ co-ordinated DPS.

  3. Lastly, I don't use a Naga with 12 buttons and if you see the shortcut bars, they're almost all full, with the open one allocated for Guardian Leap when I get it. I don't have an available place to put a taunt, not one that I can successfully use every 15 seconds..


    Lol I forget to taunt often on my jugg alt, is no big deal, i'd say most people don't care - just picking and being an *** for the sake of it - even though they are right. But this excuse is just... dire. Just like Athena (and a LOT of other gamers) I have a bog standard keyboard and mouse, and I have every single ability bound. Yes, some of them aren't "easy" to press. That's why you put abilities you don't need often on that binding.


    Why don't you have your CC breaker bound?


    And yeah, zero deaths in a lost voidstar basically means you tried to survive more than play the game - but people are right. It's a lot of kills. And that's what the thread is about... I guess!


    I'm also not a tank. I do big DPS, I don't need a taunt, plenty of classes that get by without them.



    No guard, or taunts? Only DPS? Why do you play Guardian, and not just stick to Marauder / Sent if you just want to smash the hell out stuff and not get the most out of your class?


    Because people can't do protection when dpsing..... http://oi45.tinypic.com/21ex1qq.jpg


    On a more positive note, pretty good damage for sub 50. Twinking a warrior and smashing people for 5k at sub 50 is quite fun. Though it's insanely unfair lol. On the way to doing it myself right now too! Highest I got was 450 on mine. Need to twink harder!

  4. Lemmi, you're an all star, get your game on, go play. Lemmi, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid and all that glitters is gold only shooting stars break the mold.


    I would follow you into the Mists Of Avalon. If you know what I mean.

  5. Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show, I laced the track, you locked the flow. So far from hanging on the block for dough. Elegy, they got to know that life ain't always what it seem to be, words can't express what you mean to me. Even though you're gone, we still a team. Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right), in the future can't wait to see if you open up the gates for me. Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh) try to black it out, but it plays again. When it's real, feelings hard to conceal can't imagine all the pain I feel. Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath) I know you still living your life, after death.
  6. Everyone has a different perspective so I'll give you a top tier, full BM gear PvP premade Sorc opinion.


    Most Sorc Healer that were strictly waiting to heal in rateds have quit by now. Before the patch, you were able to be neutralized by one well played Marauder/Sentinel or Vanguard/Powertech. I.E. You could only heal urself and possibly get a heal off on another person every now and again (this is with guard on). Now, you just die when you get focused, guard or not.


    Since most people don't have a sorc healer I'll assume not everyone understands the nerf. I went from 750k - 900k healing every Voidstar, now if I bust my *** I could maybe pull off 600k with guard and peels. The Sorc Heals went like this... You cast an insta-cast DoT, then have 2 1.4 second cast 5k heals. They removed that so now you cast your DoT and have to channel a 3 second innervate which has a small chance to heal for around 4k but will probably heal for around 2-3k. With the amount of interrupts and CC in this game, the sorc healer is no longer viable in legitimate pvp. On top of nerfing the heals, which were already nerfed once (30% in pvp), they buffed damage by 10%. For Sorc Healers that instantly died when targeted in PvP before 1.2, there's no need to target them now, just send a Marauder to go kill him.


    They took a balanced system and mixed it up, I get that. But I put a lot of time and money into this character to make him one of the best and well-known healers on the server. Only to get nerfed to the point where I can no longer keep the ball carrier alive in hutball, get 3 shotted by a Marauder in Voidstar, and spend more time casting small insignificant heals in Civil War all to come away with 250k+ healing which I could do in my sleep.


    So, I understand why people are mad at the Sorcs for complaining, because life was just made easier for you. However, our job was hard enough as it was. Now it's impossible and 8 man ranked premades which were only going to be running with 1 sorc and 1 op are now going to be running with 0 sorc healers. I have effectively been pushed out of the game by being forced to either play an insignificant class or do something else.


    Keep in mind, Healers aren't supposed to be easy to kill. Where's the fun in that?


    The problem is the Dev's listening to vocal complainers and no playing the game with people. "My undergeared toon can't give that geared healer!"...Well no ****, until I was full BM I was cannonfodder.


    Pretty much agree, 100%. Well worded.


    Though, I dare say healing needed toning down alittle, the talents OR the expertise change would of done that. Both is just over kill.


    <- sorc that would easy push 700-900k in VS too, and now sort of lost the will to bother. I felt more useful on my sniper than a healing sorc. Which is kinda back to front in my opinion. :p

  7. It's extremely lame on Bioware's part to pull the rug out at the last possible minute. It really does feel like they deliberately tricked some people into resubbing with the promise it'd be here and then taking it away.


    You're going to lose a big number of people here, and rightfully so. I'm not unsubbing, but when Guild Wars 2 comes out.. well, if it's good, don't expect me to renew my subscription. I do not approve of what you did here, Bioware.


    This exactly. I wont unsub until I have something else to do.


    I don't mind the delay in rated, I mean i'd rather wait for cross realm before doing rated. Because it would really suck with so few people actively PvPing in large groups. But damn, pulling this and not telling people until right before 1.2? I am quite sure SWTOR will lose a lot of credibility AND customers over this sham. A shame really, I enjoy this game. But it needs a lot of work, which apparently the developers can't seem to manage.


    (There's a good chance this could even be seen as a con / fraud. Trolololol gimme u'r monies sirs)

  8. The nerf isn't close to as bad as people making out. If you take the talent point it reduces health lost by 4% when consumption used. Then you have the 4 set bonus to restore 3% hp after you use consumption. So that's 7% health less when consumption is used.....


    All this throwing the toys out of the pram over this is insane, I am more concerned about the loss "haste" on force bending... even then it's gunna reduce force, so when we are not being focused we use Dark Infusion (at a force reduction with the new force bending - goes a way to managing your force lol!) and if you are being focused you will be forced to use dark heal and the increased crit chance it gets from force bending.


    Are we getting yes? Yes, and rightfully so. Is it game breaking? Hellllll no, stop being little girls. Sorcerers will still be the best healers I think. (Maybe the odd operative will Dominate, but it's really rare to see a decent ops healer. Though with the concealment nerfs that might change!)

  9. stop crying ok... I just tested post 1.2 specs and I still hit 400k+ dge n 120k+ heal. Sure dge might drop like 100k but in wzs we still the best. Now 1v1 is another story, but it's clear to me that bio ware is balancing around wz statistics only.


    You realise 400k isn't that high? lol


    I don't even DPS, I heal. I respec to DPS for 1 day and average 500-700k in games like VS without knowing what I am doing.


    So I do think the hybrid spec needed tuning down, just not destroyed entirely lol. I think a longer cooldown on CL would of gone a long way to tunning the class instead of utterly destroying them.


    With the nerf of hybrid spec they really need to buff one of the other specs though, I will give you that.


    PS - I seen a screen shot of a sorc doing 950k damage in a WZ and he had no keybindings beyond 1-= so I assume he is a clicker. Trololol.

  10. "lum

    Chests on Ilum now respawn less frequently to reduce potential gains from farming."




    Sooo, which of the devs is trolling? Is it the same guy who made sniper set bonuses?

  11. I'd like some kind of rating system personally, I wouldn't even want rewards for it. But right now Warzones are just a mess. People suck. I'd like 8 on 8 with rating for the challenge / enjoyment / competetiveness alone. 'cos people REALLY suck.


    Arena? Not bothered. Extra rewards? Naw. Dun care about items. Only reason to gear up is so I am not outgeared.


    WTB competitive games that require attention, effort, team work.

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